Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The AP story of Abdul Rahman who converted from being Moslem to being a Christian must be put to death under Islamic Law. There are only two exceptions for ANY male that has done what he has done. Be declared insane or recant his conversion to Christianity. He was arrested for possessing a Bible. This story shows the utter folly of the U. S. trying to spread democracy in the Moslem World. We do not get it that for Moslems their religious beliefs are the MOST important part of their life and they DO NOT separate their religious beliefs from their secular life.

The simple fact is that the principals of Democracy and Islamic Law are diametrically opposed. Yesterday Bush admitted that this story was very troubling. How can we ask our young people to sacrifice their lives to support a society that totally rejects the most basic freedoms that our Democratic Society are based upon? This is just another example of how misguided the Bush policies are in the Moslem World! We can NOT supplant our democratic principals for Islamic Law in the Moslem world.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 23, 2006
"We do not get it that for Moslems their religious beliefs are the MOST important part of their life and they DO NOT separate their religious beliefs from their secular life."

What does Democracy have to do with this? We have our laws, they have theirs. I differ with theirs, but that doesn't mean those laws have been imposed by totalitarian rule. You obviously believe that you can't impose restrictions on religious practice in a Democracy. You'll find that we do it right here in the US.

You've bitten off more than you can chew here. Sharia law is "Islamic" in pretense, but you'll find if you bother to learn about it that it also defies the Koran in certain spots. It isn't religious law, it is civil law made in the name of religion, much as the Catholic Church oppressed people in the Middle Ages.

I think your assertion that Muslims can't appreciate Democracy is idiotic and bigoted, since many nations with large Muslim populations are Democracies. Sharia law is a stain on the world, I'll agree with you there, but nations that rule using it are a tiny minority. The fact that you are willing to smear Muslims to make yet another empty statement about Bush just shows that you don't really care about any of these issues, they're just tools in your ongoing war.
on Mar 23, 2006
Christians once killed fellow Christians for converting to another religion. Jews did too, a long time ago.

It is no surprise that Muslims have the same problem.

But to assume that it is somehow clear that they cannot change is bigoted.

on Mar 23, 2006

When Islamic Law puts people to death for exercising FREEDOM of religion, it is NOT compatible with Democracy!
on Mar 23, 2006
"Gene", somebody as well read as you must certainly know that freedom of religion is recognized by the US constitution and not an integral feature of democracy.
on Mar 23, 2006
"When Islamic Law puts people to death for exercising FREEDOM of religion, it is NOT compatible with Democracy!"

That's simply not true.

Main Entry: de·moc·ra·cy
Pronunciation: di-'mä-kr&-sE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -cies
Etymology: Middle French democratie, from Late Latin democratia, from Greek dEmokratia, from dEmos + -kratia -cracy
1 a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
2 : a political unit that has a democratic government
3 capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S.
4 : the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority
5 : the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges

You've made two mistakes. You've implied that the Muslim faith can't function in a Democracy, and you've totally misstated what Democracy is. Such are the lengths you're willing to go to in order to make a stab at your white whale.

What about Muslims that move to the US with a half-dozen wives? Is their religious belief being trodden upon by "Democracy"? What about white supremacists who have to deal with being deemed "hateful" when they state their related religious beliefs in places like Canada? Is Canada not a Democracy?
on Mar 23, 2006
AHHHAAAAHHHAAAAHHHAAAAHHAAAA! Col, you just made me laugh my ass off. How the HELL you can blame this on Bush is beyond me! This is the same "religion of peace" you guys call "freedom fighters" and "patriots" that has been responsible for enacting the laws that make this man eligible for the death penalty. You can't have it both ways.
on Mar 23, 2006
How the HELL you can blame this on Bush is beyond me!
COL isn't blaming Bush for this atrocity; he cites Bush himself found it troubling. Give COL his due, even though he used it as an illustration to show how misguided the president is. Don't let the messager get in your way of common sense.
on Mar 23, 2006
Eh, I'd have to differ, steve. The last line pretty much sums up the post:

"This is just another example of how misguided the Bush policies are in the Moslem World! We can NOT supplant our democratic principals for Islamic Law in the Moslem world."

Granted, this guy would have been killed in a pre-war Afghanistan, too, but I think the point here is Bush is wrong for trying to bring Democracy to the poor, inadequate Muslims. I find it insulting, and I'm not even a Muslim.

