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Bush Truth
Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Is Bush Out To Lunch?
Published on July 13, 2006 By
COL Gene
George W. Bush is running around telling the world that Syria and Iran are responsible for the new violence in the Middle-East. At the same time Israel is attacking Lebanon as the source of that violence? What Gives?
If Bush is correct, why has Israel not attacked Syria and Iran?
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COL Gene
on Jul 14, 2006
The NEW government in Lebanon which Bush touted as one of these new democracies that will make use safer in the Middle-East is the same government that is allowing Hezbollah to operate. Again we have an example of how the process Bush claims will solve the security problems has allowed it to operate. It is the VERY same process that elected the NEW Iraq Government that has been so ineffective in controlling the violence in Iraq.
The Middle-East will never be a peaceful place so long as the radical Moslem groups are allowed to attack Israel and so long as Israel is allowed to build settlements outside their borders, alter their borders at will and attack countries when a few terrorists attack them. The reaction of Israel for the attack and capture of ONE Israeli Soldier was to attack Gaza and put a MILLION people, that had NOTHING to do with the capture of that ONE soldier, in the dark and with no way to make a living. All that did was to create another reaction from Hezbollah, who uses the disproportionate response from Israel in Gaza as an excuse. Then Israel attacks Lebanon which endangers the NEW Democracy that was just created and soon Syria may enter the fight because of the Israeli attacks in Lebanon.
The reality is that the Government in Lebanon one does not have the power to stop Hezbollah and there is support for Hezbollah and other like groups in the government and population of Lebanon. Until the WORLD tells Israel it MUST stay within its borders and STOP attacking millions of people that are just victims of both the radical Moslem groups and Israel and force the radical Moslem groups to disarm, there is no way the conflict will be settled.
Israel is like a person who is stung by ONE or TWO hornets. The response of Israel is to hit the hive with a stick. What we are seeing today is the results of that policy by Israel.
Island Dog
on Jul 14, 2006
Col, you asked a question and got your answer. Only you can now try to blame Bush for it. What a sad life you must live.
COL Gene
on Jul 14, 2006
Bush did not create the situation in the Middle-East just like he did not create many of the other major issues that face us today. My problem with Bush and the GOP is that they have been ineffective in dealing with ANY of these major issues! For example, Bush came up with a GREAT plan in the Road Map to peace. He developed a good comprehensive plan, got most of the world to agree and then failed to force EITHER Israel or the Palestine’s to abide by the terms of the plan. The bottom line-- NO SOLUTION!
When we condone some of the excesses Israel does while at the same time condemn the actions of the Moslems it is creates more Moslems that hate us and make it more difficult for us to effect a solution. Israel has a right to defend itself. That did not mean because one soldier was captured by a group of radicals Israel is justified in attacking Gaza, disrupting the lives of a million people and killing many innocent women and children!
Island Dog
on Jul 14, 2006
That did not mean because one soldier was captured by a group of radicals Israel is justified in attacking Gaza, disrupting the lives of a million people and killing many innocent women and children!
Col, the entire Middle East wants nothing but the compete destruction of Israel. Islam wants nothing less than a world wide islamic state. It's not a group of radicals, it's the entire population of the so-called palestine that is the problem. Israel is doing just what we should have done back when good old democrat Carter started this islamic bs.
You can complain all you want about Bush and the GOP col, because the democrats don't even have a plan to deal with anything. Except surrender and coming up with an agenda on now not to "offend" people.
on Jul 14, 2006
Before you make statements that you know NOTNING about I suggest you read my book- You would learn many facts that document HOW Bush has harmed our country and how that damage will last for decades to come!
If this is an attempt to convince me to buy one of your books you sure suck at it. I wouldn't read your book if my life depended on it. I said this once on another of your articles, there is no way you write book cause first of all your spelling sucks thru out most of your articles and replies, your only option for debating a topic is to pound your opponent with rhetorics and, according to you, all the info you use in your books don't even belong to you. Talk about a guy who has no opinion of his own and has to use the opinions, ideas and studies of other people to make money.
My Book is predicated on some of the most knowledgeable sources on the subjects covered. I sight the sources used directly in the text rather then footnotes because I believe this is more acceptable to the average reader.
Yea sure. Just site those "knowledgeable sources" that agree with your point of view and completely ignore those that contradict it. You sound as if your "knowledgeable sources" are the only real truth and that those who are in contradiction to these "knowledgeable sources" are wrong regardless of how they got their information. Talk about one sided. Your the kind of person that would probably kick your own son out of the house if he voted opposite of you. You would probably never talk to him again if you found out that he voted for Bush.
I have yet to see an explanation as to Why Israel is attacking Lebanon if Syria and Iran are responsible for the attacks and capture of three Israeli Soldiers as Bush claims? If Saddam were still in power, Bush would be blaming him as well.
This right here is enough proof and enough to give me the right to call you stupid and idiotic. How does a guy have an opinion about a topic he is completely ignorant to when there are, by the minute, updates on some if not all the news sources? Your stupidity is beyond anything I though possible for a person that can use the internet. How you get thru a day without putting your underwear on the outside and without losing your house keys is beyond me.
