Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The latest poll about what Americans think of the way Bush is handling the economy continue to show 60% do not approve of the way Bush is handling the economy.

This morning on MSNBC was a discussion of why the record high stock market, higher corporate profits, higher tax collections and lower gas has prices have not been reflected in the way Americans think Bush is handling the economy.

Here is WHY. As to the stock market, 80% of the stocks are owned by 10% of Americans. Even though about ½ of Americans own stock, most of the middle income Americans own stock only in their retirement accounts. Thus increases in the market may show in higher retirement account balance but that does NOTHING to help them pay their bills. Only the top 10% derive any significant amount of income that they can spend from their Stock market Profits.

As to higher corporate profits and larger tax collections they too do not enable the vast majority to pay their monthly bills. When the poor and most of the middle income Americans hear the President and his other officials telling them how great the economy is and they have either no more or less money to meet their ever increasing bills they do not see how this “Great Economic News” Bush tells them about is possible. The truth is that for all but the top 10% the goods news means NOTHING.

Even the lower gas prices have not offset other increases and in comparison to gas prices two or even one year ago they are high.

I decided to look at my situation. I am a very typical retired American and had no changes in my spending patterns. I first took a look at my income. My Social Security and Military pensions went up but so did my Medicare premium which impacted my Social Security Increase. Bottom line I saw a $600 increase in my retired income.

I looked at my expenses that showed a significant increase. My Homeowners and Flood Insurance premiums went up OVER $600. Thus before I looked at anything else I was at break even. When I looked at the increase in gas prices on the 12,000 I drove last year I saw another $400 in gas cost. My energy cost jumped about 35% or about $400 and food prices were up about 4% which was another $300. The bottom line—I had a LOSS in REAL income of $1,100 without looking at all the smaller things that went up in price.

I do not point this out for any sympathy but to show WHY all the so called “GOOD ECONOMIC” news is not being received well in America. What Bush does not get is that you can not talk someone into having more money to spend. At the end of EACH month the Americans KNOW if they are better off or not. Although the data Bush uses is accurate, it does not translate into a better life for ANY of the POOR and not for the majority of Middle Income America. Do not be surprised in the future when the polls do not give Bush credit for the economy. If you were to poll only the top 20% the results would be positive but when you ask everyone the answer is just the opposite!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 08, 2006
This just shows your ignorance! For the 2 to be up means there is money being SPENT! Which means the economy is UP not down! Where do you think the money is coming from? Thin air?

That was my point to him but as usual he failed to get it. Obviously if the stock market is up, corporate profits are up and everthing else is making money, that means money is being spent, where does he think this money is coming from? It's not like the top 10% are spending money on each other alone. Credit card dept is up? Stop wasting money, learn to conserve, take car pool, by store brand food for a while, use the dollar store once in a while. Things will not always be good in this country for everyone, some are too lazy to better themselves and others just make wrong decisions. One has to always be prepared for the worse.
on Oct 08, 2006

Yes I had a typo. How about addressing the substance of the Blog.

What it means when the cost of things people MUST have like energy, health care, gas, Insurance go UP and income does not is that people either spend LESS on other things or they go deeper into debt. The issue you ignore is that overall Costs of things people MUST buy have gone UP more then Income. I provided you my own situation that clearly shows that and I am not unique as a retired person. If your income does not go up the only way you can spend MORE is to finance it with debt. That is what many have been doing which shows up in both credit card debt and all the second mortgages and refinancing that saw people using the increase in home values. Now home values are dropping and people have larger mortgages, second mortgages and high Credit Card Debt. Defaults on both mortgages and credit cards are at an ALL TIME HIGH!!!
on Oct 08, 2006
I provided you my own situation that clearly shows that and I am not unique as a retired person

Obviously you must be. My parents are both retired, living on a fixed income and they both say you're full of it. And I'm here to tell you that you cannot use your financial situation, and tell us that everyone elses are like yours! That's BS!

But since they "both" voted for Bush....you must think they're stupid or something!

And we've had the discussion before about home prices and I proved you wrong there too. I do not know or care where you live but "new" home prices are NOT dropping (in PA, NY OR FLA)!
on Oct 09, 2006
... The result, as The Wall Street Journal reported last week, is that for the first time in at least 90 years, the United States is now paying noticeably more to foreign creditors than it receives from its investments abroad. That is a momentous shift. It means that a growing share of America’s future collective income will flow abroad, leading to a lower standard of living in the United States than would otherwise have been achieved. Americans deserve better than this financial mess.

on Oct 09, 2006
And we've had the discussion before about home prices and I proved you wrong there too. I do not know or care where you live but "new" home prices are NOT dropping (in PA, NY OR FLA)!

