Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
That would longer then we were in WWII
Published on May 24, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Today the AP reported that Nauri al-Maliki, the Iraq Foreign Minister, said he believed it would require another 18 Months before his government would be capable of securing Iraq. That would mean we would be in Iraq over 5 years which is LONGER then we were engaged in WWII.

It is time for Congress to put an end to this farce. If the current Congress will not stand up to Bush then we need to insure the Democrats sweep BOTY houses of Congress in November and end this war!

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 26, 2006

The people that earn far more modest incomes do the HARD WORK. Many of the wealthy have manipulated the system or had the advantage of family to acquire the vast wealth they have amassed. I do not object to business owners make a good income but when you see the excess that the Oil executives receive for example it makes me sick. NO PERSON is worth a salary of several hundred million. These are the people that have made out under the policies of President Bush and the GOP in Congress.
on May 26, 2006
The people that earn far more modest incomes do the HARD WORK.

Col, don't be rediculous, everyone knows that the higher your position the more you earn and the less you work but the responsability is greater. But that is not the point, your brain is to small to comprehend. Let's say I have a million dollar business. Every penny my business makes, regardless if I was on vacation in Hawaii, at home watching CSI or at my office talking to some of my customers, it is my work because I built the company, I sweated to create it, to expand it and make it the big business it is and regardless if I do as much hard work in 1 year as other people do in 1 week, I still worked for my money. It is my money and no one has the right to take it from me. We pay taxes cause this country needs it, that does not mean that I should pay for your sorry ass just because I make more money than you do.

Many of the wealthy have manipulated the system or had the advantage of family to acquire the vast wealth they have amassed.

Many or some does not give us the right to make EVERYONE pay for the manipulation of a few. Just because some people found easier ways to make money does not mean they didn't work for it. You are rediculous Col. They whole point of having a business it to make money and they can do it how ever they want as long as it's legal. And last I checked there is no cap as to how much anyone should make.

I do not object to business owners make a good income but when you see the excess that the Oil executives receive for example it makes me sick

That is not your problem. It is we the American people and those from other countries that are making them rich because we can not live without our fuel guzzling SUV's, pick-ups and muscle cars. It is because we can not go to the corner store to pick up some milk without going in the car, it's because we would rather go to work in our cars all by ourselves rather than take public transportation or do carpooling with some co-workers. We are the ones wasting the money and making the oil companies rich. Because we do not demand a more fuel efficient car, because we do not fix our cars in order to pass inspection instead we pay the worker $20 to let the car pass.

Don't blame a company for making money because people are too stupid to learn not to watse money. Why do you mention Big Oil companies? Why don't you complain about the owners of Disney, Airliners, Cruise Ships, Movie Industries; they all make rediculous amounts of money, yet no one is trying to tax them for more money. Why is that? Hows about Bill Gates, the guy has so much money he can almost control the US Gov't, it almost seems as if he does already.

NO PERSON is worth a salary of several hundred million.

You are if you worked for it, regardless of how hard you worked. You are no one to say who deserves what. You have finally shown your colors Col. You have finally shown that you want rich people to give their money to the poor. Did you know that technically Robin Hood was a thief since he stole money rather than help those poor people find jobs or fight the king to stop taxing them so much? That's exactly what you want to do.

These are the people that have made out under the policies of President Bush and the GOP in Congress.

Col, these people were rich before Bush became President, they didn't need his help for that. They did just fine by themselves. These people were rich during Clinton and will continue to be rich after Bush.

These are the most rediculous statements you have ever made. I'm a shamed to know that you are an American.
on May 26, 2006
The oil companies CONTROL the supply. They set the conditions that enable them to make outrageous profits. The Car companies because of profits will not spend the added money to produce more efficient cars that is possible with current technology. The Bush administration and people that think like him refuse to require more efficient cars etc to help reduce our oil consumption


No matter how hard of effective your are No one is worth that amount of money. In the 1950's the CEO's were making about 50 times the rate of their average worker. Today that is over 500 times the amount made by the average worker in their company.

I do not support higher tax rates on the wealthy as a punishment but for two reasons- First we need the added revenue to help balance the budget. Second the wealthy can pay more without creating adverse impact on spending and depriving the American working family of the money they NEED to live by increasing their taxes. The middle income and the poor live from pay check to pay check and increasing their taxes will cut their spending and create REAL hardship for their families. That is not the case when the wealthy who pay a little higher taxes. They will still be wealthy even after the higher taxes. The proof of that is how well the wealthy did in the 1990's when the tax rates were higher.
on May 26, 2006
I would be willing to let the American People decide if a little higher tax on the wealthy to pay for our needs would be acceptable. We live in a democracy so let’s see what the MAJORITY want? WE will most likely see another 1994 in November but this time it will the GOP that gets the boot!
on May 26, 2006
I would be willing to let the American People decide if a little higher tax on the wealthy to pay for our needs would be acceptable.

They had that choice when Kerry was up for election. He had a plan to raise taxes on successful people. That's another reason he didn't get elected. Why can't you people understand this?

Col, you have once again successful avoided everything that questions your reality. Why don't you just be honest with everyone here? Do you want income redistribution? Don't answer with some BS about tax rates. Just answer the question. Should successful people give up their money for people who don't want to work?

WE will most likely see another 1994 in November but this time it will the GOP that gets the boot!

Like the democrats will do anything to solve a problem. The election isn't so smooth for democrats either col.

The situation is so critical that several leading Democrats are expressing concern that the party may actually lose a Senate seat this fall, after years of successfully chipping away at the Republican majority in the Senate and coming within striking distance of capturing the chamber.

