Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on March 24, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

The Bush administration intends to approve a NO BID contract with a company controlled by China to screen shipping containers for nuclear materials coming into our ports from the Bahamas. This contract DOES NOT provide for ANY us customs or Homeland Security personnel to observe the screening on these containers for nuclear bombs.

Has George W. Bush gone completely MAD! What in the Hell is wrong with our President?

on Mar 25, 2006
You can't blame Bush--he's the last guy to know of it! Besides, this is the reality of the corporate scene today--American business can't be bothered over "trifles."
on Mar 25, 2006
More and more I see that the objectives of many businesses are in direct conflict with what is best for our country. We must choose between America and Corporate profits. The Bush administration has chosen Corporate Profits over the long term welfare of America and the American worker. To choose corporations over our security is dangerous!
on Mar 25, 2006
All that's happening is he's stepping in what you're spewing!
on Mar 25, 2006
Did you know that there are something like 70 airports in the US where tower operations are provided by a British company? And that Bush doesn't know it? Are you not aghast? By God, we fought the Revolutionary War for a reason! And we're just gonna let corporate types who can't be trifled with security to undermine us and take the colonies back by stealth? I don't think so. Time for Frist & company to get off their asses & kick the Brits back across the pond where they belong! And our Chief Executive had better do a better job of monitoring the daily activities of every corporation in America or... or... or... I'm not voting for him again!
on Mar 25, 2006
We are not talking about the British. We are talking about communist China.
on Mar 25, 2006
How illiberal of you, Gene, not to mention dense.
on Mar 25, 2006
"What in the Hell is wrong with our President?"

Our prez is freakin' buffoon..............
............ a dangerously stupid freakin' buffoon.
on Mar 25, 2006
And how thoughtful of you, dog.