Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 15, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

At the G-8 it became clear that Bush and his support for what other leaders say is the disproportionate actions of Israel which they consider unjustified has put the United States at odds with the other G-8 leaders. The other leaders wanted a TRUCE, while Bush refused to go along with demanding that both sides STOP the fighting. Bush has chosen to support Israel who is starting a war over the capture of one Israeli Soldier.

As Putin said, " no hostage-takings are acceptable ... but neither is the use of full-scale force". Again the United States under GWB is in disagreement with most of the other world leaders including our closet allies!

Sen. John Warner, chairman of the Armed Services Committee warned Bush of how destructive the actions of Israel will be to everything in the Moslem world. Why is Bush almost always on the opposite of the rest of the WORLD?

on Jul 15, 2006
"Britain was among four nations that abstained when a resolution condemning Israel and demanding it halt its separate military offensive in the Gaza Strip was put to the UN Security Council on Thursday.

The US voted against the resolution."

BBC News

America on its own with three other nations.

on Jul 15, 2006
Bush has chosen to support Israel who is starting a war over the capture of one Israeli Soldier.

You are such a biased idiot, Gene. Israel didn't "start" this war. I'm not gonna waste any more bandwidth or time explaining it to you, since you don't care.
on Jul 15, 2006
Bush has chosen to support Israel who is starting a war over the capture of one Israeli Soldier.

You are such a biased idiot, Gene. Israel didn't "start" this war. I'm not gonna waste any more bandwidth or time explaining it to you, since you don't care.

I agree 110%

on Jul 15, 2006

Yes Israel invaded Gaza and impacted a million Palestinians because a terrorist group attacked three Israeli military and took one as a hostage. That was totally over kill and precipitated the attack by Hezbollah from Lebanon. The capture of one soldier in NO WAY endangered the security of Israel and Bush saying they have a right to defend themselves has nothing to do with the attacks they have been waging. Every time we support such actions by Israel we generate more enemies for the U S. All the other G-8 Leaders felt Israel Over Reacted except for Bush!
on Jul 15, 2006
Israel builds developments outside their territory, constructs walls beyond the borders and makes the lives of millions of Palestine’s unbearable. They attack areas and kill innocent women and children and create more new enemies every time they do these things. There is NO justification for ANY of these actions. They violate the UN resolutions and we turn our head to condone these illegal acts. Israel has a right to exist WITHIN their borders! The things Israel was required to do under the Road Map to Peace were totally ignored by Israel and the U S. In a like manor, the radical Moslem groups continue to attack Israel and nothing is done to disarm them. Our policy has been totally ineffective because we set down a set of requirements and then fail to insure they were met by either side!