A Democratic-led Senate has long been viewed as a historical inevitability in New York State, where Democrats outnumber Republicans five to three in voter registration. For years, Democrats have been strategizing to take control of the chamber — something that would place both houses of the Legislature in Democratic hands, a huge boon for the party should a Democrat be elected governor.

But in interviews, Democrats described a growing sense of despair about their prospects in the Senate this year, saying that the party is failing to take full advantage of the disarray that has plagued the Republican Party since Gov. George E. Pataki decided not to seek a fourth term.
on May 26, 2006
Our country had the BEST ten years EVER prior to Bush. Even the wealthy did very well at the higher tax rates

He writes that crap at the same time he writes articles crying about Enron. What a nimrod. Best ten years ever. Hah.

Enron. MCI-Worldcom. Sprint. A host of other internet bubble profiteers that were ripping off their shareholders, their employees and the world.

That's what we had before Bush took office. That's what we had before Bush started taking daily shots from the Clueless One's keyboard and dictaphone.

Gene - take that dictaphone and put it up real close to that big ol' mouth of yours. Just wait a few minutes and someone will shove it back in there so shut you up for a while (at least if there is a god, someone will!)
on May 28, 2006
Another example of How Iraq is NOT getting better:

Iraqi PM Fails to Name New Officials
May 28, 2006 6:37 AM EDT

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki once again failed to reach agreement Sunday on naming a new defense and interior minister as parliament reconvened after a four-day break.

Naming strong but neutral ministers is considered crucial for any plan to restore security and stability to strife-torn Iraq.

Rampant violence claimed three lives and injured 21 people just after dawn when a pair of bombs ripped through central Baghdad. The bombs, designed to kill the maximum number of people, were planted next to each other and were detonated in succession in Baghdad's Tahariyat Square, police 1st Lt. Thaeir Mahmoud said. Many of the injured were gawkers who had rushed to the scene of the fist explosion.

The head of the provincial council in Diyala, a mixed but tense province north of Baghdad, escaped an assassination attempt that killed one of his bodyguards and injured six others. Ibrahim Bajlan was uninjured when a car bomb detonated next to his convoy in the Imam Weis area, 44 miles north of the provincial capital Baqouba.

The fresh violence came amid rising fears in the Iraqi capital that extremists seeking to force Baghdad residents to follow strict Islamic practices were now targeting men in shorts, liquor stores and even barbers. Gunmen in recent months have even killed people drinking beer along the banks of the Tigris river.

Last week, gunmen in Baghdad stopped a car carrying a Sunni Arab tennis coach and two of his Shiite players, asked them to step out and then shot them.

Extremists have been distributing leaflets warning people in the mostly Sunni neighborhoods of Saidiyah and Ghazaliyah not to wear shorts, police said.

The U.S. military has said the bodies regularly turn up of people killed in sectarian attacks, by death squads and criminal violence - including 33 last week in Baghdad province. U.S. military officials consider it one of their biggest problems in the Baghdad area.

An Iraqi tennis coach and two of his players were shot to death last week in Baghdad because they were wearing shorts.

There was no word on the fate of the two missing crew members of a U.S. Marine AH-1 Cobra helicopter which crashed Saturday in volatile western Anbar province. Hostile fire was not suspected as the cause of the crash, the U.S. military said.

Iraq's fractious political, ethnic and sectarian parties again failed to reach agreement on who will run the interior and defense ministries, despite a promise by al-Maliki to do so within a few days of his Cabinet being sworn in just over a week ago.

"The will not be named today," Shiite deputy Baha al-Araji said. "We hope within three days."

There had been hopes that al-Maliki would swear in the two new ministers when the 275-member parliament convened Sunday after the Iraq weekend.

The Shiite-dominated interior ministry has been promised to that community, while Sunni Arabs are to get the defense ministry. It is hoped the balance will enable al-Maliki to move ahead with a plan to take over security around Iraq over the next 18 months and also attract army recruits among Sunni Arabs, who make up the core of the insurgency .

The list however, has been whittled down to two candidates for the interior ministry and three for defense.

During what appeared to be a stormy closed-door session, deputies argued over a demand by the Shiite and Kurdish coalitions to curb the power of Sunni Arab parliament speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani. They demand that he be obliged by parliamentary regulation to consult his Shiite and Kurdish deputy speakers before taking any decisions.

The demand, staunchly opposed by Sunnis, was an indication the struggle for more power and authorities among Iraq's factions. The speaker has little authority.

"We have not reached agreement," said Salim Abdullah, a deputy with the main Sunni Arab Accordance Front said before the start of a second closed-door session.

Iraq's Foreign Ministry said Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki delivered a list of charges against Saddam Hussein. It provided no details, including when the charges would be submitted, but Iran has in the past said it wants to put Saddam on trial for crimes from the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, including the alleged use of chemical weapons.

The trial of Saddam and seven co-defendants was to resume Monday on charges they ordered the killing of 148 Shiites for allegedly taking part in a botched 1982 assassination attempt against the former Iraqi leader.


Associated Press writers Kim Gamel and Qassim Abdul-Zahra contributed to this story from Baghdad
on May 28, 2006
Col robot posts again. Why do you ignore the good news from Iraq col? Are you too one-sided to see anything but what you believe, hate America and hate Bush?
on May 29, 2006
The GOOD NEWS as you put it is overshadowed by the continual violence. Unless the security issues are resolved, the good news is of little value!
on May 29, 2006
No it's not col. It's not covered enough by the media and people like you who want us to fail.

The media only covers one side of Iraq.
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