Republican members of Congress are supporting Speaker of the House in the way he handled the Floey matter. They claim he should not be replaced, as some conservatives are demanding, because he was a “Good Foot Soldier for President Bush”.
Since when is the Congress the Foot Soldier of the Execuative Branch? It is time for EVERY member of Congress to read the U.S. Constitution. Congress is NOT the Foot Soldier of the President. It is a Co-equal branch of government and an ESSENTIAL part of the Separation of Powers that makes our system work. Congress can not fulfill that essential responsibility when the leadership and the GOP members simply approve whatever the President wants.
It is their responsibility to independently look at what the President proposes and make sure those policies are in the best long term interest of the country overall. It is not the responsibility of Congress to just RUBBER STAMP what the President wants!
We need a change in the control of Congress since the GOP can not or will not exercise their responsibility!