Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 20, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

In an attempt to justify his first veto, Bush surrounded himself with a few children that were born from left-over in-vitro frozen stem-cells to show what he did by his veto was proper. Bush claims if we allowed federally funded research on excess Stem-Cells these children would never have been born. That is another lie that his spin doctors cooked up.

The truth is that donors that have excess stem-cells that remain after they have completed their in-vitro procedures have two options- Allow some one else to use the embryos like the few people Bush used in his photo op or have them destroyed as medical waste. Of the estimated 400,000 embryos that remain after in-vitro procedures in this country, the vast majority will DESTROYED. Passage of the law would have allowed donors to give their embryos to another couple or to allow their use to help find CURES for HUMAN SUFFERING. In no event would the passage of this law have "taken human Life"as Bush suggested since the vast majority of the excess stem-cells will be destroyed now that this bill has been vetoed and they will be destroyed without helping anyone! Thus what Bush said is another LIE. What will happen is that all the excess embryos that are not given to other couples will be destroyed while millions of people that could have been helped by this bill continue to suffer. For those that claim this will not impact life-saving research please look at what Senator Bill Frist, majority Leader of the Senate and Doctor said, "given the potential of this research and the limitations of the existing embryonic stem cell research, I think additional lines should be made available". Every major research facility has said the restrictions imposed by Bush will significantly hamper the search for cures that cover a large number of horrible diseases that cause great suffering!

Bush says this is the right moral compass for our country. No, that is HIS MORAL COMPESS that he is forcing on our country despite the fact that the MAJORITY of both the Congress and the people do not agree with Bush. Every day the WILL of the American people is being ignored and we are moving close and closer to a Dictatorship under Bush.

It is time to identify ALL the members of Congress that failed to vote to override the Bush Veto (the vote in the house was 235 to override and 193 to sustain the Bush Veto) and make sure they are NOT REELECTED in November 2006. I bet the Senate will not vote so the Conservative Senators that support Bush and his indefensible position will not be identified as refusing to stand up for what the majority of our people want on this issue.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 20, 2006
Bush is a Sorry Excuse For a President

And you are a sorry excuse for a book writer and an article writer. Now you both are even.

In an attempt to justify his first veto, Bush surrounded himself with a few children that were born from left-over in-vitro frozen stem-cells to show what he did by his veto was proper. Bush claims if we allowed federally funded research on excess Stem-Cells these children would never have been born. That is another lie that his spin doctors cooked up.

Col, are you idiotic or something? The children are there, on TV, alive. Where the F_ck is the lie? Do you even think before you write these articles?

The truth is that donors that have excess stem-cells that remain after they have completed their in-vitro procedures have two options- Allow some one else to use the embryos like the few people Bush used in his photo op or have them destroyed as medical waste. Of the estimated 400,000 embryos that remain after in-vitro procedures in this country, the vast majority will DESTROYED. Passage of the law would have allowed donors to give their embryos to another couple or to allow their use to help find CURES for HUMAN SUFFERING.

Ever heard of the class clown? Well your the website clown. Passing the law would help, but not passing wont stop it. Nothing has been done to stop the research, the research can continue, the funds will just have to come from somewhere else. besides there is still adult stem cells which have been yielding results already. I don't see why you are making such a by cry over this.

BTW, I thought I would mention, my father has diabetes, alzheimer, gota, heart problems and partial blindness, my mother is also diabetic and she has many physical problems as well. there is a high chance that I could be diabetic as well and maybe even my children, but I will not be a part of killing would-be people and I do not want my taxes being spent on useless stem cells that are contaminated.

In no event would the passage of this law have "taken human Life"as Bush suggested since the vast majority of the excess stem-cells will be destroyed now that this bill has been vetoed and they will be destroyed without helping anyone!

This proves how short sighted and ignorant you are. By funding the research we are giving the scientist a green light to ask for more new stem cells which will then require to kill innocent embrios. Will you wake up already and try to see a few steps ahead of yourself? This is not about just the frozen ones, this is not about stopping anyone from using the ones they already have, this is about not using tax payers money to do it. Grow up already.

