Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 13, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

George W. Bush is running around telling the world that Syria and Iran are responsible for the new violence in the Middle-East. At the same time Israel is attacking Lebanon as the source of that violence? What Gives?

If Bush is correct, why has Israel not attacked Syria and Iran?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 13, 2006
Do you know anything in life except what Bush is doing? I mean seriously. Do you understand you have an obession with a man who has done nothing to you?
on Jul 13, 2006
It's worse than that. He claims to be ex-military, but is totally unaware of even the most basic and obvious details about the strategic disposition of military forces in the Middle East.

Syria and Iran are state sponsors of terror.

Up until very recently, Lebanon has been a de facto puppet state of Syria. Even now, Syria still has a great deal of control over Lebanese policy.

Southern Lebanon (along the border with Israel) is held by Hezbollah, a terrorist organization of Palestinian refugees. Hezbollah maintains a separate government in South Lebanon, under the aegis of Syrian and Iranian diplomatic pressure on Lebanon.

Syria and Iran sponsor, supply, fund, train, and encourage terrorist groups such as Hezbollah.

Israel is not attacking Lebanon per se. Israel is attacking Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon, because that's where they are.

Hezbollah gets its support from Syria and Iran, not from the Lebanese government.

The Lebanese government is currently powerless to stop Hezbollah, which governs a population of many thousands of Palestinians in Lebanon. The consequences of an open confrontation between the Lebanese government and Hezbollah would be devastating to that country. Lebanon would likely collapse and be annexed by Syria.

So that is why Bush is blaming Syria and Iran for instigating terrorism, even as the IDF is across the Lebanese border dealing with the terrorism that Syria and Iran have instigated.

It's a simple case of one ally tackling the difficult high-level diplomatic problem: encouraging other world leaders to join him in opposing state sponsors of terrorism (specifically, Syria and Iran), while the other ally tackles the difficult low-level military problem: shutting down the state-sponsored terrorist groups currently launching attacks on them (specifically, Syrian-sponsored Hezbollah attacks across the Lebanese border).

I guess it's true what they say: us enlisted men really are better soldiers than the officers who command us.

I bet "Colonel" Gene never really got on with his Sergeant-Major, did he?
on Jul 13, 2006
Island Dog

Every day something else that Bush does that either does not make sense or does harm to our country appears on the news. I can not remember a time when a president did some many stupid things. The actions that Bush is doing DOES CAUSE ME and EVERY OTHER American Harm. Even You who refuse to acknowledge just how bad a president GWB has proven to be for our country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Jul 13, 2006
If Cuba for example started to attack some of the anti-Castro elements in Florida I guess you would say they were not attacking the United Stated just those anti Castro supporters. What BS. Israel will not stop until they have started another major war.
on Jul 13, 2006
Hmmm, no response from Gene. Not even a blame Bush for the deficit even thought it has nothing to do with this article. That's odd, or am I counting my chickens before they hatch?
on Jul 13, 2006
Every day something else that Bush does that either does not make sense or does harm to our country appears on the news. I can not remember a time when a president did some many stupid things. The actions that Bush is doing DOES CAUSE ME and EVERY OTHER American Harm. Even You who refuse to acknowledge just how bad a president GWB has proven to be for our country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really wish you would stop talking as if you spoke for everyone. Hows about you stick to talking about your own life and leave everyone else out of it? You were not elected to represent the feelings of every American citizen so please stop doing that already. You do more damage to this country than anything Bush could ever do. You make all of us look like a bunch of cowards who don't have a clue what we are doing and we elect the first idiot we can find cause we too stupid to know what's good for us.

If Cuba for example started to attack some of the anti-Castro elements in Florida I guess you would say they were not attacking the United Stated just those anti Castro supporters. What BS. Israel will not stop until they have started another major war.

No matter what anyone says, no matter what facts are presented, you always have something to say in your defense. I have to admit, for a military person who proves he knows nothing about the military every day,you sure are always prepared with a response for any reply. You should take LW's advice and do your homework before you let you brain do all the talking.
on Jul 13, 2006
Every day something else that Bush does that either does not make sense or does harm to our country appears on the news.

You are getting in the habit now of just making things up. Bush has not harmed our country, our country is doing just fine. The only people who wish something was wrong is you, the DNC, and the media. Every other day you write another useless post about Bush that sounds identical to the one you would post two weeks before. What a sad life you must live if all you do is think about Bush.

