Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 4, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Republican members of Congress are supporting Speaker of the House in the way he handled the Floey matter. They claim he should not be replaced, as some conservatives are demanding, because he was a “Good Foot Soldier for President Bush”.

Since when is the Congress the Foot Soldier of the Execuative Branch? It is time for EVERY member of Congress to read the U.S. Constitution. Congress is NOT the Foot Soldier of the President. It is a Co-equal branch of government and an ESSENTIAL part of the Separation of Powers that makes our system work. Congress can not fulfill that essential responsibility when the leadership and the GOP members simply approve whatever the President wants.

It is their responsibility to independently look at what the President proposes and make sure those policies are in the best long term interest of the country overall. It is not the responsibility of Congress to just RUBBER STAMP what the President wants!

We need a change in the control of Congress since the GOP can not or will not exercise their responsibility!

on Oct 04, 2006
More useless bs from col. I see you are doing everything you can to get your democratic buddies elected.
on Oct 04, 2006

Since when is the Constitution of the U.S. a useless issue? You are USELESS!!!!!!!
on Oct 04, 2006
on Oct 04, 2006
well idiot, you seem to think that the House Members are employed by the speaker of the house and their party, so you don't seem to know crap about the U.S. Constitution either.
on Oct 04, 2006

What I see is the GOP leadership and the GOP members as a RUBBER STAMP for GWB. That is NOT what separation of Powers is all about. You should take look at the Constitution!
on Oct 04, 2006
Double Post
on Oct 04, 2006
I know Im going to get flamed for this comment, but here goes:

Nothing is ever going to change this government. You cant even chose the lessor of 2 evils anymore, because in their own little ways, they are equally evil. The machine is off and running, and its beyond out petty little voices to change hardly even one little iota.

Its really to the point that I dont even care to vote anymore. The only reason I do, is so I can use my puny little voice to talk to the wall.

Well thats my piece...flame me to ashes.
on Oct 04, 2006
Actually col this is ANOTHER USELESS ARTICLE either complaining about Bush or republicans. Although I bet you still claim to be one. The Constitution does not say that one party cannot hold the three branches of government, so you whole point is foolish. Just because YOU don't like it, doesn't mean that's the way it shouldn't be. The American people elected republicans to power. Now people like you will come back with the usual bs that the election was "stolen" or whatever mindless theories you guys come up with, but the fact is they were all legally elected. So I will ask you again col jihad. Why don't you take your resources and actually help the democrats instead of hating on republicans? If you are the big-time author you should be smart enough to figure out that's EXACTLY WHY THE DEMOCRATS LOST IN 2004. You are not going to change anything with your mindless bashing Why don't you take your time and tell us how democrats will handle immigration, and other issues. But of course you won't, you will follow this post with the usual "Bush is bad" bs. What a sad life you must live.
on Oct 04, 2006

Nothing is ever going to change this government. You cant even chose the lessor of 2 evils anymore, because in their own little ways, they are equally evil. The machine is off and running, and its beyond out petty little voices to change hardly even one little iota.<BR>
Its really to the point that I dont even care to vote anymore. The only reason I do, is so I can use my puny little voice to talk to the wall.

Very nice, and I agree. Especially with the part i bolded.

on Oct 04, 2006
The Col, a good foot soldier for the people who make what Foley did legal. A dupe for people who believe sodomizing 16 year olds is an accepted practice.