The number of senior military officers that are coming out to oppose President Bush and his policies is unprecedented in my recollection. Not less then 3 former CENCOM Commanders and 3 former Chairman of the joint Chiefs oppose the changes Bush wants to make to the Geneva Convention. I n addition the chief legal officers of the uniformed services oppose the Bush proposals.
More and more of our most senior generals now say the way Bush fought the war in Iraq was wrong and the number of troops was not nearly enough to maintain control after Saddam was deposed.
Add the opposition of some of the most experienced Senators who oppose the Bush proposal to redefine the Geneva Convention and the escalating unrest in Iraq and Afghanistan and the picture of non support of the Commander-in-Chief is unprecedented.
Every day the picture of an incompetent leader emerges. Bush needs to GO. When you look at the reasons the GOP used to impeach Clinton and compare the Bush situation, you can see that Congress is purely political. The Clinton mistakes did not result in the loss of thousands of lives and the expenditures of hundreds of Billions of dollars! The Bush mistakes have cost our country the lives of our most important asset—OUR YOUTH!.