Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
The Compassionate Conservative George W. Bush
Published on June 11, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Bush in his 2007 budget has proposed ending a program started in 1968 to distribute Federal Surplus Food to needy seniors. That program CSFP provides boxes of surplus food each month to 420, 000 of the poorest American seniors in 32 states and Washington D.C. The total cost of this program is $107 Million per year and is one of the ways Bush plans to deal with a $600 Billion dollar deficit. Bush claims that this is an overlapping program with food stamps. However when AARP looked at how much many of the people receiving this Surplus Food is receiving from Food Stamps, they found they receive $10 or $20 per month from the Food Stamp Program. How the Hell is this an OVERLAPPING program? The fact is it is supplemental and if an elderly poor person receives the $20 from Food Stamps and the Surplus Food at a value of $55 they receive the GRAND SUM per month of $75. I bet we, as tax payers, spend MORE then $75 per day to feed George W. Bush in the White House!

Bottom line, this Cut is unlikely to survive the GOP in Congress since many are concerned about their own reelection in November 2006. I hope Our Lord Jesus is looking upon his servant George W. Bush to see what Bush is trying to do to the LEAST of his people!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 11, 2006
You know something COL? You moan and groan that "The Man" isn't doing enough to balance the budget (OH! That's right, he's not raising taxes. Nevermind.), yet he proposes a cut in spending (the alternative to more taxes, ya know?) and you moan and groan.

Get over yourself, COL. You're transparent attempts to hide your socialist ideas are getting more and more obvious.

on Jun 11, 2006
Cutting the budget on the backs of the POOR is not what I had in mind. Also what do you think $107 Million will do for a $620 Billion Dollar Deficit?

There is no doubt as to the truth of that saying, “Birds of a Feather Flock Together” Bush and those who support him are very muck alike!

What do you think Jesus would cut from the budget? Food for the elderly poor?
on Jun 11, 2006
Another stupid article. You need mental help for your obsession with Bush.
on Jun 11, 2006
Gene, you make far more than you need to get by. Why aren't you willing to lower your standard of living to use your excess to help those people you lie about caring about?

Quit whining that the government doesn't do enough when you aren't willing to put yourself out either.
on Jun 11, 2006
You need to OPEN your EYES and see what Bush is doing to our country! The issues just keep comming Day after Day!
on Jun 11, 2006

We support about 15 different agencies that HELP People. I served as President of a non profit agency that helped low income homeowners and low income seniors with housing. Do not tell me to help. Look at the Compassionate Conservative in the White House and what he tries to cut while handing people with millions of dollars tax cuts THEY DO NOT NEED! Please answer if you believe Jesus would have cut surplus food to the older poor? Bush is the one that goes around wearing his Christian Faith on his sleeve!
on Jun 11, 2006
Gene, there you go, bragging again instead of answering the question. I never said that you don't help others, I asked you why you aren't willing ot lower your standard of living in order to do so?

You sit on your soapbox, spewing crap about Bush, yet, you won't do anything that isn't comfortable. Sure, you give and help and that is great, but you only give if it if comfortable to do so. Until you are willing to make sacrifices for what you lie about believing in, shut your face about what Bush is or isn't doing.
on Jun 11, 2006
Col is losing it.

You need to OPEN your EYES and see what Bush is doing to our country! The issues just keep comming Day after Day!

You need to open your eyes and start using a spell checker.
on Jun 11, 2006
When you can not refute what I say you hit on a typo. Great.

For all that agree with the Budget Cut I outlined in this Blog, I guess you must like Scrooge as well. To claim that cutting a $55 per month in surplus food to the poor is what we need to balance the budget shows just how out of touch Bush is with the needs of our country! Anyone that supports such a policy is just as bad as Bush!
on Jun 11, 2006
It's redundant. We have food stamps, we have WIC. Handing out the food itself robs local business owners of sales.

If people only qualify for $10 or $20 worth of food stamps, then that's all they qualify for. The fact is if you go to the site you'll find that women, infants, and children who qualify for foodstamps automatically qualified for the CSFP. AARP must have only looked at elderly people, because ALL non-elderly people overlap if they are truly under the poverty level.

Which is part of the problem. You only have to be 130% of the poverty level to get it. Why should people 30% over the poverty level get free food at the cost of 100 million dollars a year? Hell, I think at that level I could get it. Guess what, I DON'T WANT IT. I prefer not to steal from my neighbors.

It isn't even offered in every state, so it is patently wrong for every state's federal tax dollars to pay for it.

If someone was really starving they'd qualify for a host of emergency and long-term benefits, in addition to all the private charities that are out there. If we cut this sort of redundancy, corruption, pork, and all misrepresented spending out of the budget we'd probably cut it in half.

It's sad that now you are actually trying to find excuses to raise taxes. You aren't interested in whether old ladies get their free cheese, this is to prop up your taxation agenda and blogs against Bush's tax cuts...

...but, honestly, it shows a break from the usual message posted over and over, so
on Jun 11, 2006
Things that col seems to leave out in his opinions.

The 2007 Budget eliminates funding for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) which, in the limited areas where it is available, overlaps with two of the Nation’s largest Federal nutrition assistance programs—Food Stamps and WIC. This elimination is consistent with the low PART rating for CSFP. The Budget provides funding to serve all eligible women, infants, and children who seek services from the WIC program, which is a more effective alternative to CSFP. The Budget also funds temporary transitional benefits and outreach to help elderly households transition from CSFP to the Food Stamps program.
on Jun 11, 2006
Note where it says "low part". Those are the really needy people the Col. is talking about. People 130% over the poverty level aren't needy. If the Col wants to start talking about poverty, let him. I am a lifetime resident of Appalachia and my family has been here since the 1700's. I know a bit about being on the low end of American prosperity.

I grew up eating govenrment cheese, and I can tell you that most people who got it didn't need it, and the store owners in these areas could have used the sales. If the Col wants to match experiences with me, I'm ready. I'd be willing to bet I'm way closer to the "poor" people he's talking about than he is.
on Jun 11, 2006
You really do need to get help for this, y'know. You're obsessing and coming up with all kinds of conspiracy theories - so even if you DID have any kind of solid argument it'd be dismissed as simply another one of your paranoid hallucinations.

Were you in the Air Force? Or was it the Army? What was your AFSC/MOS, and were you active duty or reserve/guard? I'm starting to wonder if you were this mentally disturbed when you were in the service....and I'm glad that nobody I know was under your command.
on Jun 11, 2006

You are so full of BS. I know a 42 year old with Type I diabetes who weights about 90 lbs at 5'10" with one leg that is receiving the grand sum from disability SS of $645 per month and he receives $10 in food stamps. Please do not tell me about the support levels to the poor. The issue is that for any reasonable so called Christian who is the leader of our country to propose ending the Estate tax on estates in the millions of dollars and at the same time propose to cut $ 55 per month worth of food from the elderly poor shows just how sick the leadership of our country has become! Every one on this Blog site that would write one key stroke to support such a policy is just as SICK!
on Jun 11, 2006
Enough of your dramatics. You are driven by emotion and not facts. You need serious mental help for your obsession with Bush. Move to france col, you will get along with the rest of those socialists.
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