Debt limit now at $9 Trillion!
President Bush has repeated his insistence that his tax cuts be made permanent. At the very same time OMB has estimated that the deficit in 2006 will top $425 Billion after subtracting $175 Billion in Social Security and Medicare surplus. That means Bush intends to BORROW the money to continue his tax cuts! There is no money in the budget from which these tax cuts are being paid. They are adding to the annual budget deficit by reducing the federal tax revenue. WHO in their right mind would BORROW money, pay interest on that money to grant tax cuts to people THAT DO NOT NEED THE MONEY FRON THE TAX CUTS?
In 2001 Bush told us over the next ten years there was this $5.7 Trillion projected Surplus and the American taxpayer was being OVER TAXED. Since there NEVER was ANY surplus, WHY does he insist in borrowing money so he can continue his tax cuts to a group of people that DO NOT NEED THE ADDED MONEY? It is time for Congress to say NO to any further increase in the Debt Limit. As it now stands, Bush can drive the national debt up to $9 Trillion. It was $5.7 Trillion when he took office!