Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The AP story of Abdul Rahman who converted from being Moslem to being a Christian must be put to death under Islamic Law. There are only two exceptions for ANY male that has done what he has done. Be declared insane or recant his conversion to Christianity. He was arrested for possessing a Bible. This story shows the utter folly of the U. S. trying to spread democracy in the Moslem World. We do not get it that for Moslems their religious beliefs are the MOST important part of their life and they DO NOT separate their religious beliefs from their secular life.

The simple fact is that the principals of Democracy and Islamic Law are diametrically opposed. Yesterday Bush admitted that this story was very troubling. How can we ask our young people to sacrifice their lives to support a society that totally rejects the most basic freedoms that our Democratic Society are based upon? This is just another example of how misguided the Bush policies are in the Moslem World! We can NOT supplant our democratic principals for Islamic Law in the Moslem world.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Mar 26, 2006
To force our beliefs and our Constitution on another country, then say that you must agree with our policies seems alot like Imperialism to me.
on Mar 27, 2006
What we can not do is support a government that would put to death a person because they chose to change their religious belief from Islam to another belief. I do not care what any other country does; we have certain basic freedoms that are not optional. To embrace ANY government that would kill a member of their society because they would not accept a particular religion is unacceptable.

Bush is now faced with either violating the most basic principals of freedom or continue to support a government that violates those most basic freedoms. He can not have it both ways. He can not stand up as he does and lecture the world that America has a responsibility to promote these universal freedoms as Bush puts it and then support governments that violate those same universal freedoms. As he said you are either with us or against us. So far the three new governments in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine are AGINST US!
on Mar 27, 2006
Looks like Afghanistan is a democracy, Gene - they're letting the guy go.

And you know perfectly well what Bush means by "with-us-or-against-us" - in the war on terror. When you have no answer you invent one, out of thin air.
on Mar 28, 2006
What we can not do is support a government that would put to death a person because they chose to change their religious belief from Islam to another belief. I do not care what any other country does; we have certain basic freedoms that are not optional. To embrace ANY government that would kill a member of their society because they would not accept a particular religion is unacceptable.

Bush is now faced with either violating the most basic principals of freedom or continue to support a government that violates those most basic freedoms. He can not have it both ways. He can not stand up as he does and lecture the world that America has a responsibility to promote these universal freedoms as Bush puts it and then support governments that violate those same universal freedoms. As he said you are either with us or against us. So far the three new governments in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine are AGINST US!

I'm sorry but, you sir (spelled with a "c") are a flaming idiot that can not see beyond his hatred of the President. Universal freedoms include CHOICE! Which means they get to choose both their form of religious government. The key word is "WE" in this statement:" we have certain basic freedoms that are not optional". THEY ARE NOT US! We can not/should not/ WILL NOT tell them how to run their lives! We are there to make sure they have their choices. "If" they do not wish to include religious freedom in their new form of government then that is THEIR CHOICE to make. Not yours, not mine, not our government, THEIRS! Get it now, or do I need to draw it in crayon for you as per usual?
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