Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Bush and Cheney need to acknowledge the reality
Published on September 25, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

The National Security Estimate which is the result of our 16 intelligence agencies has concluded that the Iraq War has helped create a new generation of Islamic radicalism.

This report documents that the Bush/Cheney argument that the Iraq War has made us safer is not correct. Americans must now watch what Bush does with this information. For the President to continue to assert that the invasion of Iraq has made us safer would be a LIE. For Bush to continue our involvement in Iraq would be to help weaken our security.

In a separate AP article our military report that the Iraqi military failed to obey their orders and support the U.S. Military operations to rout out terrorists in Baghdad. The Iraqi military was to block the escape of the terrorists that were routed by American Forces but the terrorists were allowed to escape. The AP article said this was not an isolated incident. U.S. soldiers claim the performance of the Iraqi military is the worst they’ve seen.

The time has come for the U.S. to turn this war over to Iraq and let them either defend their country of allow it to fall into an all out civil war to sort out who will control Iraq.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 25, 2006

You go on and kid yourself. You are not ignoring me you are ignoring sources like the AP and NYT. The past has shown that the stories they report have been shown to be accurate. So just keep ignoring the truth. You are surely like Bush and Cheney that are nothing but liars. As I have said, I have set out what I believe in my Book. I am more then willing to let time prove me either correct or incorrect.

Bush will go down in history as the WORST President this country has had to date! Cheney as VP is already in that position with the possible exception of Spiro T. Agnew.
on Sep 25, 2006
You are not ignoring me you are ignoring sources like the AP and NYT. The past has shown that the stories they report have been shown to be accurate

I can't stop laughing. How many times has the NYT had to retract stories? How many times have they published classified information? I once again show what a hypocrit you are so you attack me. You HAVE NOT SEEN THE INTELLIGENCE REPORTS, SO STOP CLAIMING THAT YOU KNOW WHAT IT SAYS.

You are surely like Bush and Cheney that are nothing but liars. As I have said, I have set out what I believe in my Book. I am more then willing to let time prove me either correct or incorrect.

Col, you have made up more lies about Bush than anybody. Your book doesn't sell because of your lies and bs just like your posts here. Don't you get that?

Bush will go down in history as the WORST President this country has had to date!

I doubt that. Jimmy Carter will hold that title for a while longer.
on Sep 25, 2006
Jimmy Carter was ineffective. Bush was distructive.

I will bet you can not show where anything I included in my book is not true. Just TRY!
on Sep 25, 2006
I will bet you can not show where anything I included in my book is not true. Just TRY!

If your book is anything like your posts here I would not buy it. Myself and others here have shown you REPEATEDLY how you are either posting false information, or making claims against Bush which are not true. From what I have seen about your book it's nothing but a collection of anti-Bush quotes from other Bush haters. Do you ever wonder why nobody buys it col? Seriously.

We have rebutted most of your ridiculous theories about Bush. You blame Bush for everything no matter how foolish it sounds. We have debunked most of your bs time after time and you contine to post the same articles over and over. We have proved you wrong on countless occassions and I have showed where you either ignore the posts or start a new one to avoid having to admit being wrong.

Reading one of your posts today is no different than the one you will post next week. It's all bs. You have made yourself look incredibly ignorant just in this post alone. You haven't read the intelligence report, but you act like some authority on it because the NYT tells you "Bush" did it.

If people like you were in charge back many years ago we would all be speaking another language. I bet you would be claiming the President was responsible for Pearl Harbor, and attacking the Germans would cause more people to become Nazis.

You have a serious obsession with a man, and you need professional help for it. Not even the liberals come to your defense in these pathetic posts you make about Bush.
on Sep 25, 2006
You have not rebutted what I have said with facts just accusations. Again I challenge any of you to PROVE where what I said in my book is not correct!

What I said is Bush has been telling us that the Iraq war has made us safer when the 16 Intelligence agencies provided Bush 5 months ago with the facts that just the opposite is true. Why then are Bush and Cheney still telling us the lie that the Iraq War has made us safer after our intelligence agencies told Bush the opposite over 5 month earlier?
on Sep 25, 2006
As I said the fact we have NOT been attacked in the U.S. has NOTHING to do with Iraq.