You should consider giving you body to science when your time comes (and no I am not hoping you die any time soon; besides, that would be like canceling my favorite comedy show on TV for ever). Live long so I can prosper.
on Jul 14, 2006
BTW, when I first read the title I thought you were complaining about Bush adding more to the deficit by eating extravagant and expensive food.
Genghis Hank
on Jul 14, 2006
The reaction of Israel for the attack and capture of ONE Israeli Soldier was to attack Gaza and put a MILLION people, that had NOTHING to do with the capture of that ONE soldier, in the dark and with no way to make a living. All that did was to create another reaction from Hezbollah, who uses the disproportionate response from Israel in Gaza as an excuse.
A "proportionate" response would not achieve the result. Perhaps this one won't either because Hezbollah and Co. have learned that they can count on the west to reign in Israel in time.
Besides, if it was a US soldier, would the American people want a "proportionate" response? Or would we demand that everything be done to return our son or daughter and insure that it not happen again?
Gideon MacLeish
on Jul 14, 2006
I'm guessing your books aren't jumping off the shelves. You're not a very good PR guy. You have a very good opportunity to sell a book if it can stand on its own; yet you've basically ignored the requests to provide the reader with an excerpt. You don't handle the public well.
I think you could go a lot further as a writer by hiring someone to do your PR for you. You just don't seem to come across well in front of the people you're trying to attract.
But, that's just my opinion
COL Gene
on Jul 14, 2006
The tactics Israel has been using have not changed in over 50 years and they ARE NOT WORKING! I say again, if one hornet stings you to hit the hive with a stick is just DUMB!
COL Gene
on Jul 14, 2006
Marketing a book without a major publisher is hard. People who have read my book have told me they thought it was outstanding and right on.
Island Dog
on Jul 14, 2006
The tactics Israel has been using have not changed in over 50 years and they ARE NOT WORKING! I say again, if one hornet stings you to hit the hive with a stick is just DUMB!
And the tactics the arabs have been using against Israel has not changed either. If you think this is just an isolated incindent, then you are crazy.
Marketing a book without a major publisher is hard. People who have read my book have told me they thought it was outstanding and right on.
People have seen Michael Moore movies and thought they were "right on" as well. Doesn't mean anything really. Anybody who hates Bush would enjoy your book col. It doesn't take much intelligence to hate Bush and find other people who do also.
on Jul 14, 2006
George W. Bush is running around telling the world that Syria and Iran are responsible for the new violence in the Middle-East.
Yes, it's true. George W. Bush is saying that Hizbollah is backed by Syrian and Iranian arms, cash, and fighters. Can you prove otherwise?
At the same time Israel is attacking Lebanon as the source of that violence?
Hizbollah's HQ is in Lebanon. The Israeli soldiers that Hizbollah kidnapped are in Lebanon. That is, unless they've already been transported to SYRIA or IRAN. Because Syria and Iran provide arms, cash, and men to Hizbollah...
Is any of this making sense to you?
COL Gene
on Jul 14, 2006
The issue is not hating Bush but looking at what his policies are doing to resolve the issues facing our country. I looked at the following issues:
Economic Policy
National Defense
Social Security
Homeland Defense
Foreign Policy
Trade Policy
COL Gene
on Jul 14, 2006
Hezbollah does operate in Lebanon but Israel attacking Lebanon could destroy the new democracy Bush supported and that he claims is the answer to stability. The attack on Gaza promoted this last attack by Hezbollah. There was no justification to attack and impact a million Palestinians because ONE soldier was captured by a terrorist group. The vast majority of the people in Gaza had NOTHING to do with that and now Israel has created untold new enemies to attack them in the future. If Israel succeeds in arousing a number of Moslem states that surround them, they will be in for a devastating war that could cause a much wider conflict! If we are smart we will stay out of this conflict!!!!!
on Jul 14, 2006
There was no justification to attack and impact a million Palestinians because ONE soldier was captured by a terrorist group.
Just as there was no justification for toppling the Taliban government and impacting a million Afghanis because only FOUR airplanes were hijacked? Mmm hmmm... okay, whatever.
You really feel that Israel should allow terrorists to kidnap their soldiers without fear of reprisal? You must think this behavior should be encouraged? Wow.
Israel attacking Lebanon could destroy the new democracy Bush supported and that he claims is the answer to stability.
Bush supported the Lebanese finally doing something about the decades of Syrian puppet-mastery over their small nation. It wasn't a cure-all, it was only the first step towards self-determination for the Lebanese. And trying to oust Lahoud, which Syrian Pres. Assad appointed, was just a step in the right direction, which Bush (along with the whole darn international community) applauded. From
Assad has been criticised for Syria's de facto occupation of Lebanon (which ended in 2005) and the USA put Syria under sanctions partly because of this. He is reported to have played a key role in the accession of the pro-Syrian General Emile Lahoud to the Lebanese presidency in 1998.
Why am I giving you a lesson in Near-eastern politics? You clearly know zero about this region. Why are you trying to pass yourself off as a Mideast policy expert by creating blah blah points out of thin air? The only things you really know about this region are the things used to refute you in this thread. And you're learning more as you go.
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