What will happen is that all the excess embryos that are not given to other couples will be destroyed while millions of people that could have been helped by this bill continue to suffer. For those that claim this will not impact life-saving research please look at what Senator Bill Frist, majority Leader of the Senate and Doctor said, "given the potential of this research and the limitations of the existing embryonic stem cell research, I think additional lines should be made available". Every major research facility has said the restrictions imposed by Bush will significantly hamper the search for cures that cover a large number of horrible diseases that cause great suffering!

The things people will say for money. Did you ever consider that these scientist would say this just to get more free money? Did you ever consider that they are not being stopped from doing the research, that they only need to look elsewhere for the money? Man are you ignorant.

Bush says this is the right moral compass for our country. No, that is HIS MORAL COMPESS that he is forcing on our country despite the fact that the MAJORITY of both the Congress and the people do not agree with Bush. Every day the WILL of the American people is being ignored and we are moving close and closer to a Dictatorship under Bush.

Hmmm, aren't these the same people you claimed were dumb enough to put Bush in office, not once but twice? Is this the same Congress you claim does Bush's will? How quick you are to befriend all those who you once felt disgusted of because they did not see things your way but now have something in common with you. Dictatorship? Now that's funny. If the American people trully thought he was in control of them they would stand up like the Americans that they are and get rid of him. But I see no such thing being done, why? It is, after all, within our, the American peoples, power.

It is time to identify ALL the members of Congress that failed to vote to override the Bush Veto (the vote in the house was 235 to override and 193 to sustain the Bush Veto) and make sure they are NOT REELECTED in November 2006. I bet the Senate will not vote so the Conservative Senators that support Bush and his indefensible position will not be identified as refusing to stand up for what the majority of our people want on this issue.

Ah, but then that would still give the GOP a chance to stay in charge. I though you didn't want that, after all, it was you who pointed out that some members of the GOP voted against Bush in favor of this bill. You make no sense, you don't think things thru, you see one good thing from the GOP and you suddenly think they are now the people you trust when not so long ago these were the same people you thought were gonna bring down this entire country. Hypocritical? yes, but what can you expect from a person who bases his entire logic on his hatred for Bush. I didn't say opinion cause you don't have one of your own, you continue to use everyone elses opinion. What a shame, not to have an opinion of your own, just use those of people that attack Bush cause that all you care about. I actually believe that if someone said that Bush was bad for giving tons of money to the poor, you would agree and complain about the deficit. What a sad existence you have. Show this article to your childr4en just so they can see who their dad really is.
on Jul 20, 2006
Another useless Bush bashing article. Didn't you already write about this? Keep going col, you are going to guarantee that Bush doesn't win in 2008.
on Jul 20, 2006

Even if I am not the best author, my failures have not caused the harm that the incompetence of GWB has done to our country!
on Jul 20, 2006

The LIE is that passage of this law would prevent children like the ones Bush USED in this Photo-OP to live. NOTHING in the Bill Bush Vetoed would have prevented donors from allowing their unused in-vitro embryos to be used to by another couple. What the Veto did is prevent about 400,000 embryos that WILL NOT be used in this way from helping find cures to HELP PEOPLE! Most of the unused embryos will be DESTROYED as medical waste so show us how the Bush Veto will prevent these 400,000 embryos from being destroyed? You a complete idiot just like Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Jul 20, 2006

Using embryos that will be destroyed if not used for medical research is NOT destroying ANY Human Life. They will NEVER become Human Life. What do you not understand about this? Are you just DUMB or just refuse to look at the truth?
on Jul 20, 2006

There are 400,000 excess stem cells. You assertion that passage of this bill would cause scientists to seek more cells. That is PURE BS. There are more then enough cells with a small part of the existing 400,000 cells for any research needs. Where do you come up with the BS?
on Jul 20, 2006

What is useless are Bush and the idiots that support him!
on Jul 20, 2006

Since the majority of Congress and the American Taxpayers support this research, spending tax dollars is appropriate. Bush spends Billions per week in Iraq and the majority does not want us in Iraq. Why is the spending on Iraq proper? That war is killing people everyday!!!!!!!
on Jul 20, 2006

Since MOST of the members of Congress that voted to sustain the Bush VETO are Republicans, if they were defeated in Novemver, how would the GOP retain control? Since the primaries are over the only choice in November is to return the GOP members that supported Bush or vote for their opponent which in almost ALL cases would be a Democrat. YOU ARE NOT TO BRIGHT!
on Jul 20, 2006
The LIE is that passage of this law would prevent children like the ones Bush USED in this Photo-OP to live.


