Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
That would longer then we were in WWII
Published on May 24, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Today the AP reported that Nauri al-Maliki, the Iraq Foreign Minister, said he believed it would require another 18 Months before his government would be capable of securing Iraq. That would mean we would be in Iraq over 5 years which is LONGER then we were engaged in WWII.

It is time for Congress to put an end to this farce. If the current Congress will not stand up to Bush then we need to insure the Democrats sweep BOTY houses of Congress in November and end this war!

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 24, 2006
You are so full of it. He's telling you what you liberals want to hear, an exit strategy.

What are democrats going to do col? They voted for the war and said Saddam was a threat. Democrats are not going to end the war, even though that's what they tell their looney base.

Why don't you go to Iraq and fight with the terrorists. You both are on the same side.
on May 24, 2006
Only an idiot would agree to spend another 18 months in that mess. It is a dream to believe that the Iraqi government will be able to control the violence. If the US with 130,000 troops and another 250,000 Iraqi troops and police can not stop the constant attacks, what makes anyone believe in another 18 months the Iraqi's alone will be able to do the job. Time for us to GET OUT! To spend more time in Iraq then it took to win WWII is NUTS!
on May 24, 2006
Col, do you think by starting this new post you will avoid the humiliation of being proved wrong in the other one?
on May 24, 2006
Col, if people like you were around in WWII we probably would have lost.
on May 24, 2006
Just out of curiosity, Gene, do you know how long we stayed to reconstruct Japan, after we finished defeating its military forces?
on May 25, 2006

The occupation of Japan and Germany 3.5 years AFTER surrender is NOTHING like Iraq. Both countries were on the road to recovery and repair after being destroyed.

Island Dog

You have not come even close to showing how the United States was in danger from Saddam in March 2003. You are so full of BS.

Below is a section of the article about the Yellow Cake. Please note that was not useable for a weapon and that Saddam's nuclear weapons program was SHUT DOWN since 1991. He did not have the centrifuges needed to enrich the Yellow Cake and did not have the bomb or trigger required for a weapon. The missiles he had were AIR Defense types and have ZERO capability to deliver and nuclear weapon. The nuclear threat posed from Saddam in March 2003 was non existent! There was NO possibility of the mushroom clouds that Bush and Cheney said were the reasons we could not wait to invade Iraq. It was all a LIE!!!!!!!!!!!! That supports what I and others have been saying, We were NOT in any danger from Saddam in March 2003 when we attacked them.

"The repository, at Tuwaitha, a centerpiece of Saddam Hussein's nuclear weapons program until it was largely shut down after the first Persian Gulf war in 1991, holds more than 500 tons of uranium," the paper revealed, before insisting: "None of it [is] enriched enough to be used directly in a nuclear weapon."

Well, almost none.

The Times went on to report that amidst Saddam's yellowcake stockpile, U.S. weapons inspectors found "some 1.8 tons" that they "classified as low-enriched uranium."

The paper conceded that while Saddam's nearly 2 tons of partially enriched uranium was "a more potent form" of the nuclear fuel, it was "still not sufficient for a weapon."

Consulted about the low-enriched uranium discovery, however, Ivan Oelrich, a physicist at the Federation of American Scientists, told the Associated Press that if it was of the 3 percent to 5 percent level of enrichment common in fuel for commercial power reactors, the 1.8 tons could be used to produce enough highly enriched uranium to make a single nuclear bomb.

And Thomas B. Cochran, director of the nuclear program at the Natural Resources Defense Council, told the Times that the low-enriched uranium could be useful to a nation with nuclear ambitions.

"A country like Iran could convert that into weapons-grade material with a lot fewer centrifuges than would be required with natural uranium," he explained.

Luckily, Iraq didn't have even the small number of centrifuges necessary to get the job done.
on May 25, 2006
Your stupidity never seizes to amaze me Col.

Iraq Foreign Minister Says Another 18 Months

No where in your article to you say Iraq demands, because Iraq said so, Bush agrees or nothing of the sort. The Iraqi Foreign Minister BELIEVES that about 18 months are needed, THAT DOES NOT MEAN IT WILL BE 18 MONTHS. You stupid old goat. He is no one to force Bush to stay 18 months so stop crying like a baby already.

#2 by COL Gene
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

You are ignorant and faithless. How can you consider yourself an American when you don't even believe in this country? Regardless of what Bush says or does this is still the USA and we try our best to do things right (most of the time anyways), you are faithless, heartless and mindless. Go take your pills and go play some canasta with your buddies.

The occupation of Japan and Germany 3.5 years AFTER surrender is NOTHING like Iraq. Both countries were on the road to recovery and repair after being destroyed.

Only you would see 2 wars as completely different. Let's see, many people died in both wars, many years passed during the war, the US spent a lot of money fighting then reconstructing, oh wait, the reason was different. WHO GIVES A F_CK IF IT WAS A DIFFERENT MOTIVE, WARS ARE WARS. YOU MORON.