P.S. Is the name 'Abdul Rahman' the 'John Smith' of the Islamic world?
on Mar 23, 2006
COL isn't blaming Bush for this atrocity; he cites Bush himself found it troubling. Give COL his due, even though he used it as an illustration to show how misguided the president is. Don't let the messager get in your way of common sense.

Wow, to what extent will you and KB go to contradict everyone here? You guys would agree with Col, something you've never done before, just to spite people here. That's sad if you ask me.
on Mar 23, 2006
We should never have gone to Afghanistan or Iraq, in Gene's view, so what does it matter? Apparently, religious nullification is required, among many other things, for our foreign policy to be acceptable to him.
on Mar 23, 2006
I never said we should not have gone into Afghanistan. We NEVER finish our work there because we went into Iraq that had NOTHING to do with 9/11 or posed ANY danger to the United States. If we had done the job properly in Afghanistan and destroyed more of the terrorists responsible for 9/11 we would be much better off then by going into Iraq and committing more then ½ of our Army, killing 2,300 young people and spending what looks like a Trillion dollars until this war is over( whenever that will be)! At the same time the people responsible for 9/11 have not been captured or killed!
on Mar 23, 2006
Then what exactly is your point about Bush, Col? Obviously Muslims can enjoy Democracy, since they do all over the world. Obviously Democracy doesn't prevent people from making laws like the one you cite. Obviously we would be considered tyrants if we didn't allow the Afghani people to have the consitution they want.

So are you saying that had we not invaded Iraq that they wouldn't have adopted sharia law... since we could have imposed our will a little better? Either you didn't get across your point or you don't really have one. Why does this spell "the utter folly of the U. S. trying to spread democracy in the Moslem World"?
on Mar 23, 2006
What I am saying is that the spreading Democracy idea that is to make us safe from terrorism is BS. First, Islamic Law is not in agreement with any concept of democracy that we embrace. There in no equality for women or religious freedom. In the elections so far, the people have elected either terrorist group in Palestine or government that subscribe to the Islamic law and not democracy. The idea that we will be safe from terrorism if only we spread democracy is bankrupt and has not worked. Bush himself admitted the issue of punishing a person under Islamic law that converts from being Moslem to another religion is NOT ACCEPTABLE. He said he was going to use his influence for this man. That does not solve the larger question that under Islamic law which these Moslem counters hold as supreme will put Moslems to death if the concert to another religion. Look at Iraq. If that is a democracy I am a conservative!
on Mar 23, 2006
There is no "true" version of Democracy. There's many versions of that too.

If Iraq country becomes a democracy, it would be a different version. We shouldn't make clones out of USA.

What if we doesn't like their version? So what? It's their own country.
on Mar 23, 2006
" What I am saying is that the spreading Democracy idea that is to make us safe from terrorism is BS."

Why? Because you say so? What exactly does this case have to do with terrorism? They have no Sharia law in Ireland, or Spain, or South America and they seemed to take to terrorism just fine.

On the other hand... when nations have to be accountable for the money they spend, and when they don't have regimes that stay in power continually, it is much harder to promote terror. You might for four or eight years, but there's not guarentee the next guy will.

In a Democracy, people can vote to REJECT terrorism, or even Sharia law. That's what Democracy provides them, if they so choose. Perhaps you'd prefer an Afghanistan as it was where there was no hope at all.

"First, Islamic Law is not in agreement with any concept of democracy that we embrace."

I find it difficult to believe that you have made any study of Sharia law. The Koran, like the Bible, doesn't go into daily life much, or how a nation should be ruled. Those parts have been inferred or just outright added over the centuries. Take the time and you'll find there are many Muslim nations that aren't ruled by Sharia law.

Frankly, given the way you are talking about it, I don't know if you've given study to Democracy, either. I posted the definition above for you, if you'd bother to read it. You can easily live in a Democracy and have Sharia law. You can have whatever laws you want... it's a Democracy, after all...

"Bush himself admitted the issue of punishing a person under Islamic law that converts from being Moslem to another religion is NOT ACCEPTABLE."

Not according to our moral standards, but it has nothing to do with Democracy. We don't have to choose to aid them, and we don't have to choose to be allies with them. But if we tell them they can't pass the laws they like, THEN it isn't a Democracy.

"Look at Iraq. If that is a democracy I am a conservative!"

Why don't you explain for us why Iraq isn't a Democracy, then, Col. I'm sure we'd all love to hear it.
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