But it has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that the bacteria who are dying in Iraq aren't carrying out terrorist attacks anymore, right?

The war in Iraq isn't anything new. It didn't start in 2003, it started in 1990. There was never a surrender signed, or an official end to the war declared. What there was (you ignorant bit of foul feces) was a "ceasefire agreement" made between Iraq and the US.

Since Iraq refused to live up to their part of it, Prs. Bush saw fit to quit making the US out to be a paper tiger and ENFORCE the terms of the ceasefire.

One of (but not the only) benefits to this action is terrorists are dying in record numbers in Iraq. The fact you can't see that is proof that maybe a skilled surgeon needs to install a window in your belly. That way you can still see out while your head is so far up your butt.

Of course, you cry for your bacteria buddies and can't wait to be one of the virgins promised them in the life to come.
on Sep 25, 2006
*shakes head at the name calling*


I used to support Iraq. Now, I'm sick and tired of it. Our soldiers are trying to do a job, and get slapped in the face. I say, we pull all troops out, and let them screw themselves over.

Ya, sure...we may be...doing whatever to them, but think about what is being done to our troops.

Heh, the glass parking lot plan is looking good right now.

on Sep 25, 2006

The terrorists that would attack the United States have increased which makes the danger greater. The National Intelligence Estimate has concluded that The Iraq war has helped increase the terrorists and thus made us LESS SAFE not More safe. The most recent plan to attack 10 airliners headed to the U.S. and the attacks in England clearly show that the terrorists continue their plans. It was a long time between the first attack on the Twin Towers and 9/11.

We have converted an evil dictatorship to an elected government that embraces the same political party as Iran. We have unleashed sectarian violence that was under control prior to our invading Iraq. We have enabled Al Qaeda to begin operating in Iraq where they DID NOT operate prior to our invasion. We have not finished the action in Afghanistan and the situation is getting worse by the day. We have a President that ignores the collective advice from our 16 intelligence about the impact of the Iraq war on our security. We have a president that has overused the Active military to the point where only the use OF THE NATIONAL GUARD AND RESERVES CAN SUSTAIN THE DEPLOYMENTS. WE HAVE a president THAT IGNORES THE NEEDS TO REPLACE THE EQUIPOMENT THAT HAS BEEN DESTROYED IN IRAQ. We have a Commander-in-Chief that is a TOTAL FAILURE!
on Sep 25, 2006
You have not rebutted what I have said with facts just accusations. Again I challenge any of you to PROVE where what I said in my book is not correct!

For the past couple of years we ALL have been debunking the bs that in your non-selling books. Anyways, you didn't post anything from your book, only from the NYT....both of which are enemy propaganda.

You have not rebutted what I have said with facts just accusations. Again I challenge any of you to PROVE where what I said in my book is not correct!

You mean the intelligence report that you haven't read yet, right? Why don't you make that clear in your bs statements?

on Sep 25, 2006
I used to support Iraq. Now, I'm sick and tired of it.

Awww, is it taking longer than 30 minutes (with time out for station identification.
on Sep 25, 2006
Awww, is it taking longer than 30 minutes (with time out for station identification.

Parated, back off. I'm not insulting you, so why don't you act like an adult, a man. I don't know what has your panties in a bind, but just back the heck off. I never insulted you, i never attacked you.

on Sep 25, 2006
The terrorists that would attack the United States have increased which makes the danger greater. The National Intelligence Estimate has concluded that The Iraq war has helped increase the terrorists and thus made us LESS SAFE not More safe.

With that kind of logic, Elliot Ness should have left the Mafia alone, since they only got more dangerous after he went after them.... Also, that kind of logic made the Gang problem in US neighborhoods worse, since people feared what would happen if they actually fought back.

It is your kind of cowardous that empowers criminals everywhere.. "Give them what they want, so they don't get more violent. Guess what 50 years of that attitude got us? More gangs, and more murders. All it did was tell the criminal that he can rape our women and all we'll do is sit and whine about it. 30 years of your kind of wimpy reactions has done the same for terrorists.

I pity any troop that had to suffer your kind of lack of leadership you waste of a pension.

We have unleashed sectarian violence that was under control prior to our invading Iraq.

