Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 10, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Today the buzz is the planning to take military action against Iran's nuclear facilities if the diplomatic effort fails. It is reported that this planning includes the use of tactical nuclear weapons. That story said that most senior military officers are so opposed to the nuclear OPTION BEING ON THE TABLE; they may resign if Bush does take that option OFF the table. Those same stories say, so far, Bush has refused to remove the nuclear option from the military planning.

Although tactical nuclear weapons would most likely be the most effective way to penetrate the depth of the Iranian hardened nuclear facilities , the preemptive use of such weapons would most likely galvanize the Moslem World against the United States and result in even more danger then doing nothing about the Iranian nuclear program. Such action on our part could also create opposition from most of the non Moslem countries as evidenced by the comments of the British Foreign minister yesterday when he TOTALLY rejected any preemptive use of nuclear weapons to destroy nuclear facilities in Iran.

We should be trying to produce more effective non-nuclear bunker busting bombs should we need to try and destroy the underground nuclear facilities in Iran. Speaking as a former nuclear weapons office I can tell you that preemptive use of any such weapons would be the entry into WWIII and we would be the BAD GUYS. Only an attack on America could ever be a reason to use nuclear weapons and only then if that were a last resort.

Bush has better head the advice of the senior military before we turn the smoldering unrest in the Moslem World into an all out war.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 12, 2006
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You might want to change: "Input from more then 40 respected sources will show you HOW to protect your family." to than. Spell checkers don't catch that kind of thing, happens to me all the time. Also, your links to the book retailers at the bottom aren't links.

I would also suggest getting a business email account so you don't have to get the hellish spam you're due for by putting your home account out there for spiders to catch. Oh, and all those neo-cons that will end up signing you up for gay porn deliveries...
on Apr 12, 2006
The links will not function until the book has been released in May.
on Apr 12, 2006

Thanks for the correction. I took your advice and established a new E-Mail address just for my book.
on Apr 12, 2006
No worries. You might be able to get into that affiliate program at amazon. That way you'd be getting paid for click-throughs to Amazon and selling your book at the same time.
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