Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 4, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Record Attacks. Record American deaths. 1000 Iraqi Police removed. 3,000 per week dead in Iraq.

How long will it take for George W. Bush to understand his Iraq War is a FAILURE!!! How many more dead will it take to convince the President that Iraq can not be controlled by our military. Only the people of Iraq can settle who will run Iraq not George W. Bush! He is NOT the DECIDER!

Comments (Page 5)
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on Oct 06, 2006

The comments of Bush 41 are NOT straws. In fact the predictions of Bush 41 as to what would have happened had he gone into Iraq is just what happened when his son made that mistake.

I would love to know what Bush 41 thinks-- Not what he says in public but what he thinks when he is alone looking at the mess his son has created in Iraq?
on Oct 06, 2006
I think the Bush Obsession Disorder is real. You are living proof.

Bush 41 was wrong then not to go in. He didn't go in because he was afraid of what the arabs would think regardless of what was right. The biggest mistake was not finishing the job back then when we could have.
on Oct 06, 2006
In other words Bush 41 could have created the same mess that Bush 43 has created. If you believe we are winning in Iraq you are living in a different world then what is taking place in planet Earth!
on Oct 06, 2006
In other words Bush 41 could have created the same mess that Bush 43 has created. If you believe we are winning in Iraq you are living in a different world then what is taking place in planet Earth!

Typical gloom and doom defeatist attitude. You see nothing but the bad news and totally ignore progress which has been made. One sided liberal hack is all you are col.
on Oct 06, 2006

Yes it is GLOOM and DOOM

We are running record American deaths
There are record Iraqi deaths
Attacks are at the highest rate ever.
Military members are seeing their tours extended
Some members of the military are being sent for a 4th TOUR
NIE says Iraq war making Terrorism worse

Which of the above do you believe is GOOD NEWS?
on Oct 06, 2006
Col, you wouldn't know good news if it was right in front of you. Do you take the time to look at the progress in Iraq, instead of the news al-AP gives you.

What do you care about "record" Iraqi deaths anyway. If we were to cut and run like you propose, Iraqi deaths would skyrocket. So don't sit there and act like you care one bit about the Iraqi people.
on Oct 06, 2006

You are in denial. Enjoy your stupor. When you awake you can deal with reality.
on Oct 07, 2006
Last Night at a party I met a Marine Captain that had completed three tours in Iraq. He told me each tour was worse and the situation is one of almost complete civil war. He told me he did not believe the Iraqi government was capable of controlling the sectarian violence. He painted a VERY negative picture of Iraq.
on Oct 08, 2006

Saturday night I attended a party at which a Marine Captain was present. This man had served three tours in Iraq as in infantry Officer. He told me that with every succeeding tour the situation in Iraq has gotten worse. He told me he did not believe that the sectarian violence was controllable. This may be one person but he has a perspective that not you, I or Bush has about what is taking place in Iraq.
on Oct 08, 2006
The problem with the US not winning in Iraq is that the US has forgotten how to win. This is due to the "wimpification" of America.

You can not fight a war and be politically correct (or, you can not fight a politiaclly correct war).

You can't avoid storming mosques, for instance if known enemies are in there. What happened to carpet bombing? Carpet bombing was one of the ONLY things that brought the North Vietnamese to the table. You must DENY the enemy ANY safe haven, be it a mosque, wedding, whatever.

In the American civil war, General Sherman's "march to the sea", he absolutely destroyed every living thing in the South that his army could get its' hands on. He killed every soldier, tree, chicken, dog, cat, cow, town, city, etc, etc. to DEMORALIZE the enemy and drive them into submission.

That is how a war is won. In WWII, Dresden and othe Axis cities were FIREBOMBED, killing MILLIONS of civillians (more were killed by firebombing than both nukes put together). Why was this done? To throw the enemy into despair and destroy their will to fight. To make every aspect of the enemies civilian lives miserable.

That's how to win a war.

The US and it's allies, except Isreal, have forgotten how to win. This is largely due to "politically correct" pressures by the media, etc.

Wars are won by total destruction of the enemies' will to fight.

on Oct 08, 2006
What we forgot is not to become involved in a Civil War and Nation Building. This is a NO WIN situation that Bush created when he invaded Iraq and uncorked the sectarian violence and has provided a place for foreign terrorists to operate. Neither of these groups was operating in Iraq PRIOR to our invasion! Just like Powell warned-- Break it and it is yours and now we do not to know what to do with it!
on Oct 08, 2006
What we forgot is not to become involved in a Civil War and Nation Building. This is a NO WIN situation that Bush created when he invaded Iraq and uncorked the sectarian violence and has provided a place for foreign terrorists to operate. Neither of these groups was operating in Iraq PRIOR to our invasion! Just like Powell warned-- Break it and it is yours and now we do not to know what to do with it!

Typical Bush-bash rhetoric. Not that I disagree entirly with it. It's not just Iraq. We're blowing it in Afghanistan too, potentially by not being vicious enough. Couple weeks ago we had an armed Predator Drone with 100+ Taliban at a cemetary. The operator called Washington and was told. "do not engage we don't bomb cemetaries"....um...say WHAT?!

This is why we will lose any war, Democrat or Republican president.

We don't have the ol' killer instinct as a nation anymore. Since about the end of WWII.
on Oct 08, 2006
We had good reason to attack and destroy the terrorist’s elements in Afghanistan because that is where 9/11 was planned. Our invasion of Iraq was because Bush wanted to remove Saddam and for NO OTHER reason.

Guess what- We are loosing BOTH wars!
on Oct 08, 2006
We had good reason to attack and destroy the terrorist’s elements in Afghanistan because that is where 9/11 was planned. Our invasion of Iraq was because Bush wanted to remove Saddam and for NO OTHER reason.

Guess what- We are loosing BOTH wars!

More Bush-Hate rhetoric wihich serves no purpose. COL Gene: not to bash you personally but you are coming off like you are consumed with Bush-Hate and it's all you can answer anything with or write about.

What about the bigger picture that this country just can't fight a war anymore? President not withstanding?
on Oct 08, 2006
We can fight wars. The war was in defeating Saddam what we can not do is prevent the sectarian violence that has existed in Iraq from turning into a civil war. That is because from the outset we did not have the troop levels top prevent the sectarian violence from growing to where it is today.
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