I am criticized for suggesting that we return to the tax rates that were in effect just prior to 2001. If you look back at the justification Bush used for the first tax cut that Congress approved it was to REPAY the OVERTAXED American Taxpayers because we had a projected SURPLUS of $5.7 Trillion over the ten years from 2001 to 2011. Both O'Neil and Greenspan counseled that we should NOT return to Annual Budget Deficits and that the tax cuts should be tied to the available SURPLUS to pay for them.
When the details of the first tax cuts became clear, there was a lot of criticism about how much of the cuts went to the wealthiest 5%. The explanation was that since the wealthy paid so much of the income taxes it was only right that they should receive a large portion of the SURPLUS. Both the argument that IF we had a Surplus we were over taxed and that a large portion should go to the wealthy sounded correct.
Problem is that early on it became clear there was NO SURPLUS to return! WHY then were the tax cuts not only continued but two more rounds of cuts were proposed by Bush and passed by the GOP in Congress? The answer was the economy was going south and we needed tax cuts 2 and 3 to STIMULATE the economy. The problem with that is that to get the most stimulation for the economy, tax cuts should go to the people that will spend them and create new economic activity. The Middle Income Tax Payer. Thus what should have taken place to stimulate the economy is discontinue the cuts to the wealthy and increase the cuts to the middle income Americans. What did Bush and the GOP do? The kept the huge cuts of the wealthy from the first cut and added two more cuts that gave even more to the wealthy! At the same time Bush was cutting the Federal Revenue with his tax cuts, he and Congress started an ever increasing spending increase that has resulted in the largest increase in the National Debt in our history!
Thus, Bush has created the current fiscal crises and his rational for the tax cuts to the wealthy, either to return the SURPLUS or to provide STIMULATION for the economy is invalid! Why then has Congress not corrected their earlier mistake? What Bush is asking is to make the tax cuts permanent even though even he knows there is NO MONEY to pay for those tax cuts? There is no SURPLUS to return to ANYONE!