Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 10, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Today the buzz is the planning to take military action against Iran's nuclear facilities if the diplomatic effort fails. It is reported that this planning includes the use of tactical nuclear weapons. That story said that most senior military officers are so opposed to the nuclear OPTION BEING ON THE TABLE; they may resign if Bush does take that option OFF the table. Those same stories say, so far, Bush has refused to remove the nuclear option from the military planning.

Although tactical nuclear weapons would most likely be the most effective way to penetrate the depth of the Iranian hardened nuclear facilities , the preemptive use of such weapons would most likely galvanize the Moslem World against the United States and result in even more danger then doing nothing about the Iranian nuclear program. Such action on our part could also create opposition from most of the non Moslem countries as evidenced by the comments of the British Foreign minister yesterday when he TOTALLY rejected any preemptive use of nuclear weapons to destroy nuclear facilities in Iran.

We should be trying to produce more effective non-nuclear bunker busting bombs should we need to try and destroy the underground nuclear facilities in Iran. Speaking as a former nuclear weapons office I can tell you that preemptive use of any such weapons would be the entry into WWIII and we would be the BAD GUYS. Only an attack on America could ever be a reason to use nuclear weapons and only then if that were a last resort.

Bush has better head the advice of the senior military before we turn the smoldering unrest in the Moslem World into an all out war.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 11, 2006
"The actions of Bush and Cheney and their two assistants is a VERY different matter."

Yes, being in charge of US intelligence they actually have the right to release classified material as they see fit. Unnames "sources" in the Pentagon who give reporters facts about ongoing covert military operations are undermining the safety of those forces.

Bush was refering to sensitive information, not information he'd chosen to leak. If Plame had been found to have been a covert agent, i.e. that Bush had been misinformed about the situation, then someone would have needed to answer for the slip. So far, no one has been able to point to sensitive information that was leaked.

So, you really don't give a crap about sensitive information or national security. Hersh broadcast to the world that we have military personel in Iran and you couldn't care less. The President declassifies something and it is a scandal. This is, as always, just another excercise to see how much you can twist in favor of anti-Bush propaganda, and others could be beheading people in the streets and you wouldn't care.
on Apr 11, 2006

This has nothing to do with "right” It has to do with abusing the power of the president to distort the facts and only release what HE WANTEWD RELEASED. It has to do with telling us how much harm releasing sensitive information had on this country as he was doing just that via Cheney, Libby and Rove.
on Apr 11, 2006
"This has nothing to do with "right”"

Amen to that. Hope the honesty didn't hurt.

"It has to do with abusing the power of the president to distort the facts and only release what HE WANTEWD RELEASED. "

Deciding what should be told to the public isn't an abuse of power, it is his rightful power. The congressional intelligence committee had full access to the omitted parts and it didn't seem to matter much.

"It has to do with telling us how much harm releasing sensitive information had on this country as he was doing just that via Cheney, Libby and Rove."

Yes, and how little you seem to care if anyone else does it. Again, you are honest. This isn't about WWIII, this is just about your political hatred.
on Apr 11, 2006
It has to do with abusing the power of the president to distort the facts and only release what HE WANTEWD RELEASED.

How is declasifying something distorting the facts? BTW, the Constitution that you uphold so much gives the President the power to clasify and declasify at will, seems you have yet to understand that. Are you that thick Col? This is not abusing power, this is using the power given to him by law, you're one hell of a genius Col.

It has to do with telling us how much harm releasing sensitive information had on this country as he was doing just that via Cheney, Libby and Rove.

Exactly what Baker said, but I don't expect you to understand or accept it either. It's only bad if Bush does it, right?
on Apr 11, 2006

When you release some information that supports what the president wants and keep secret other Intelligence in the SAME document that disproves what he is saying it is ALL about of deceiving Congress and the American People.

As it turns out, that which Bush choose to declassify and release was wrong and what HE CHOOSE TO KEEP CLASSIFIED AND HIDDEN WAS CORRECT.

on Apr 11, 2006

It is bad whenever sensitive information is released. But to have the leader of our country engage in this process is even worse. He above all should know better. It is all about politics. Not what is best for the country but what Bush thinks is best for GWB.
on Apr 11, 2006
I did not steal ANYTHING. You are just a stupid blind Bush Supporters that will not look what this man is doing to our country. No matter, the harm is done and you too will be paying for the Bush/Cheney mistakes for decades to come.

I'll feed the troll here one last time...

