Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on February 20, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Every week President Bush goes before pre screened audiences to pitch one of his policies. It could be his immigration policy or his tax policy or his energy policy or his solution to the lack of health care or his rational for wire taps or the Iraq war or how to fix Social Security. The results are the same-The vast majority does not want what Bush is selling. He believes by telling us again with different words that people will say, YES Mr. President. He does not seem to grasp it is the substance of what he is proposing not the SPIN or the audience he is addressing.

Some years ago I was a bank officer and learned that many bank vaults have "Time Locks" that prevent the vault from being opened during certain times. Bush is like a banker that goes to various banks at the times when the time locks will NOT allow anyone to open the vault door. He uses different combinations at each bank with the same result- The door does not open. WHEN WILL BUSH LEARN it is his MESSAGE that is the problem?

on Feb 20, 2006
Some years ago I was a bank officer and learned that many bank vaults have "Time Locks" that prevent the vault from being opened during certain times. Bush is like a banker that goes to various banks at the times when the time locks will NOT allow anyone to open the vault door. He uses different combinations at each bank with the same result- The door does not open. WHEN WILL BUSH LEARN it is his MESSAGE that is the problem?

If it weren't for both of you being men, you both would be a great couple with so many things in common. Are you sure you 2 are not related? It's amazing how you can describe Bush as if you were talking about yourself. I bet you can even use a poster of him as a mirror. Is this the best you can do now?

BTW I recommend you, too, try opening the vault when the timer is not on. As you said so well here "it is his MESSAGE that is the problem", use what you preach.
on Feb 20, 2006

If you know about me and my background you would know that I am NOTHING like Bush. I earned what I have- no one gave it to me or opened the door. I have successfully run the organizations I was responsible for unlike George. I served my country- Attended drills, served on Active Duty for 5.5 yeas and obeyed the orders I was given. When I saw things were not achieving the results, I reviewed the choices I had made and altered the course to achieve the results. I did not use drugs or Booze. These are just a few differences.
on Feb 20, 2006
My message may not resonate with some of the bloggers on this site but does resonate with 65-70% of Americans according to all the polls.
on Feb 20, 2006
As the ancients who killed the messenger, JU is quick to put down the COL but unwilling to ferret the cacophonous resonance of the The Messenger we call our president. Nonetheless, COL, take Tex Wahine's advice and get a personality that's less abrasive.[Of course, I'm not one you'd care to emulate.]
on Feb 20, 2006
Resonate away. I can only guess you get off on your points ticker.
on Feb 21, 2006
If you know about me and my background you would know that I am NOTHING like Bush. I earned what I have- no one gave it to me or opened the door. I have successfully run the organizations I was responsible for unlike George. I served my country- Attended drills, served on Active Duty for 5.5 yeas and obeyed the orders I was given. When I saw things were not achieving the results, I reviewed the choices I had made and altered the course to achieve the results. I did not use drugs or Booze. These are just a few differences.

What gave you the idea that I had any interest in what you did not have in common with Bush? In the words of Biff from Back To The Future " hello (knocking his head)..., hello, anybody home? Think McFly(Col) think". Your stupidity is showing Col. Hey another thing in common with Bush. That and the fact that you both are military. I should just make a list and pass it around.

As the ancients who killed the messenger, JU is quick to put down the COL but unwilling to ferret the cacophonous resonance of the The Messenger we call our president. Nonetheless, COL, take Tex Wahine's advice and get a personality that's less abrasive.[Of course, I'm not one you'd care to emulate.]


Funny, since you are JU as well. Not that I care what you think when you start talking mumble jumble. You usually are a very smart person when you write articles, but once in a while you let this part of you brain take over.