Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 4, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Record Attacks. Record American deaths. 1000 Iraqi Police removed. 3,000 per week dead in Iraq.

How long will it take for George W. Bush to understand his Iraq War is a FAILURE!!! How many more dead will it take to convince the President that Iraq can not be controlled by our military. Only the people of Iraq can settle who will run Iraq not George W. Bush! He is NOT the DECIDER!

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on Oct 04, 2006
Surrender! Surrender! col jihad wants to cut and run.
on Oct 04, 2006
Yep, we should just pull out so the jihadists can celebrate a major victory and really boost their recruitment so as to effect more attacks against the US.
on Oct 04, 2006
All these blogs say the same lame thing and get the same responses about how wrong you are. Im out. Peash.
on Oct 04, 2006
When the plan is not working only a fool will keep doing the same thing!

The factions that hate each other in Iraq will fight each other whenever we leave. Staying longer will NOT END the HATE that exists between the three factions in Iraq. All our staying will accomplish is delaying the upcoming battle for control of Iraq and in the mean time we loose more fine young people and spend more billions on a mistake!
on Oct 04, 2006
 Lamentable et désespérant !!!  
on Oct 04, 2006
When the plan is not working only a fool will keep doing the same thing!

So why do you keep writing the same fool things over and over again?
on Oct 04, 2006
What I am saying is working. The vast majority of Americans want us to end the Iraq Adventure. Only Bush and some of his fanatical supporters are not getting the picture!
on Oct 04, 2006
Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that.
on Oct 04, 2006
I can't stop laughing. Do you think "vast majority" of Americans even read what you write? I would be the majority of Americans would not cut and run like you wants us to. But the media polls of 1000 Americans tells you different, right?
on Oct 04, 2006
My Blogs are just one of many ways that the people understand that Bush and his policies are not working. If you want to argue that the Iraq War is what you want to see-- go ahead and make a fool out of yourself. 70 % of the Iraqi People and about 65% of Americans believe Bush is wrong to have invaded Iraq and do not want this mistake to continue.
on Oct 04, 2006
And what is the poll numbers col? 65% of 1000 Americans from a media poll? Just say you want to surrender, it's your real feelings, so why hide it?
on Oct 04, 2006
If you want to argue that the Iraq War is what you want to see-- go ahead and make a fool out of yourself. 70 % of the Iraqi People and about 65% of Americans believe Bush is wrong to have invaded Iraq and do not want this mistake to continue

Like this is something "new"?
on Oct 04, 2006
I am just reading the new Frank Rich book, "The Greatest Story Ever Sold. This is another well documented book that clearly shows that Bush and his administration lied, misstated, ignored and fabricated stories to sell the dander of Saddam that simply was NOTHING like Bush and company claimed. Rich has fully footnoted the sources and only an idiot would not believe the fact that we were lied to by Bush and his minions.

I should receive my copy of the new Woodward Book which from the excerpts I have read will just add more proof that Bush lied to America. In fact the final sentence in the Woodward book concludes just that- Bush lied to us all.

The evidence is Overwhelming and I hope the Democrats Win Both houses in November, investigate and document the Bush Lies and remove this sorry man from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue along with Cheney!

We can not allow Bush and Cheney to remain in office given the lies they have told Americans and the harm they have brought on our country!
on Oct 04, 2006
No it is 65% of about 200 million adults. If you believe that the majority agrees with Bush on the Iraq War or for that matter on almost everything you must spend all you time in fantasy land.
on Oct 04, 2006
I should receive my copy of the new Woodward Book which from the excerpts I have read will just add more proof that Bush lied to America. In fact the final sentence in the Woodward book concludes just that- Bush lied to us all.

Woodwards book is proof of nothing. Keep believe what reporters tell you col.

No it is 65% of about 200 million adults.

Please back up that statement.

The evidence is Overwhelming and I hope the Democrats Win Both houses in November, investigate and document the Bush Lies and remove this sorry man from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue along with Cheney!

We can not allow Bush and Cheney to remain in office given the lies they have told Americans and the harm they have brought on our country!

I love it when the true democrat inside you comes out. There is still not any proof of intentional lies col. How many times will you keep proclaiming this false bs? Bush and Cheney are not going anywhere col. Give it up. Stop wasting your life with a crazy obsession over a man.

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