Since the majority of Congress and the American Taxpayers support this research, spending tax dollars is appropriate. Bush spends Billions per week in Iraq and the majority does not want us in Iraq. Why is the spending on Iraq proper? That war is killing people everyday!!!!!!!

Col, in the other thread you said this wasn't about Iraq or terrorism. I see how it's convenient for you to bring it up when it suits your anti-Bush agenda.

Oh please tell us how you know what the majority of America wants. The majority of Congress approved us going to Iraq in the first place. I didn't see you praising them back then.

Since MOST of the members of Congress that voted to sustain the Bush VETO are Republicans, if they were defeated in Novemver, how would the GOP retain control? Since the primaries are over the only choice in November is to return the GOP members that supported Bush or vote for their opponent which in almost ALL cases would be a Democrat. YOU ARE NOT TO BRIGHT!

Col, nobody cares about this. Voters and the rest of America will forget about this whole bill by the weekend. Keeping going democrats, stem cells and global warming will guarantee victory. What a bunch of idiots.
on Jul 20, 2006
Wow, Col, are you just jonesing for points or what? Replying to every chunk of Charles' reply as separate . . . now that's a points whore for ya.

I guess the real question here, getting past the pointless Bush-bash rant, is - when does an embryo become a human? What is the dividing line? The moment of conception between egg and sperm? Or is it when the cells begin to differentiate, turning an embryo into a fetus? That's where the question lies.
on Jul 20, 2006
How many times have you been told that the pace of research without federal funding is far slower as has been stated by Dr. Frisk, and most other researchers? There is NO reason why our tax dollars are no to be used since the MAJORITY are in favor of this law! This is Bush pushing HIS morality on everyone else.
on Jul 20, 2006

Only unfeeling Idiots like you and Bush do not care about finding cures for the horrible diseases that keep millions of people in pain. You never address the issue that most of the stem-cells will be destroyed. Why would any thinking or feeling person support a policy that will result in the destruction of these stem cells with NO chance to help people? These 400,000 embryos will not become human beings because Bush vetoed this bill. They will become Medical Waste! What Bush did is insure that these embryos will be destroyed with no chance you help anyone. What a waste you and he are to society!
on Jul 20, 2006
There is NO reason why our tax dollars are no to be used since the MAJORITY are in favor of this law! This is Bush pushing HIS morality on everyone else.

Show me where the majority favor this law?

Only unfeeling Idiots like you and Bush do not care about finding cures for the horrible diseases that keep millions of people in pain. You never address the issue that most of the stem-cells will be destroyed. Why would any thinking or feeling person support a policy that will result in the destruction of these stem cells with NO chance to help people? These 400,000 embryos will not become human beings because Bush vetoed this bill. They will become Medical Waste! What Bush did is insure that these embryos will be destroyed with no chance you help anyone. What a waste you and he are to society!

Col, you are a liar. This research has not shown ANY REAL PROGRESS in helping anybody. This whole bill is nothing but pure politics. I really don't believe you care either. This is just another useless anti-Bush post. If Bush did approve it you would complain it costs to much. There is no winning with you and other liberal loons like yourself.

Bush is not stopping the research, just stopping the tax payer from footing the bill. If you care so much, then take all the proceeds from your books and send it to fund it. I'm sure that extra $1 will be appreciated.
on Jul 20, 2006
This research has not shown ANY REAL PROGRESS in helping anybody.

That's not entirely accurate.

Stem Cell Research, Geron Corporation

Cancer Programs : Telomerase Cancer Vaccine (GRNVAC1)
The goal of therapeutic cancer vaccines is to “teach” the patient’s own immune system to attack cancer cells while sparing other cells. This is done by exposing the immune system to a substance (antigen) that is specific to cancer cells, inducing an immune response to any cells that present that antigen. We believe that telomerase’s characteristics make it an ideal antigen for cancer vaccines.

We are conducting human clinical trials to confirm and optimize the safety and efficacy of telomerase vaccine therapies. In collaboration with scientists at Duke University, we published studies which demonstrate that cancer patients’ immune cells can be activated with a telomerase vaccine in the laboratory to kill their own cancer cells...
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