Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 20, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

In an attempt to justify his first veto, Bush surrounded himself with a few children that were born from left-over in-vitro frozen stem-cells to show what he did by his veto was proper. Bush claims if we allowed federally funded research on excess Stem-Cells these children would never have been born. That is another lie that his spin doctors cooked up.

The truth is that donors that have excess stem-cells that remain after they have completed their in-vitro procedures have two options- Allow some one else to use the embryos like the few people Bush used in his photo op or have them destroyed as medical waste. Of the estimated 400,000 embryos that remain after in-vitro procedures in this country, the vast majority will DESTROYED. Passage of the law would have allowed donors to give their embryos to another couple or to allow their use to help find CURES for HUMAN SUFFERING. In no event would the passage of this law have "taken human Life"as Bush suggested since the vast majority of the excess stem-cells will be destroyed now that this bill has been vetoed and they will be destroyed without helping anyone! Thus what Bush said is another LIE. What will happen is that all the excess embryos that are not given to other couples will be destroyed while millions of people that could have been helped by this bill continue to suffer. For those that claim this will not impact life-saving research please look at what Senator Bill Frist, majority Leader of the Senate and Doctor said, "given the potential of this research and the limitations of the existing embryonic stem cell research, I think additional lines should be made available". Every major research facility has said the restrictions imposed by Bush will significantly hamper the search for cures that cover a large number of horrible diseases that cause great suffering!

Bush says this is the right moral compass for our country. No, that is HIS MORAL COMPESS that he is forcing on our country despite the fact that the MAJORITY of both the Congress and the people do not agree with Bush. Every day the WILL of the American people is being ignored and we are moving close and closer to a Dictatorship under Bush.

It is time to identify ALL the members of Congress that failed to vote to override the Bush Veto (the vote in the house was 235 to override and 193 to sustain the Bush Veto) and make sure they are NOT REELECTED in November 2006. I bet the Senate will not vote so the Conservative Senators that support Bush and his indefensible position will not be identified as refusing to stand up for what the majority of our people want on this issue.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 20, 2006
It's not worth the effort, but a list of just Gene's article titles, in chronological order, would be a pretty funny read. The articles themselves are mindless droning, but the headlines at least always give me a chuckle.
on Jul 20, 2006
Wow, Col, are you just jonesing for points or what? Replying to every chunk of Charles' reply as separate . . . now that's a points whore for ya.

This is priceless.


Let me show you how to reply the proper way.

Even if I am not the best author, my failures have not caused the harm that the incompetence of GWB has done to our country!

Well making people (the few that bought your book anyways) buy, no, waste money on your useless books is doing harm to those peoples financial situation.

The LIE is that passage of this law would prevent children like the ones Bush USED in this Photo-OP to live. NOTHING in the Bill Bush Vetoed would have prevented donors from allowing their unused in-vitro embryos to be used to by another couple. What the Veto did is prevent about 400,000 embryos that WILL NOT be used in this way from helping find cures to HELP PEOPLE! Most of the unused embryos will be DESTROYED as medical waste so show us how the Bush Veto will prevent these 400,000 embryos from being destroyed? You a complete idiot just like Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only reason these embryos would be destroyed is if these scientist don't find the funds to continue this research from somewhere else. Again, this is about the tax payers money not being used for this research, not destroying the 400,000 embryos. The research can continue, just not with federal funds. Who's the real idiot here?

Using embryos that will be destroyed if not used for medical research is NOT destroying ANY Human Life. They will NEVER become Human Life. What do you not understand about this? Are you just DUMB or just refuse to look at the truth?

They will not be destroyed if these scientisdt can find someone else to fund them. Get the picture you fool? Why don't you fund it?

There are 400,000 excess stem cells. You assertion that passage of this bill would cause scientists to seek more cells. That is PURE BS. There are more then enough cells with a small part of the existing 400,000 cells for any research needs. Where do you come up with the BS?

Grow up already, everyone knows that eventually they will want more. Most of these 400,000 embryos are contaminated anyways. What a dork. You really are stupid.

Since the majority of Congress and the American Taxpayers support this research, spending tax dollars is appropriate. Bush spends Billions per week in Iraq and the majority does not want us in Iraq. Why is the spending on Iraq proper? That war is killing people everyday!!!!!!!

Oh, now this is an Iraq article? What a hypocrit. Bush had the power to veto and he did. case closed, go cry to your mommy now.

Since MOST of the members of Congress that voted to sustain the Bush VETO are Republicans, if they were defeated in Novemver, how would the GOP retain control? Since the primaries are over the only choice in November is to return the GOP members that supported Bush or vote for their opponent which in almost ALL cases would be a Democrat. YOU ARE NOT TO BRIGHT!

Most, not all. get that? NOT ALL. That would mean they can still stay in charge. Moron.
on Jul 20, 2006
How many times have you been told that the pace of research without federal funding is far slower as has been stated by Dr. Frisk, and most other researchers? There is NO reason why our tax dollars are no to be used since the MAJORITY are in favor of this law! This is Bush pushing HIS morality on everyone else.

Interesting, since you like polls so much here's one for you.


A new poll shows that 48% of Americans oppose federal funding of stem cell research that requires destroying human embryos, while only 39% support such funding. The poll, conducted by International Communications Research (ICR), surveyed over one thousand adults by telephone May 19-23.

