Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 31, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics
Soldiers MUST obey their orders

For the second time there have been reports that members of the new Iraqi military REFUSED to serve where they were assigned. Our commanding General in Iraq said that is a VERY TROUBLING issue.

Let’s turn the clock back to 1972 when 1LT George W. Bush was working on a political campaign in Alabama and did not want to serve in the Texas unit to which he was assigned. Lt Bush requested a transfer to Alabama and his request was turned down and Lt Bush was ORDERED to attend drills in Texas. What did LT Bush do? The same thing as the Iraqi soldiers—refused to obey and report, AS ORDERED, to the unit to which he was assigned.


on Aug 31, 2006
You are so pathetic, it's actually sad. You could get along with the guy who claimed to kill Ramsey girl just fine, you both are nuts.
on Aug 31, 2006
You know...I was making brownies one time, and I forgot to grease the pan...I think it was George Bush who made me forget...that bastard.

on Aug 31, 2006

What makes that ineresting is (if it is actually true) that one day you should have your very own moronic, twit blaming you for all the problems of the world.

I will give you one thing Gene. You can spin anything.
on Aug 31, 2006
You are BOTH in denial. All that I have posted is 100% TRUE and if you believe that discipline and following orders in the military is not essential, you have no concept of what makes the military work! What a sorry bunch of people that blindly refuse to see the truth.
on Aug 31, 2006
Wow. That was a pretty weird conclusion.
on Aug 31, 2006
You know...I was making brownies one time, and I forgot to grease the pan...I think it was George Bush who made me forget...that bastard.

  That Bush really knows how to screw up baking.

You are BOTH in denial.

Actually I'm in Florida.

All that I have posted is 100% TRUE

There is no such thing as 100% so give up.

and if you believe that discipline and following orders in the military is not essential, you have no concept of what makes the military work!

Are we talking about the US military or the Iraqi military? And since when do you care what they do. So we are training them, it is up to their own superior officers to make sure they are following orders, what the fuck does Bush have anything to do with them not punishing their own soldiers for not following orders?

What a sorry bunch of people that blindly refuse to see the truth.

You should look in a mirror and realize that you are the sorriest blind person on this site that resfuses to see any truth that goes against anything you believe in. Time and time again you have been proven wrong yet you keep coming back with ideas as if it was your first time writing it. You are what many would call a sore loser. you have had many chances to get your point across and actually shut everyone up, but your small brain takes over and you start acting the fool and end up like an idiot.
on Aug 31, 2006

I am talking about ANY MILITARY. Without discipline a military unit is ineffective!!!!!!!!!!

You say I have been proven wrong which is incorrect. What is the truth is that you and others on this blog site refuse to acknowledge that our country is going in the wrong direction and that our President is not a leader.

See the remarks of Penn Professor:

1. NBC Features Leftist on Katrina/Race: Bush 'Clueless Patrician'
Looking back at Katrina a year later, NBC's Brian Williams decided to raise the issue of race and to showcase as his sole expert, on both Monday's NBC Nightly News and a prime time special, left-wing professor Michael Eric Dyson, author of Come Hell or High Water: Hurricane Katrina and the Color of Disaster. Williams, from New Orleans, set up his Nightly News segment by arguing the disaster "destroyed" a lot and "it exposed a lot, too, including, some say, the dicey issues of race and class in our country." Dyson, a regular on Bill Maher's HBO show and a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, declared: "The people in New Orleans were left behind long before the vicious winds and violent waters of Hurricane Katrina came along to wash them away." Williams asked: "What was your reaction when Barbara Bush said they're really better off?" Dyson retorted: "Yeah, I'm a Christian minister man, so I always try to give love as the first response. But I'll tell you, when Barbara Bush said that, it reinforced the reputation of the Bushes as clueless patricians..." Williams followed up: "Were they robbed of their dignity by the government?"

During the election 2004, Bush gave several speeches to unemployed workers in Michigan and Ohio telling them he knew what they were going though. That is PURE BS. Bush NEVER in a position of want. He is a product of both money and privilege. At every sage of his life GWB had it all. When he was arrested for DUI (two times) it all went away. When it was time for college he was a legacy at Yale and how he got into Harvard Grad School with a C average at Yale is a good question. When it was time to get out of Vietnam his father’s contacts did the job. When it was time to go into business investors gave an unknown and unproven GWB Millions on two occasions and GWB ran both companies into the ground. Then it was the Rangers. With no experience in sports management Bush becomes the manager and part owner. Then it is on to running for Governor of Texas. \

When Bush stands in front of people that have no job or are unable to pay their bills and tells them he knows what they are going through, I thought I would throw up. GWB has been handed everything and has accomplished almost NOTHING on his own merits. He said in Grad school the POOR ARE POOR BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE POOR. He had distain for all the social programs of FDR and LBJ. That I got directly from the Economics Professor Bush had at Harvard.

Bush is a "Clueless Patrician" just like Prof. Dyson said.

on Aug 31, 2006
You say I have been proven wrong which is incorrect.

Really? Then you must be reading another blog, cause I have seen some of your artecles beaten to a pulp and then you just eventually abandone them cause you can not fight back except with ignorant rhetoric. But eventually you try to revive those old issues, as you did here, over and over again.

Many of us, including me, have acknowldged many of Bush's mistakes before. But things are not as bad as you make them and not everything you see wrong is wrong in other peoples eyes. you have an opinion, that is all, sure it belongs to someone else cause you have no ability to formulate an opinion fo your own, still it's kinda yours. Your opinion is not fact, believe what you want but not every American sees things your way, hell most people on this site that can't wait for a chance to just the Bush bashing bandwagon barely post on your article. You give Liberals a bad name and Republicans as well.
on Aug 31, 2006

About 2/3 of the people do not agree with the policies this country is following. That is true about Iraq, the economy, Immigration, Energy, Social Security, Health Care etc. Please name one major issue where the majority support the direction Bush and GOP leadership have taken this country?
on Aug 31, 2006
Okay...seriously. I don't really like Bush...but I don't link him to every problem in the entire world...he screws up, sure...we're aware of that, but I don't think he's connected to this particular event you describe in anway.

You need a hobby...just wait 2 years and he'll be out of office.

on Aug 31, 2006
The problems he has created will linger for a lot longer then two years.
on Aug 31, 2006
Pathetic indeed... Obeying orders to preserve peace and equality is, without question what a real soldier is all about. But obeying orders to merely nourish political and vested interests is absurd and indeed shameful. Soldiers are not puppets or robots reacting in a click of a button on the whims of those manipulating their weaknesses and supposedly loyalty.

Why not enlist your government officials sons instead ?
on Sep 01, 2006
Why not enlist your government officials sons instead ? - Chime

That would be an interesting scenario.

If state and federal employees and their age-eligible children were required to enlist, what would America's military international role be?

Very small.

That's exactly what it would be.

Making the people deciding our military involvements stand behind their word(s) with their own flesh and blood as gurantees would drastically decrease our role in the global conflict theatre and would more concisely reflect the will of the people.
on Sep 01, 2006
Bush should start with his two daughters.