I can not remember a time when a president did some many stupid things.

I guess you don't remember Carter or Clinton.

The actions that Bush is doing DOES CAUSE ME and EVERY OTHER American Harm. Even You who refuse to acknowledge just how bad a president GWB has proven to be for our country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh tell us col how Bush has harmed you personally?

What did Bush do to me you ask? Well I got back about an extra $2000 on my taxes this year.

f Cuba for example started to attack some of the anti-Castro elements in Florida I guess you would say they were not attacking the United Stated just those anti Castro supporters. What BS. Israel will not stop until they have started another major war.

Ah yes, another liberal talking point col picks up on. The hatred and blaming of Israel. Israel is doing what we should have done a long time ago (Carter Presidency comes to mind).
on Jul 13, 2006
Ah, but what Bush did in this case makes perfect sense.

Your Cuba analogy would also make perfect sense, if the Cubans in southern Florida had their own independent government and infrastructure, made up a significant fraction of all the people residing in America, could not be brought under American governmental control without shattering the country, and were sponsored and encouraged by a rabidly anti-Cuban Canadian regime--a Canadian regime that also held a feeble American government hostage to its military might and diplomatic advantages.

In that case, it would be very clear that the Cubans in southern Florida were working without the support or approval of the U.S. government, and that in fact the U.S. government was powerless to stop them. And it would be foolish for the Cuban government to blame the powerless American government for something so obviously beyond their control. It would make more sense to blame the Canadian government which held all the power and was the real driving force behind the south Florida Cuban terrorists.

But as things stand right now, the American government has total power over the Cubans of southern Florida, and would rightly be held accountable if those Cubans took U.S. foreign policy into their own hands, and would rightly be a legitimate target of attack in such an event.

Your analogy fails on account of being based on similarities that do not exist, between two things which are utterly dissimilar.
on Jul 13, 2006
Col has made some rediculous articles and replies but this time he put his cheeks in the way and is getting smacked harder and faster than Superman can hit.

If this is any indication of what to expect from Cols next book, than we all know who will win funniest book of the year.
on Jul 13, 2006
Before you make statements that you know NOTNING about I suggest you read my book- You would learn many facts that document HOW Bush has harmed our country and how that damage will last for decades to come!
on Jul 13, 2006
Gene, your articles here are a poor advertisement for your books.

Your arguments here are interesting because they're free. There's no way I'm paying hard-earned cash for more of the same.

Would you consider posting a representative excerpt from your book, as a promotion to attract new readers?

If it's better than what you post here, I might be interested in increasing your book sales. If it's not... well, that's the free market for you.
on Jul 13, 2006

My Book is predicated on some of the most knowledgeable sources on the subjects covered. I sight the sources used directly in the text rather then footnotes because I believe this is more acceptable to the average reader.

I have yet to see an explanation as to Why Israel is attacking Lebanon if Syria and Iran are responsible for the attacks and capture of three Israeli Soldiers as Bush claims? If Saddam were still in power, Bush would be blaming him as well.
on Jul 13, 2006
Gene, I gave you an explanation earlier today.

Please re-read my very first response to this article.

And I understand why you would say that your book is very well-researched and full of important facts. I just don't understand why I should believe you when you say that, based on your writing here.

Are your articles here of the same quality as your book? If so, I see no reason to waste money on your book.

On the other hand, if your book is better-written than your articles here, I might be interested in what it has to say. Would you like to post an excerpt somewhere, for me to evaluate? Or are you going to continue to rely on your articles here to make sales?
on Jul 13, 2006
Someone send the guys with the straightjackets to Gene's place. He's now certifiable.
on Jul 13, 2006
I have yet to see an explanation as to Why Israel is attacking Lebanon if Syria and Iran are responsible for the attacks and capture of three Israeli Soldiers as Bush claims?

This shows how you are the only one out of touch. Why is Israel attacking Lebanon? Here is your explanation....

Israel's target was Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed militant Shiite faction which has a free hand in southern Lebanon and also holds seats in parliament. Hezbollah sparked the current conflict Wednesday with a cross-border raid that captured two of Israel's soldiers.

Can it get any more clear than that?
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