Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The AP story of Abdul Rahman who converted from being Moslem to being a Christian must be put to death under Islamic Law. There are only two exceptions for ANY male that has done what he has done. Be declared insane or recant his conversion to Christianity. He was arrested for possessing a Bible. This story shows the utter folly of the U. S. trying to spread democracy in the Moslem World. We do not get it that for Moslems their religious beliefs are the MOST important part of their life and they DO NOT separate their religious beliefs from their secular life.

The simple fact is that the principals of Democracy and Islamic Law are diametrically opposed. Yesterday Bush admitted that this story was very troubling. How can we ask our young people to sacrifice their lives to support a society that totally rejects the most basic freedoms that our Democratic Society are based upon? This is just another example of how misguided the Bush policies are in the Moslem World! We can NOT supplant our democratic principals for Islamic Law in the Moslem world.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 23, 2006
A small insect bit a child in the himalayas, and IT'S ALL BUSHES FAULT. you have turned into a parody of yourself gene, you need some rest and nice long rest.
on Mar 23, 2006
Then explain the rational for Israel and the U S refusing to deal with the government chosen in a free election in Palestine?
on Mar 23, 2006
" Then explain the rational for Israel and the U S refusing to deal with the government chosen in a free election in Palestine?"

So you are saying that as long as a nation is a Democracy, we have to deal with them? We aren't discouraging Democracy by refusing to fund a Hamas led government, we're just refusing to fund a Hamas led government. When we refuse to do business with Iran, does that mean we are discouraging Democracy? You realize they vote for their government leaders there, too, right?

Democracy isn't about making the "right" decision, it is about the right to make the decisions at all. If Palestine wants a terrorist government, by all means, let them have it. That doesn't mean I have to vote to send my tax money there, being a part of my own Democracy here in the US. You are confusing our ideals with a political system. Democracy gives them the chance to choose our ideals, it doesn't impose our ideals on them

We don't have to support governments that we don't agree with. There's a difference between withdrawing our support and imposing our standard of morality on the people who have DEMOCRATICALLY chosen otherwise. We don't have to help out the Afghani government any more, either, and they'll be able to go right on making their own decisions.
on Mar 23, 2006
There may have been elections in Iraq but they do not have anything like a government. The people do not look to that government but to the faction they belong to as their first loyalty. If you believe what exists in Iraq is a democracy then why can that government provide the most basic security? The last three days have been outrageous. This goes on day after day; week after week and month after month. We have 130,000 troops in what amounts to a civil war. This is not a few terrorists or foreigners. This is one sect in Iraq fighting another. Bush has broken the jar and can not fix it.The same thing is true in Afghanistan. In the last election the people did not even know the names of the people they were voting for until they got into the voting place. That country is run by War Lords and the number of terrorists attacks in increasing every day.
on Mar 23, 2006
Hrm... I seem to recall some "civil unrest" in the US in the middle of the 19th century. If I recall we were definately a Democracy then, too. Before that we allowed SLAVERY. Could you possibly have slavery in a Democracy? Evidently so.

Again, you're not addressing Democracy, you're addressing your own ideals about the choices people in a functioning Democracy should make. I can show you neighborhoods that look like war zones here in the US, and that police barely have any impact on, but oddly the people there still get to vote.
on Mar 23, 2006
And it took an all out Civil War to unite our country. WE did the fighting not some other country. It must by the Iraqi people NOT the U S Army that will need to settle what government results in Iraq. It is TIME TO GET OUT. Then the people of Iraq can settle what type of government they want or if they even want a single country given their differences.
on Mar 23, 2006
wait, wait, wait. Make up your mind. Isn't this still about your assertion that you can't have Islamic law, or civil war, and still be a Democracy? This isn't about Iraq, it is about how this Christian vs. Muslim think somehow reflects on Bush's policies.
on Mar 23, 2006
You can not get a democracy like the one Bush claims will eliminate the danger to America. You can have a government that is elected but that poses a danger to our country. That is what Bush is getting with his policies. Look at Palestine as an example. My point. The simplistic answer that if we spread democracy countries will result that will not pose a danger to us is not true. We have committed the lives of our young people and spent huge amounts of money to get something we will not want. The old saying, Be careful what you ask for.or.
on Mar 23, 2006
" You can not get a democracy like the one Bush claims will eliminate the danger to America."

No, you MIGHT not. You know as well as anyone that fundamentalist Islamic nations are living in the Middle Ages. The reason they normally do so is because they are ignorant and kept down by their government. That won't change overnight, even when they are offered the opportunity.

To say that it will NEVER change, though, ignores basic human instincts. This generation may choose to live in primitive fashion, but their kids may not, and their kids most certainly won't. The sooner they get the choice to live differently the sooner they might.

You are declaring defeat in the same way people declared it in terms of the Soviet Union. Our government persevered, though, and eventually people chose to step up and get what they rest of the world had. The government there decided that they simply couldn't continue their practices in the face of their failure. THEY aren't even out of the woods yet. It doesn't happen in a year, or even ten years, but until you give the people the choice they never, ever will.

Fundamentalist Islamic states will be the same. Democracy is about chaos, Col. It is about people having the right to try whatever they like, and reform when they must. Giving these states the ability to choose reform, out from under the thumbs of oppressive regimes, is a step in the right direction. The only real loss would be if they revert to a system of government where the people CAN'T choose, which seems to be where you want to leave them.
on Mar 23, 2006
Yes, this is a sad case.
Yet, it's not near as sad as the leftiewing biased MSM's sudden and intense interest in the rights and life of one, individual Christian, when entire villages of them have been wiped out in Africa, and that barely rates a comment.
Of course, the untold numbers of Christians murdered by Muslims in Africa had no real connection to President Bush that could be manipulated in yet another sinister and still pathetic move to affect public opinion. That public would be you, Colonel, and those like you.
on Mar 23, 2006
For all his bluster, Gene has no understanding of the value and potential of freedom, whatsoever. Takes it all for granted and has a completely selfish point of view.
on Mar 23, 2006
For all his bluster, Gene has no understanding of the value and potential of freedom, whatsoever. Takes it all for granted and has a completely selfish point of view.

Amen, Brother Ben (a saying my dad always used).
on Mar 24, 2006
Yet, it's not near as sad as the leftiewing biased MSM's sudden and intense interest in the rights and life of one, individual Christian,

Is FOX News now included in MSM?
on Mar 24, 2006
To risk our military to give Moslems the choice to set up governments that stand for things so opposed to our most basic beliefs in not something I agree with and I doubt most Americans want to see their military fighting such a war. We had no business deposing Saddam so the Iraqi people could set up an Islamic state that will most likely be a future problem. We were told this was to make us saver and that we were in danger from Saddam. Hell, we are in more danger now that he is gone from power in Iraq. It WAS NOT OUR BUSINESS to invade Iraq and it has NOT made us safer. There were NO terrorists operating in Iraq BEFORE we invaded. Bush provided them the opportunity to create trouble.
on Mar 24, 2006

I never said we should not have gone into Afghanistan. We NEVER finish our work there because we went into Iraq that had NOTHING to do with 9/11 or posed ANY danger to the United States

BULL SH*T!!!! Try this one you old fool: Link

we are "still" hunting his raggedy butt!
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