Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Bush and Cheney need to acknowledge the reality
Published on September 25, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

The National Security Estimate which is the result of our 16 intelligence agencies has concluded that the Iraq War has helped create a new generation of Islamic radicalism.

This report documents that the Bush/Cheney argument that the Iraq War has made us safer is not correct. Americans must now watch what Bush does with this information. For the President to continue to assert that the invasion of Iraq has made us safer would be a LIE. For Bush to continue our involvement in Iraq would be to help weaken our security.

In a separate AP article our military report that the Iraqi military failed to obey their orders and support the U.S. Military operations to rout out terrorists in Baghdad. The Iraqi military was to block the escape of the terrorists that were routed by American Forces but the terrorists were allowed to escape. The AP article said this was not an isolated incident. U.S. soldiers claim the performance of the Iraqi military is the worst they’ve seen.

The time has come for the U.S. to turn this war over to Iraq and let them either defend their country of allow it to fall into an all out civil war to sort out who will control Iraq.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 25, 2006
yeah, you anal parasite, that is why we've had so many more terrorist attacks in the last 6 years than in the decades preceding. Now leave those little boys alone you perv!
on Sep 25, 2006
Why is it that your supposed link leads to a blank page that says "No article found"? Could that be because this whole thing is just more smoke and mirrors?
on Sep 25, 2006
Now General Pace, Chairman of Joint Chiefs, refuses to sign the defense budget claiming it does not adequately fund the military operations. What the Hell is Bush doing?
on Sep 25, 2006
Drmiler and ParaTed2k

I copied the URL from the Web. All you need do is listen to ANY news program or go to the Web. The Story is correct and now we will have to see what Bush does. For him to continue with his past argument that we are safer because of invading Iraq has been PROVEN WRONG by our own Intelligence agencies.

The fact that we have not been attacked since 9/11 in the United States is because we have improved our internal security. It has NOTHING to do with the Iraq War. We now have MORE enemies to defend against as the National Security Estimate states!
on Sep 25, 2006
yeah, you anal parasite, that is why we've had so many more terrorist attacks in the last 6 years than in the decades preceding. Now leave those little boys alone you perv!

   I rarely see you get that nasty, Ted. Thanks for the giggle!

And I agree. Whatever.
on Sep 25, 2006
As I said the fact we have NOT been attacked in the U.S. has NOTHING to do with Iraq. Now you and the other Bushies know more then our entire intelligence network. Face it, BUSH was WRONG and his own intelligence network has proven that he was WRONG!!!!!
on Sep 25, 2006
I copied the URL from the Web. All you need do is listen to ANY news program or go to the Web. The Story is correct and now we will have to see what Bush does. For him to continue with his past argument that we are safer because of invading Iraq has been PROVEN WRONG by our own Intelligence agencies.
I see you fail to inform that is this is another classified "report" that is once again leaked to the NYT just in time to try and help democrats win. It hasn't been released, Congress has not seen it, and it's reported that the NYT is only reporting parts of the report. So as usual you dismiss the real facts to once again claim the same bs you constantly cut and paste over and over.
on Sep 25, 2006
If fighting terrorists will create more terrorism in the short term. So be it. We have to fight and win instead of worrying about how to "not offend" the terrorists like col jihad claims all the time. First WTC attack Kobar Towers Attack USS Cole Nigerian Embassy Attack Sept. 11 Attacks. Yeah, terrorism just started because of Bush. Pathetic.
on Sep 25, 2006

The Intel report says that over the past 4 years we have NOT been successful in fighting terrorism. The CIA last week estimated the number of Al Qaeda has increased from 20,000 in 2001 to 50,000 today.


The fact that the Intelligence Estimate was released does not alter what it says. In time a declassified version would have been released. The issue is that the conclusion of our 16 Intelligence agencies is that what Bush and Cheney have been telling us about the Iraq War making us safer IS NOT CORRECT!

That means we need a different policy then the current Bush policy.

on Sep 25, 2006

The Intel report says that over the past 4 years we have NOT been successful in fighting terrorism.

Post the entire intel report, not the NYT version.

The CIA last week estimated the number of Al Qaeda has increased from 20,000 in 2001 to 50,000 today.

And?  We fight terrorists and their numbers increase.  It's a natural progression of this type of war.  If you think surrendering to islam and not "offending" terrorists will help, you are lost.

That means we need a different policy then the current Bush policy.

Then why don't you start getting your democratic buddies to start coming up with a plan?  Oh I forgot, are you still claiming to be a republican?

on Sep 25, 2006

"We fight terrorists and their numbers increase. It's a natural progression of this type of war. “So longer we continue in Iraq the larger the number of our enemies will become? That is a SURE way to loose! In a war, the objective is to reduce the number and effectiveness of your enemies. The National Intelligence Estimate says that the Bush Invasion of Iraq has done just the opposite!
on Sep 25, 2006
The first comment by ParaTed2K is entirely inappropriate in a list of replies to what is essentially a serious post. He may be right or wrong ---or are you pulling someone's chain?
on Sep 25, 2006
That is a SURE way to loose! In a war, the objective is to reduce the number and effectiveness of your enemies.
And you do that by fighting, not appeasing which is what you propose. The problem here is we are fighting islam, and everything aside from converting to islam makes them angry. Bin laden himself claimed that the weakness of the U.S. (referring to the lack of U.S. response to previous terrorists attacks) made him and his "cause" stronger. Whether you fight or flee, islamists will grow. I'd rather fight, people like you would rather flee. I ask again. Post the entire intelligence report and not what the treasonous NYT reports.
on Sep 25, 2006
on Sep 25, 2006

Bush made two major errors.

First was the decision to send our military to remove Saddam. That did two things- It released the sectarian violence within Iraq and diverted our resources from the terrorists that planned and caused 9/11.

Second Bush did not listen to the Military experts that said it would require about 500,000 American Troops to control Iraq after Saddam Fell. That second error allowed the growth in the sectarian violence and the establishment of al Qaeda cells to operate within Iraq.

Now the results are clear as stated in the National Intelligence Estimate-- The Iraq war has NOT MADE US SAFER as Bush and Cheney have claimed!

That fact now REQUIRES a major change in our policy. To “stay the course” that has failed is not acceptable!

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