Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
GAO tested the security at our major airports by trying to smuggle Bomb making materials on the planes. Of the 21 airports tested NOT ONE stopped the material!
In addition the Bush Administration has approved foreign government affiliated companies to take over the operation of our Airports. Have Bush and the members of his administration taken leave of their senses? There is almost NOTHING that this President and the people he has appointed are doing to help our country. There has not been as complete a failure of an administration in modern history. Even his most loyal supporters can not believe how inept he and his subordinated are operating this government. WHAT WILL BE HIS NEXT SCREW UP? I hope all that voted for this man are proud of your vote.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 18, 2006
OMG, i just realized my back door is unlocked. How DARE the Bush administration not see to the security of my back door!!!

I find it funny that the party that was the first to blame the Bush administration for stoking fears for political effect are the ones ranting about how 'in danger' we are now that it is an election year.
on Mar 18, 2006
They are batting 1.000 in pissing you off.
on Mar 19, 2006
The issue is we have is a President who has appointed his underlings and is shown incapable of doing ANYTHING well. WE are not talking about locking the back door of our home. That is our responsibility. We are talking about the security of our Airports and ports. The way the rest of the world gets into our country. After four years and many Billions of dollars to have such a failure shows that Bush and the people he has selected to run our government are incompetent.

Please document what this administration has done PROPERLY!
on Mar 19, 2006
For a Republican, you are the perfect Democrat, Gene.
on Mar 19, 2006
No I am a Republican that is not afraid to call a spade a spade. We have a President that is incompetent regardless of his party affiliation! The problem with too many so called Republicans is that their blind loyalty to the person does not allow them to see the way our government is being run. My loyalty is to what is BEST for America not George W. Bush or the current GOP leadership!
on Mar 19, 2006

here is a nickle and an answer to your question.  Yes, it makes you go coronary on us!  maybe if we revoke 26, and re-elect him, or even elect Jeb, you will explode?

if you ever do get a real life, maybe some of us will take you seriously.  But here is your nickle, and buh-bye!  Sorry, I dont talk to cartoon characters.

on Mar 19, 2006
No I am a Republican

LIKE HE** YOU'RE A REPUBLICAN! You sound "more" like a democrat every day.
on Mar 20, 2006
As usual you do not know what you are talking about. When I look at what the current GOP leadership has done I can see it has NOT been good for the majority of Americans nor the long term health of this country. Only a small portion of Americans are better off while the vast majority is not. About 2/3 of Americans do not agree with the policies we are following but Bush and the GOP leadership push on with the same old approach. Bush and the GOP leadership do not get it-- Their policies ARE NOT WORKING and the vast majority DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE POLICIES!

I have asked which of the major issues has improved during the past five years under the Bush/GOP leadership. NOT ONE MAJOR ISSUE HAS IMPROVED. They have ALL gotten MUCH worse. I have posted samples of actual data from Jan 2001 and Dec 2005 that prove what I have been saying.
on Mar 20, 2006
This is not a failing of Bush. You see he is not in charge of hiring the moron that let the bomb making material pass through. The screeners are the ones at fault. They were hired to do a job and they fail consistently.

I have a scarier thought for you. Thursday, I hopped on a chartered flight. I carried my bag aboard the plane without it going through any type of screening. I could have been caring drugs or any deadly substance. The folks in the little terminal barely even got off of their asses to see that we had walked in.

Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush ... go ahead for that is all you know. The real problem lies in the people who are paid to protect our airports and don't.
on Mar 20, 2006
Col, did it ever occure to you to blame the imcompetent people working at our airports? Did it ever occure to you to blame the companies that do the checking and security? That is your problem, you skip the real reason to get to Bush. If you only make an article that pointed out how bad these security companies are and that we should be changing them then maybe you wouldn't be bashed on your articles. Instead you chopse to blame Bush because he gave the money to better the security.

If we go by your analogy, then we can put you in jail for the crimes of you children, regardless of age, because it was your responsability.

