Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 12, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Today the Fourth General called for Rummy to be removed as SecDef. Gen Powell this weekend admitted we went into Iraq with too few Troops. The Former Army Chief of Staff and Ambassador Bremer also stated Bush did not send the troops needed to keep what is taking place EVERY day in Iraq from occurring. This country has not scene something like this in a very long time.

The real problem is not Rummy but the man who appointed him and is the person responsible for both the Iraq War and the way it was run—George W. Bush. All Americans should be calling for Bush, Cheney and Rummy to be removed from office!

on Apr 12, 2006
They likely will be, come January 2009. Since we don't have a parliamentary coalition government where a no confidence vote can force an early election, you'll just have to either 1) be patient or 2) have a coronary.
on Apr 12, 2006
Generals past and present ought not to be involved in politics. Afterall civillian control over the military is undermined when generals start posturing. I agree that the Iraq war was a brutal trgedy and Sec of Defence and his boss should be made to stand trial for their conduct like Charles Taylor, but realistically speaking that is not going to happen. We can only hope that US cuts its losses and leaves.
on Apr 12, 2006
The question that jumps into my mind is: how many of these generals harbor Wes Clark-like ambitions for elected office? Another question is: how many of them have book deals, or are trying to parlay these statements into book deals?

I guess I'm just a cynical bastard, but it comes from hearing "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" 835,038,281 times in 1992 and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (among other things. many, many, many other things, one of which is your blog).

on Apr 13, 2006
The driving force of these comments is NOT a book deal or elected office. The facts are clear- We have an administration that has made some VERY BAD choices that have cost America Lives, Injuries, as much as a Trillion Tax Dollars, increased numbers of terrorists that are willing to attack us again and the loss of support from other world countries. We are not talking about a little mistake. We are talking about a Mount Everest size mistake.

What is just as disturbing is the attitude that Bush, Cheney and Rummy exhibit- Do not dare to question them even when the results show how big a mistake they have made. Who else other then the President could make an error that cost 2,360 lives, 35,000injuries and a trillion dollars? Still we have some in this country, that like Bush, want to Stay The Course even when the Course we are on leads to disaster. There are some VERY stupid and stubborn people in our country.
on Apr 13, 2006
You really want a Cromwellian state where the army holds the balance of power? That's called dictatorship!
on Apr 13, 2006
NO, I DO NOT. The issue is that the WAY this war was fought, AFTER THE DECISSION WAS MADE TO INVADE IRAQ. It was a MILITARY decision. The HOW is NOT something Bush, Cheney or Rummy had the knowledge or experience to choose. That is been proven by the results.

Bush has always said that Americans must JUDGE BY RESULTS. I agree 100%. The results are in on the way the Iraq War was fought. 100% WRONG. Bush and anyone else that was part of those decisions needs to be held accountable!
on Apr 13, 2006
Today the Former Commanding general of the 82nd asked for Rummy to resign. It is getting to be the General of the Day asking for Rummy to go. I still think they need to go one step higher to fix the PROBLEM!
on Apr 13, 2006
Jeb BUsh in 2008!@! yayyyyyy!! 8 more years of gene whining about BUSH! bush, any bush will do~!
on Apr 13, 2006
All that needs to be done is show what he has done to Florida. He has cut taxes so there is no money to build the roads, or schools. Florida is 47 out of 50 in education (three from the bottom). Insurance companies are leaving the state and we are destroying the lakes and rivers. The country should look at what old Jeb has done TO Florida.

What the hell does Jeb have to do with way the Iraq war was fought?