When survey respondents were informed that scientists disagree on whether stem cells from embryos, or from adult tissues and other alternative sources, may end up being most successful in treating diseases, 57% favored funding only the research avenues that do not harm the donor; only 24% favored funding all stem cell research, including the type that involves destroying embryos.

Hmmm, I though you say the majority of Americans wanted this?

Can someone point me to these polls that say that mosr Americans agree to the funding? I can't find anything except what some news articles claim. Where is the proof of this. I would like to see it. No joke.
on Jul 20, 2006
A new poll shows that 48% of Americans oppose federal funding of stem cell research that requires destroying human embryos, while only 39% support such funding. The poll, conducted by International Communications Research (ICR), surveyed over one thousand adults by telephone May 19-23.

Proved wrong by the polls he loves so much.
on Jul 20, 2006

A new poll reports 63 percent of Americans support stem-cell research. (ArtToday)
Life Support?
Stem-Cell Backing Holds at Six in 10

By Jesse F. Derris.

Aug. 3 — Intensified news coverage of the debate over embryonic stem-cell research hasn't had much impact on public opinion: About six in 10 people continue to support both the research and its federal funding, roughly the same as it was five weeks ago.

Sixty-three percent of Americans support such research in general, compared to 58 percent in late June. Support for federal funding has remained steady at 60 percent, while opposition gained five points to 36 percent.

Stem-cell research
Personal view: Government funding:
Support Oppose Support Oppose
July 30 63% 33 60 36
June 24 58 30 60 31

In addition, the MAJORITY of the Congress we elected to represent us approved of this bill!
on Jul 20, 2006
For the Democrats to take control of Congress they need:

31 seats in the House and 6 in the Senate.

There are a lot more Republicans that sided with Bush on the veto that are up for reelection in November then required for a change in the Congress. Time to put King George in his place!
on Jul 20, 2006
#20 by COL Gene
Thu, July 20, 2006 1:49 PM

Well thank you for making an effort to respond to a reply like you should. Still what's done is done and guess we will have to wait till after November to see if it still has a fighting chance. Another thing is a perwson like the President has the power to do such things, what's the point of having them if when used people like you consider him a bad person. We live in a democracy and that means that not everyone will have their cake and eat it too.

For the Democrats to take control of Congress they need:

31 seats in the House and 6 in the Senate.

There are a lot more Republicans that sided with Bush on the veto that are up for reelection in November then required for a change in the Congress. Time to put King George in his place!

You see, just when you show hope of a decent debate, you have to go to childish remarks and screw everything up. Then people here wonder why we treat you so harshly.
on Jul 20, 2006
For the Democrats to take control of Congress they need:

31 seats in the House and 6 in the Senate.

There are a lot more Republicans that sided with Bush on the veto that are up for reelection in November then required for a change in the Congress. Time to put King George in his place!


Unless the Democrats put together a strong platform, they won't win SQUAT. "George Bush sucks" is NOT a strong platform.

Your party lost a winnable presidential election in 2004, and may lose in November due to lack of leadership. The Democratic Party is basically extinct in my neck of the woods for that very reason.
on Jul 20, 2006
My party has been hijacked by the conservative right. It is not just Bush it is the GOP leadership that has allow Bush to destroy our country.
on Jul 20, 2006
My party has been hijacked by the conservative right.

No, Col, trust me. "Your" party is becoming MORE leftist and out of touch with America. I know. I used to BE a Democrat, once upon a time!
on Jul 20, 2006
The term King George correctly described the attitude of GWB. He is the decided. It does not matter what the majority of Congress or the American People want it is what George wants. This from a man that has accomplished NOTHING on his own. Everything George has gotten was via the contacts mostly that lead back to his father. His military commission, school, business and political office. He was not a real success at ANYTHING including being an effective President!
on Jul 20, 2006
I am not a Democrat as I have said many times. I am a Moderate Republican. Today the Democrats are far more moderate then the GOP leadership!
on Jul 20, 2006
I am not a Democrat as I have said many times. I am a Moderate Republican.

When did "tax and spend" become part of the Republican platform?
on Jul 20, 2006
I am not a Democrat as I have said many times. I am a Moderate Republican. Today the Democrats are far more moderate then the GOP leadership!

Democrats are not moderate. This statement shows you are the only one that is "out of touch". Democrats can't even beat Bush on the issues that you claim are so wrong. What does that tell you about the democratic party. For you to keep telling us that you are a republican is the biggest joke. Every one of your talking points is straight from the far left, not republicans.

His military commission, school, business and political office. He was not a real success at ANYTHING including being an effective President!

He is far more successful than you will ever be. I bet there is a hint of jealously from you. You, a pathetic self-publshed author who can't sell books, can't win local election, and does nothing but obsess over a man who hasn't done anything to him.

It does not matter what the majority of Congress or the American People want it is what George wants

You don't speak for the majority of America. Your arrogance makes you think you do. Bush doesn't control your life, he has very limited power, but yet you continually act like Bush controls everything.

How sad is your life that you know nothing but hating a man that is better than you?
on Jul 20, 2006
As usual democrats try to win an election on a platform nobody cares about.

However, all of this does not necessarily mean there will be a strong public backlash against Bush over his veto. Because the issue is not highly important to most Americans – only 12% were following it very closely in May 2005

As I said before, America will forget about this veto by the weekend.
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