Oh yeah, the rapes, murders, tortures and the like were non existant in the Land of Iraq. Uday and Qusay were just fun loving fans of the Iraq Soccer team and no Iraq Air Defense Artillery battery ever shot at our jets. Hussein was willingly feeding his people and never made them starve so he could build a palace.

Course, you would have been there with him, watching the rapes while eating popcorn and cheering them along if you had the chance. Especially if your daughter was the victim.

We have not finished the action in Afghanistan and the situation is getting worse by the day.

Name one time when the Commander of Ops in Afghanistan was denied troops or assets because the Commander of Ops in Iraq said he needed them more! YOu are a lying sack of crap it you say that Iraq has interfered at all (logistically or Manpower). You are a liar because you do know that it has never happened, yet you sit in your filthy diaper and whine about it.


FOOL!!! and who is the president that created a military where 50% of our infantry and 75% of our artillery were National Guard and Reserve? YOur butt buddy Clinton, that's who! For the sake of the (lie) Ballance Federal Budget, he moved troops (including myself) from active duty to reserve components... You know this, you are willing to lie about it. You, sir, should be stripped of your pension, your rank and entitlements for your total lack of honor. Ever see "branded"? That should be YOU!

Now, go back to your pig wallow where you are appreciated.

on Sep 25, 2006
I'm surprised he hasn't grown tired of the rant. We all have.

And yet you're still here and clearly following the "rant". If your so intellectually superior to this blogger and if his arguments are so baseless and beneath you then why participate at all? At least this blogger has a little passion for the subject.

What could be more pathetic than someone claiming to above something they actively engage in? If you've got an argument, counter claim or insightful opinion then lets hear it but dont bother trying to pass off your engagement in the thoughts and opinions of this blogger as anything less than an obvious interest.

For someone so "tired of the rant" it does strike me as odd that you go so far out of your way to read it.
on Sep 26, 2006

You are the FOOL. The structure of the Guard and Reserve has always had the combat support and combat service support concentrated in the Guard and Reserve forces. That did not start under Clinton.

I know this by 25 years service in the Army Reserve 1968-1993. The issue is that the Active Military is FAR TOO SMALL for the level of deployments. For every 100,000 troops deployed you have 100,000 recovering and another 100,000 preparing to deploy. Thus the number of forces linked to a combat operation is about 3 times the number in country. Bush in the 2000 campaign acknowledged the active military was TOO SMALL and that was BEFORE the Iraq War. What did Bush do to fix the problem he acknowledged-- NOTHING!

This is from my book about what Bush said concerning the size of the Active military and nation building:

"National Defense

During the campaign of 2000, Bush seemed to understand we had overused the so-called peace dividend and that our military, especially the Army, was too small. Bush also campaigned on a belief that the United States should limit its actions in nation building. It is hard to know whether Mr. Bush recognized the shortcomings in our security services that suffered from a lack of human resources and collaboration among the various agencies. Clearly the events of 9/11 documented in spades that we were vulnerable to attack and our intelligence network was inadequate."

"At the same time the Bush White House was planning the Iraq adventure, the Secretary of Defense set aside the issue of expanding our military strength. Instead Secretary Rumsfeld began his campaign to restructure the Department of Defense. It is true that the nature of the threat facing the United States has significantly changed since the end of the Cold War. Restructuring the military, to better align itself with the new threat, is a legitimate undertaking. However, restructuring alone does not deal with the adequacy of the active component to accomplish its mission. During the Cold War the United States faced an enemy of immense power that was relatively predictable. Today we face a combination of rogue states and international terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda that have the capability of employing weapons of mass destruction (WMD). However, the real danger comes from the militant Islamists as Michael Scheuer points out is his book, Imperial Hubris."
on Sep 26, 2006

Idiot, I don't care what your stupid "book" says... I lived it!  Yes, the drawdown of the 90s began with Prs. Bush, but that was an orderly drawdown, with emphasis on cutting overstrength MOS's and Career Fields.  Your Buddy Clinton changed all that.  You can stick you face in all the books you want, but the fact is, by the time Clinton was done, less than 10% of the Active Army were Desert Storm vets, but combat patches were springing up all over the National Guard and Reserve.

You know Gene, I've been reading your little rants off and on for a year and a half now.  So far not one of your anti US doomsday scenarios have come true.  So just go climb into a hole somewhere and shut your festering face.


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