When ever people are depended on to do a job there is always the lazy factor, the trusting factor. The lazy factor is that the job is not that hard working and so they get acostume to sitting around more often than they check luggage, and so they do a quick check just to get it out of the way. Thats when the trusting factor comes in, most of these people probably think that terrorist will not be stupid enough to try to brin bombs or bomb making materials because they are checking the luggage and so they don't think there will be any in the so they do not do proper checks. n top of that they probably do not get paid to well and they have to interact with hundreds and maybe thousands of people a day, most with attitud problems because they had to get to the airport hours early, their afraid they gonna be late, they don't like strangers looking inside their luggage and do not like the idea of being treated like terrorist specially when they are American citizens.

You see Col, you lack information. You do not know the kinds of things these people go thru everydays. You don't know hwat the job is like, otherwise you would not be writting this article. You always jump the gun before doing your research.

If you gonna blame someone, blame the employees who did not catch the bamb making materials and blame the security companies for having incompetent employees and managers and blame the airports for not making sure the security comapnies were doing their jobs. Then you ask the Gov't to make sure thinsg are done write.
on Mar 20, 2006
#9 by just john
Monday, March 20, 2006

Ironic that you wrote almost exactly what I wrote yet I can't say it in few words. I envy you. LOL.
on Mar 20, 2006
Yes Bush has done everything right. That is why 8 million come into the country illegally. We had the lack of response to Katrina even though Bush was told what would happen BEFORE the storm. We have doubled the trade deficit and most of it is China which Bush approved. We have a $600 Billion annual deficit due to the tax and spend policies of Bush and the GOP. We are more dependent of foreign oil and it only took Bush 5 years to realize we are addicted to oil. We are no closer to a solution to solving the funding problems of Social Security and have made Medicare worse with the Drug plan that Bush and the GOP FAILED to fund. The No Child left Behind, the Bush plan has done NOTHING to improve education and which he under funded by over $20 Billion so far. The Iraq War which is a disaster and is 100 % Bush. Tell us just how great an idiot we have in the White House. Add Cheney and you have Mutt and Jeff.
on Mar 20, 2006
Gene ... it appears you have diarrhea. You seem to have crapped all over your own blog.

*Gene stomps around the room beating his tired old drum*

I just don't get you. I have already debated with you when it comes to Karina yet you still fail to see that if the local government had done their job, there would have been no one to rescue because they would have all been evacuated.

Americans are dependant on oil just like fat people are dependant on french fries. We like to jump in the car and run to the store everytime we need something. Maybe in your world we would all need to get government approval to take such a trip. That way the government could dictate how much oil we use. Hell, let's just use ration stamps!

BTW, you know we were depentdant on foriegn oil long before Bush. The errors of the past are not so easily corrected.

One more thing, I don't know if I agree with you on the idiot in the White House, but I sure do know what kind of idiot we have right here at Joe User. Have a nice day !
on Mar 20, 2006
This Blog asks the question, is there anything the Bush Administration can do? I have just listed a series of issues that indicated they can not do ANYTHING right? Which item on my list demonstrates they are competent?The oil issue is a great place to look at how well Bush has done. If he had continued the Cafe standards we would have cars and SUV’s that would be getting much better mileage and would be using far less oil. If he has supported bio fuels and used some of the money he gave to his rich supporters to fund the development of alternate energy sources we would be much better off. What he did was to have big oil create a Christmas tree of tax cuts so they could increase their profits even more then they are today. He stands up and defends the oil company profits while giving them another $12 Billion in tax cuts last year. The CNN special last night on the energy issue was a great example of how big a failure Bush is as President.
on Mar 20, 2006
Which item on my list demonstrates they are competent?

Depends on which Bush hating drum you are beating today Gene. I find it very hard to take you seriously when you won’t even concede to excellent logic.

i.e. There would not have been tens of thousands of people to rescue from New Orleans if the local government had done its job and evacuated them before the storm.

That is a statement with excellent logic behind it. Yet, you still blame it all on Bush.
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