Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on June 25, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

It Is OK to have KILLED U. S. Troops in Iraq!

By COL Gene
Posted Thursday, June 15, 2006 on Bush Truth
Discussion: Politics

It looks like what I posted in my Blog on 15 June is about to come true (see above)

Yesterday the Iraqi Prime Minister announced he was ready to enact his amnesty plan that would allow Iraqis that have KILLED American Troops to be forgiven. Bush must object to any such plan in the strongest possible terms. To have an American President Support a government that would condone the killing of our troops is TREASON!

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on Jun 25, 2006

So much for yet another lie from the left that the government in Iraq is just a puppet of the Bush administration, huh? ;~D.

I don't like this plan anymore than you do, but it's hardly without precedent.  I guess you would have shot Abraham Lincoln  yourself because of his amnesty plan for the criminals of the Confederate States of America... as well as the war crimes committed by the Union towards the Rebs.

Just like Lincoln and Andrew Johnson considered amnesty a way of healing a nation... Of course, we all know that it wasn't popular, but if it didn't happen General Lee, General Bragg and Gen Benning would have been executed for treason, instead of have U.S. Bases named after them.


on Jun 25, 2006
Al-Maliki, while calling for amnesty for some insurgents and opposition figures who have not been involved in terrorist activities, declared that insurgent killers would not escape justice.

"The launch of this national reconciliation initiative should not be read as a reward for the killers and criminals or acceptance of their actions. No, a thousand times no. There can be no agreement with them unless they face the justice," he said.
on Jun 26, 2006
This morning I read an AP article that said the plan would not pardon any Iraqi that committed terrorist acts. CNN said the details may allow some Iraqi's that have killed Americans to be pardoned. WE will have to see what develops. However, one thing the American People can NOT allow is OUR support for ANY plan or government that would pardon ANY Iraqi that has killed or been involved in terrorist attacks against the American military!!!!!
on Jun 26, 2006

What does that have to do with the point of the Blog?
on Jun 26, 2006
This morning I read an AP article that said the plan would not pardon any Iraqi that committed terrorist acts. CNN said the details may allow some Iraqi's that have killed Americans to be pardoned. WE will have to see what develops.

So I see you have no facts that backs up your original accusation. Typical.
on Jun 26, 2006


There have been numerous stories that said the plan would provide pardons to Iraqi that attacked our military. The issue is in the details of the plan and how it is implemented.

My issue is valid-- We can NOT allow a policy nor support ANY Iraqi Government that would allow terrorists that have KILLED our military to be pardoned!
on Jun 26, 2006
There have been numerous stories that said the plan would provide pardons to Iraqi that attacked our military. The issue is in the details of the plan and how it is implemented.

"Numberous" stories doesn't make it true or fact, especially when dealing with traitor media in the U.S. I see that didn't stop you from making your accusations. It's usual for you though, make an accusation without fact.
on Jun 26, 2006
When the Prime Minister of Iraq stands up and announces the amnesty plan that is not just a story. Lets wait and see what happens and how Bush reacts.
on Jun 26, 2006
When the Prime Minister of Iraq stands up and announces the amnesty plan that is not just a story. Lets wait and see what happens and how Bush reacts.

Your obsessive hatred for Bush is showing. Yes the PM announced a plan, the problem from there is you just speculated the terms and presented it as facts and ended up blaming Bush.

Before you were all "blame Bush", and now you are "wait and see". That is because you got busted again. Seek help for your problem.
on Jun 26, 2006
This is an interesting article, except it's all full of bull. I wonder if Col ever really bothers to read the article on any story he reads from any news feed. Not only does the Iraqi National Security Adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie denies all this, he also says that they will not give amnesty to anyone who has killed or attack Iraqi civilians, Iraqi soldiers and/or coalition forces.

Do you even know what the plan says Col? I bet you haven't even researched it yet have you? Obviously cause it has not been done yet. It is an idea, a plan that is being developed, a plan that still needs a lot of remolding. This is not a definitive plan so you are talking more than you need to. You are already accusing the Iraqi Gov't of being a Gov't the US should not be involved with, hows about making accusation after the crime is commited or at least when there is real proof of you accusations and not some twisted stories from the spotlight hogging MSM.
on Jun 26, 2006

I did not blame Bush. What I said is that IF the plan allows Iraqi's that attacked American military to be pardoned, Bush MUST denounce any such plan and we can NOT support a government that would condone the killing of our troops!
on Jun 26, 2006

I have read several articles and listened to discussions on TV news shows about this plan. There were reports that the plan was to allow Iraqis that attacked Americans to be pardoned. What I said is that IF such a plan were put into operation, Bush MUST denounce it and not support any such plan.
on Jun 26, 2006
Amnesty or not, it is not our decision to make, Gene. We either do what we promised and allow the Iraqis to make their own decisions or we renege and turn the newly elected government into a sham of a mockery of a sham. No one "likes" the idea, particularly, but if we had applied your standard at the end of WWII, Germany's population would be considerably smaller now, since most of it would have died in prison.
on Jun 26, 2006
"I did not blame Bush. What I said is that IF the plan allows Iraqi's that attacked American military to be pardoned, Bush MUST denounce any such plan and we can NOT support a government that would condone the killing of our troops!"

Then we'd better prepare for our soldiers to be held responsible for the murder of untold thousands of Vienamese people. The British should demand that we pay damages for all the Redcoats killed in the Revolutionary war. The French people were terrorists during WW2 when they resisted German occupation. The entire Southern US was a terrorist state at one time.

You're completely nuts, Col. One day you talk about the poor Iraqis, and now you want anyone who thought they were defending their nation to be called a murderer. There were local militias that took time off from fighting with US troops to guard Iraqi citizens from terrorists while they voted on election day.

I guess they all look the same to you. Nope, you just don't have any ideal you won't sacrifice to make an anti-Bush statement. We need to kill every terrorist in Iraq. Short of that, the Iraqi people need peace.
on Jun 26, 2006
I did not blame Bush

You are so full of bs.

Quote from col about Iraq amnesty....

This is the new Iraqi Government Bush enabled to be created with the blood of our brave military and hundreds of Billions of dollars.

This is the government that George W. Bush congratulated this week on his stealth trip to Baghdad. There is NOTHING that shows how wrong our policy is in Iraq then this plan to condone the killing of the infidels!
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