Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 10, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

This weekend should convince anyone that Iraq is falling into Civil War. For eight hours bands of masked Shiite gunman rampaged through Baghdad killing 41Sunnis. Neither the new police nor military we have been training were able to stop this violence. After this rampage there were two bombings close to a Shiite Mosque killed another 17 and wounded 38 more in a reprisal for the earlier attacks. Even the Iraqi Prime Minister said after these attacks that the nation stood, "in front of a dangerous precipice".

Bush told us all we needed was a new government, and then we needed the major government officials to be appointed for the violence to be brought under control. NOTHING is helping and anyone that believes Iraq will become a stable democracy is on drugs!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 11, 2006
I just stubbed my toe. It's Bush's fault.
on Jul 11, 2006

You are so full of BS it comes out of your ears. The United States being one of the 5 permanent members of the Security Council DOES NOT MAKE US THE U N ENFORCEMENT AGENT. ONLY the Security Council can enforce its resolutions with force and ANY perminent member can VETO and STOP any such action! There was NO Security Council Vote to invade Iraq and to remove Saddam from power!

Better look at your history. If the UN had voted to use force, the command would by under the UN not the United States.

on Jul 11, 2006
Bush DID not build a case and obtain the support needed at the U N. That is why most countries have refused to help in Iraq.
on Jul 11, 2006
Today another 60 people were killed by the escalating violence in Iraq. Many of the news services are now reporting that it appears as if Iraq is on the verge of an all out civil war.
on Jul 11, 2006
Bush DID not build a case and obtain the support needed at the U N. That is why most countries have refused to help in Iraq.

The U.S. did build a case and the coalition was made up of over 60 nations. We didn't have the approval of France and Germany, so you liberals were all saddened by this.

Many of the news services are now reporting that it appears as if Iraq is on the verge of an all out civil war.

I can't stop laughing at this. The news media have been saying this for years. Do you think the anti-U.S. media in this country is going to report anything else but bad news. What a loser.
on Jul 11, 2006
Hey col, here's some more news the media hasn't been reporting.

on Jul 11, 2006
Without the occupation of Iraq, the recruitment to Al Qaeda would have declined.

There is absolutely no evidence for this claim.

The Sectasriasn strife between then Shiaas and Suinnis is a direct result of the Americasn style Identty Politics introduced and encouraged in Iraq.

This is a crock of shit and you know it - the Shiite majority was mercilessly persecuted by the regime for decades before Iraqi Freedom. It is a local miracle that the Shiites, given the opportunity, didn't cleanse Iraq of the Sunnis.
on Jul 11, 2006
But wait, col says the honest U.S. media thinks a civil war is happening.

Zalmay Khalilzad said there's "no doubt" that sectarian violence is occurring. But since Iraq's leaders are willing to work together, it can't be defined as a civil war, he said.

Speaking in Washington, Khalilzad also cautioned against a sudden pullout of U.S. troops. He said nation-building takes time, and if American forces leave too soon, that could unleash a real civil war.
on Jul 12, 2006
Today the Washington Post carries a story that says the officials in Iraq believe there is a Low Grade Civil War taking place in Iraq.

That Coalition you talk about amounted to only TWO countries providing and REAL help-- The U S and England! We did not have the support of the UN to invade Iraq and that included a lot more countries then just France and Germany!
on Jul 12, 2006
That Coalition you talk about amounted to only TWO countries providing and REAL help-- The U S and England!

That is a flat out lie and you know it. Italy, Japan, and many others provided great support. You are so pathetic.
on Jul 12, 2006
The number of troops all the other so called Coalition did not amount to 5% of the total force levels. You are the one full of BS.

Today Gen Casey said we may need to INCREASE U S Troop strength to control the escalating violence. Iraq officials said that there is a limited Civil war going on and the levels of violence are increasing. This 3 1/2 years after, “Mission Accomplished". What a pile of CRAP!
on Jul 12, 2006
Speaking of crap, please take that tired old "Mission Accomplished" garbage & stuff it where yours lives.
on Jul 12, 2006
Isn't it great when he can't prove a civil war, so he changes it to a "limited" civil war.

I love how you take everything out of context. This is what Casey said.

"We'll make sure there are adequate forces available for the Iraqis to succeed in Baghdad,"
on Jul 12, 2006
>Isn't it great when he can't prove a civil war, so he changes it to a "limited" civil war.

How many iraqis have to die daily before it graduates from sectarian violence to civil war? What are your criteria for civil war, Island Dog? This goes for everyone else
on Jul 12, 2006
How many iraqis have to die daily before it graduates from sectarian violence to civil war? What are your criteria for civil war, Island Dog? This goes for everyone else

I'm not the one claiming a civil war here. Iraqis have been killed in sectarian violence for many years before Saddam was removed. I notice the media didn't label it as a civil war back then.
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