Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 22, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics
November 29, 2005 by Gene P. Abel

Let’s let time prove who was correct. If you look at the book I wrote two years ago about what it would mean to keep Bush in The White House, you will see MOST of what I said would happen has already taken place. I will be happy to go back over what I predicted would be the impact of the Bush policies on our country.

Here are just a few:

We will continue to lose living wage jobs.

The National Debt will be about $10 Trillion in Jan 2009

The trade deficit will be equal to or worse then today.

The interest on the debt will be one of the fastest growing sections of the Federal Budget and moving toward $500 Billion per year.

We will be no closer to solving the funding issues of Social Security and both Medicare and Medicaid will be greater financial trouble.

The government in Iraq will not be one that we will be able to work with to control terrorism.

Middle and lower income Americans will be worse off then today.

The political climate will be just as bad or worse.

We will have made very little if any progress in protecting our borders.

The wealthy well be the ONLY economic group that will be better off then today.

Keep this list and let’s see how things look in January 2009

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