First and foremost, you are several days late and many dollars short -- worse than that damned deficit you keep crying about -- in writing the above article. You know it, the world now knows it too.

Second, your village called, they want their idiot back.

Third, as to any discussion you make above about Bush accepting advise from any military advisors, if they are anything like the likes of you, then I want him to run as far and as fast away from that advice as possible. Listen to qualified advice, sure. Listen to morons with liberal agendas and axes to grind? No way.

Somewhere there's a bridge missing it's troll... hopefully those villagers won't find you before the ones looking for their idiot get to you.
on Apr 11, 2006
There is a village missing its idiot. The place is Crawford, Texas. I served my country and not by hiding in the National Guard and failing to obey orders. I did not run any companies in the ground or lose my divers license because of DWI. I got into college and my commission by my own efforts not because of my father's contacts. I did not send over 2,350 troops to the death for NO GOOD REASON.
on Apr 11, 2006

There is a village missing its idiot. The place is Crawford, Texas. I served my country and not by hiding in the National Guard and failing to obey orders. I did not run any companies in the ground or lose my divers license because of DWI. I got into college and my commission by my own efforts not because of my father's contacts. I did not send over 2,350 troops to the death for NO GOOD REASON.

Hey your one remaining brain cell phoned in. Seems it's lonely!
on Apr 11, 2006
I will match brain Cells with you any day and come our way ahead.

I see Gen Powell has joined the chorus of senior military that admit the way the Iraq War was conducted was wrong. Not enough troops just like Bush was told by the military and Ambassador Bremer. Bush is such an idiot. Only problem I see is we need to clean house- Bush, Cheney and Rummy need to go!
on Apr 11, 2006
You keep bobbing & weaving so it's not easy to pick which ranting raving allegation to respond to in what order, but here goes:

As it turns out, that which Bush choose to declassify and release was wrong and what HE CHOOSE TO KEEP CLASSIFIED AND HIDDEN WAS CORRECT.

The key phrase here being "As it turns out," Gene. The undisclosed information did not "disprove" the disclosed information, it was just a minority opinion and Bush didn't "deceive" anyone, except for people like you who refuse to accept it for what it was. For cryin' out loud, Bush has admitted the intelligence was wrong, but he sure as hell didn't believe that at the time. Hindsight is always frickin' perfect and you can continue trying to squeeze another drop or two of blood out of this turnip if you wish, but you're gonna blow a fuse eventually (not that a few circuit breakers haven't tripped already). If I could always use my second shot, I'd be a great golfer, too. Now get over yourself, already.
on Apr 11, 2006

I will match brain Cells with you any day and come our way ahead.

I see Gen Powell has joined the chorus of senior military that admit the way the Iraq War was conducted was wrong. Not enough troops just like Bush was told by the military and Ambassador Bremer. Bush is such an idiot. Only problem I see is we need to clean house- Bush, Cheney and Rummy need to go!

My IQ is 130, what's yours? 2? Bring it on bright-boy! Told you before...they AREN'T going ANYWHERE till Jan 2009.
on Apr 12, 2006

Do you just intentionally ignore the issue? The issue is that ONLY the Intelligence made available to Congress prior to voting on going to war was predicated on the argument we were in GRAVE danger from Saddam and his WMD. What Bush did is selectively release ONLY that Intelligence that supported the position that we were in GRAVE DANGER and thus had to act. There was a mass of other Intelligence that said much of the Intelligence that showed we are in GRAVE DANGER WAS NOT CORRECT. All that Intelligence was KEPT SECRET so that even the VERY FEW in Congress that may have been made aware of this non-supportive Intelligence were unable to discuss it even in Congress.

The case Bush has made is the Intelligence was WRONG. SOME of the Intelligence was WRONG. There was also a mass of Intelligence that was CORRECT but Bush kept that Intelligence HIDDEN because it contradicted his argument that we COULD NOT WAIT. Bush SELECTIVELY released the Intelligence and that meant the decision made by Congress to ALLOW Bush to go to WAR was made with ONLY A PART OF THE INTELLIGENCE THAT EXISTED!

The Intelligence Bush released has been shown as INCORRECT.

The Intelligence Bush KEPT HIDDEN WAS CORRECT.

on Apr 12, 2006
This is so stupid, you couldn't get anything across Gene if you pass a truck over him. They guys brain is so locked up Houdini could not get out or in for that matter. What a waste.
on Apr 12, 2006

They had NOTHING to deliver. You just do not want to consider anything that could be considered negative toward Bush. I got news for you; the VAST majority of Americans have had enough of GWB.

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