You have not come even close to showing how the United States was in danger from Saddam in March 2003. You are so full of BS.

Plenty of times you stupid excuse for a human being. They showed you articles about yellow cake found in Iraq, all the WMD that Saddam had before that aren't accounted for yet, need more? You ignorant fool. I have to call you names cause you don't react to anything else. You bore me, even when Brad wrote an article saying how bad Bush is, you still couldn't agree with him, cause it only has to be your point of view. Dumbass, and in case you ask me to drop dead, makes sure you take your own advice first.
on May 25, 2006
To spend more time in Iraq then it took to win WWII is NUTS!

If COL Gene had been around in WWII he would've accused the FDR administration of ineptitude for not predicting Pearl Harbor... and for falsifying the intel on Hitler's death camps to suit his own political agenda.

The war would have been part of FDR's agenda to destroy all other market economies and bring America out of the depression. All in FDR's plan to secure America's place as the preeminent economic power for decades to come.
on May 25, 2006
NOTHING about the Iraq War went the way Bush said it would. I understand the FOG of WAR. However, Bush got everything wrong

Length of the war
Cost of the war
How we would be received
WMD and the danger Saddam posed
Connection to 9/11

How the leader of the world's most powerful nation could get EVERYTHING TOTALLY wrong is hard to believe!!!!!!!!!!

If he were a corporate president with performance like this he would be unemployed. Just goes to show how the American voters were duped.

This little story says it all:

George Bush goes to a primary school to talk to the kids to get a little PR. After his talk he offers question time. One little boy puts up his hand and George asks him his name.

"Stanley," responds the little boy.

"And what is your question, Stanley?"

"I have 3 questions.
First, why did the USA invade Iraq without the support of the UN?
Second, why are you President when Al Gore got more votes?
And third, whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden?"

Just then, the bell rings for recess. George Bush informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess.

When they resume George says, "OK, where were we? Oh, that's right: question time. Who has a question?" A little girl puts up her hand. George points her out and asks her name.

"Stephanie," she responds.

"And what is your question, Stephanie?"

Actually, I have 5 questions.
First, why did the USA invade Iraq without the support of the UN?
Second, why are you President when Al Gore got more votes?
Third, whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden?
Fourth, why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early?
And fifth, what the hell happened to Stanley?"
on May 25, 2006
I have 7 questions for you gene,
1. have you stopped beating your wife?

2. Has your sexual attraction to AL gore created?

3. Have you stopped selling secret materials to the enemy?

4.How ,much saliva do you use when spitting on the graves of american dead?

5. When standing for the national anthem do you still massage your penis?

6. Do you cash your retirement check and donate it to Hamas?

7. How long have you been an active enemy of America?
on May 25, 2006
I have a question for you. What has Bush done that helped this country and why do support a looser?
on May 25, 2006
have a question for you. What has Bush done that helped this country and why do support a looser?

I would answer but there is nothing anyone can say positive about President Bush without you going off on a tirade.

If someone makes a point about anything , you will drag out a counter point that is way off the subject at hand.

I have a question for you.

why do you stay here and post? no one remotely likes you, for sure no one respects you, you are a one note joke gene, I go out of my way to be kind to others, with you I go out of my way to be crass and rude.
on May 25, 2006
First, why did the USA invade Iraq without the support of the UN?
Second, why are you President when Al Gore got more votes?
Third, whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden?
Fourth, why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early?
And fifth, what the hell happened to Stanley?"

No surprise that col uses a joke to try and prove something. Well here is your answers col.

1. The U.N. passed resolution 1441 which Saddam did not comply and authorized whatever means necessary to disarm. Saddam has also defied the U.N. for over 12 years. After the war we find out the U.N. was involved in a massive scam that denied millions of Iraqis the food and medicine they deserved. All the while lining the pockets of the U.N. an d the french.

2. I guess since you guys are in public schools it's no surprise that you don't know how the electoral system in this country works.

3. Osama is being hunted every day by our special forces and CIA units. Osama cannot sleep in the same place more than once because he is afraid. Let's remember kids, after osama attacked us first back in 1993, he was let off and even his capture was turned down by the last President. Did you teacher ever explain that?
on May 25, 2006
If COL Gene had been around in WWII he would've accused the FDR administration of ineptitude for not predicting Pearl Harbor... and for falsifying the intel on Hitler's death camps to suit his own political agenda.

on May 25, 2006
I have a question for you. What has Bush done that helped this country and why do support a looser?

Took our country out of an economic recession started by democratic economics.

Gave a tax break to all Americans who pay taxes.

Decided to fight terrorism instead of appease it.

I can go on more col, but you will come back with some pathetic nonsense about Bush. Why haven't you answered the questions in the other thread?
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