Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
He is not enforcing our laws
Published on March 31, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

There is talk as to why we need new immigration laws since the laws currently on the books are not being enforced. Laws that require employers to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes. Laws that require Federal withholding taxes. Laws regarding legal entry into the United States. Why do we have laws on the books that are not being enforced? What makes anyone believe any new laws passed by Congress to control illegal immigration will be enforced? Who is responsible to enforce our federal laws? Answer The President. Below is the exact section and statement from our Constitution that REQUIRES the President to enforce the laws passed by Congress.
It is time for Bush to enforce our laws or for Congress to remove him from office for violating the Constitution of the United States!
The Constitution of the United States
Article II. - The Executive Branch

Section 3 - State of the Union, Convening Congress

He shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 31, 2006
Hey it could be a re-match between Kerry and Bush since both like to hunt?

Sodaiho, I did my fair share of toppin.

Prisoners in the field that is absurd. I'm with ya Baker. How about them potholes?
on Mar 31, 2006
How is the enforcement of our tax and immigration laws unimportant?

The agencies that are responsible have all said they DO NOT have the human resources to enforce the law. That is the responsibility of the President to request the resources when he prepares his budget and to inform Congress that he does not have the required resources. What Bush has done is NOTHING.

When did I ever say I we should send our tax dollars to Mexico? What we have are Business interests who want cheep labor many of whom do not pay payroll taxes supporting this illegal immigration. We should fine the hell out of employers that hire illegal workers and it would stop. This is just another issue where Bush is not in agreement with the VAST MAJORITY of Americans so business that supports him can make more money. In the mean time these illegal workers and their families drive down wages, fail to pay taxes and drive the cost of health care, education and law enforcement. This is a VERY BIG DEAL. Add the fact that anyone can come into our country because we do NOT control of our borders, and we have a disaster in the making that Bush has ignored. It is time for Congress to Force Bush to act!
on Mar 31, 2006
Yeah, Gene

Fine the employers big time and watch the price of your beans sky rocket. Oh wait that'd Bushes fault.

Get in your car drive outside of the city and go see what a fricken farm looks like. Gene you from Tuttle by chance?
on Mar 31, 2006
Clinton didn't do anything to stop it either. Neither did anyone else, thus we still have the problem. I'm betting you weren't ranting about Clinton needing to be impeached because of it, though.
on Mar 31, 2006
I just read a super-secret memo that said Bush was responsible for the all of the past President's failures to address this problem. It stated that he used blackmail and threats against them and even before he was born his spirit was possessing Presidents and causing them to ignore these issues.
on Mar 31, 2006
I agree. Clinton did not act. However, Bush is president now and he is the one that must act today. That is why I said lets use prison labor to harvest the crops. The wages the growers pay the illegal workers would reimburse the cost of the prisons. That is a way to fill the need for farm labor without illegal aliens. The cost to the growers could remain the same as they now pay the illegal workers and our food cost would NOT increase and our taxes for supporting prison operations would drop! Sounds like a win win for everyone except the illegal workers.
on Mar 31, 2006

Know of any prisions near farms? Here in Colorado most of them are a ways away from farms where manual labor is utilized. Although you present an new solution I haven't seen before the feasibility of using prisoners isn't there. To organize such networks with local farmers would be very difficult. The other piece is that these illegal immigrants work harder than any other's on the job. Forced labor doesn't work. What would they do outside of July-Oct? Need some kind of incentive for this to be a win win scenario.

And I apologize for my outburst above. I was out of line.
on Mar 31, 2006
lol. Someone should write a blog about the Col endorsing slave labor. He's all for international standards of human rights until he wants to establish new and improved work camps...

He acknoledges that Bush isn't any more culpable for this than any other president, but we should treat Bush more harshly... because the Col is deranged and insists that Bush is evil.

I got my mind right, Boss! Givin' up, Boss!
on Mar 31, 2006
But Baker he voted for it before he voted against it.
on Mar 31, 2006
here are a few Bush titles for you gene.

Bush responsible for aids epidemic in africa!!!!!!!.

Bush not ticketing enough speeders!!!!!

Bush, direct cause of lack of oxygen due to his fast breathing!!!

Bush held responsible for flat tires by not giving enough money for road repair!!!!
on Mar 31, 2006
Not protecting our borders and allowing employers to violate our tax laws are not issues like your idiotic statements. You would make excuses if Bush committed murder in public view.

The issue of our security since 9/11 has taken on a new urgency. Clinton should have done more. However after 9/11 to see how little Bush has done to secure our borders is unacceptable.

Yes it would take some effort to use prison labor (which I do not consider slave labor) but just think of the money we would save in the benefits illegal workers cost this country. Just that savings would allow facilities to be prepared to house the prison populations during the times this labor is required. Why should those who are being punished not give the tax payers something back and help pay for their keep?

If there is skilled labor such as construction workers that are needed, we need a plan to allow such workers into this country in such a way as to know where they are and WHO we are allowing to enter this country. They should also be paying taxes.

on Mar 31, 2006
You would make excuses if Bush committed murder in public view.

Talk about idiotic statements.

You've made yourself a pathetic joke, Gene.
on Mar 31, 2006
No you are the joke and all the other stupid people that defend a president that is destroying our country.
on Mar 31, 2006
We are talking about some of the MOST BASIC laws of our country. The tax laws and laws to protect our borders. Without enforcing these laws we have very little as a society. Who ever heard of a country that did not enforce its borders and tax laws?

These are the responsibility of Bush. The federal agencies that actually enforce these laws report directly to Bush. Bush is the one that requests the funding from Congress to insure these are the resources with which to enforce the laws. Border Guards, IRS agents etc. He is the one responsible to ensure our laws are enforces so says the Constitution. With 20 Million illegal in this country it is clear he is NOT enforcing our laws. He also has not requested the necessary money in the budget to hire the added border Guards he claims are needed

You've gone totally over the edge, completely into "IDIOCY"!! NO, THEY DO NOT report directly to Bush! Do I need to write their "chain of command" out for you? If you go any further into stupidity, they will revoke your right to breath!
on Mar 31, 2006
Should your mechanic be fired for not fixing your car properly? Yes, he should, because it was his (or her, my bad...) hands and tools that were tasked with fixing your car.

To put it in Army terms, which you may or may not remember, should a Corporal be brought up on charges for striking an Officer? Yes, he lost control and ultimately he is responsible for his actions.

Now for the $64,000 Question:
Should your 1st Sergeant be put up on court-martial charges for the incident? One of his (or her) Corporals striking that officer? (1SG wasn't there, had no previous knowledge of the incident, and only heard about the incident through the NCO channels.) Would you, COL, bring that 1SG up on court-martial charges too?

I would love an answer to that question, no politics, no spin, no goofiness.

Straight answer please, yes/no, and why/why not. (This is not off-topic, I promise.)
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