Every week President Bush goes before pre screened audiences to pitch one of his policies. It could be his immigration policy or his tax policy or his energy policy or his solution to the lack of health care or his rational for wire taps or the Iraq war or how to fix Social Security. The results are the same-The vast majority does not want what Bush is selling. He believes by telling us again with different words that people will say, YES Mr. President. He does not seem to grasp it is the substance of what he is proposing not the SPIN or the audience he is addressing.
Some years ago I was a bank officer and learned that many bank vaults have "Time Locks" that prevent the vault from being opened during certain times. Bush is like a banker that goes to various banks at the times when the time locks will NOT allow anyone to open the vault door. He uses different combinations at each bank with the same result- The door does not open. WHEN WILL BUSH LEARN it is his MESSAGE that is the problem?