I live and own a home in PA, my kid brother does the same in NY and my parents do it in FLA!
on Oct 09, 2006
The focus of my blog on Joeuser is "Bush Truth"
Then why do you lie so much? If everything was as bad as col has made it seem for the last 6 years, Bush would have never been re-elected, and republicans would lose almost all their seats. He lives in a world where polls of 1,000 Americans should decide all our policies. Although col doesn't tell you most of these polls oversample democrats by as much as 16 points. I have never seen a man have such an obsession with another man like this.
on Oct 10, 2006
It's amazing that people who don't work with statistics and polls automatically state that they are fallacious, because of sample size. It is possible, with a good methodology, to produce accurate poll data from 800 people, extrapolated to the entire population of the country. Some polls may oversample some demographic groups, but the Gallup and Zogby organizations wouldn't be in business for long if they were consistently inaccurate. There's a reason that Zogby and Gallup make millions - their polls are a reasonably decent predictor of national opinion. What I find amusing is how quickly those polls can change. It really shows that many people don't have actual reasoned and solid unassailable views on things; their opinions change based on the latest bad news from the political zoo or the latest death tolls from Iraq or whether the price of gas went down that day or not.


Now, as for the actual meat of Col Gene's post - he was talking primarily about his personal experiences with his personal finances this year. Extrapolate as you wish. But, it's not really debatable that stocks and corporate profits aren't really noticed by most people when they look at their checkbooks.

Grammar and spelling do make a difference in how your opinions are perceived by others. Everyone makes typos. If you consistently misspell words or drop words or misuse (or omit) capitalization or use all that chatspeak gibberish, people will assume your opinions are of lesser value than other opinions that are presented in more correct English forms. Using "biased" when you mean "based" or "rational" when you mean "rationale" can be overlooked if you don't do it two or three times in a post. Also, people who throw out lots of all-caps words and excessive exclamation points lose the authority to assault someone else's spelling and grammar. Remember, you can edit.
on Oct 10, 2006

Nicely put. Couldn't have said it better myself. No really, I couldn't have.

It is true that some polls, when don correctly and without bias, can give a pretty accurate result. Col, on the other hand, will take anything that says Bush is bad, regardless where it comes from, what prior history they have of accuracy and if they are bias or not at all. As long as it's something bad about Bush, Col will bit faster than a hungry dog with a T-Bone in front of him.
on Oct 13, 2006
CNN Just reported that the census dept said that after inflation wages continue to drop. Over 1,000,000 mortgages will reset with higher payments due because of increasing interest rates. At the same time corporate profits are up and the stock market at an all time high. These two sets of economic data show how the Bush economic growth benefits the wealthy and do not help the working class in America!
on Oct 14, 2006
I can't stop laughing. Col complains when the stock market is down, and now he's complaining it's up. What a joke you are.

What is the democrats plan to solve everything col?
on Oct 15, 2006

I am not defending the Democrats. I have pointed out that the GOOD Economic News that Bush touts as proof we are doing well does not help the vast majority of Americans. The issue is, does the average family have more or less money at the end of the month? After inflation they have LESS and that is WHY the majority do not think the way Bush is handling the economy is helping them because it is NOT!

I documented my situation which clearly showed my expenses went up more last year then my income. There are millions of retired Americans who had the very same experience!
on Oct 15, 2006
I am not defending the Democrats.

And yet you attack the Republicans with vigor and bile. With only two sides, which side are you helping?

I documented my situation which clearly showed my expenses went up more last year then my income. There are millions of retired Americans who had the very same experience!

It's called retirement. You are no longer working and live off your savings for the rest of your life. If you are no longer working you are inevitably going to discover a loss of part of your income. Can't blame Bush because you chose to retire, COL.

I have pointed out that the GOOD Economic News that Bush touts

AHA!! So you admit this is good economic news! From six years of "failed Bush policies!"

Case closed.
on Oct 15, 2006
I attack the policies of the GOP because they are NOT HELPING THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS not because they are suggested by Republicans.

I admit there is GOOD Economic News for a very small percent of the population. The census data shows that on the average the after inflation income if less for WORKING families. Thus both the retired as well as the WORKING families are not experiencing the GOOD ECONOMY that Bush tells us is the result of his policies. His policies help a very small segment of the overall population!
We need economic policies that help the poor and middle income Americans. The rich already have everything they need!
on Oct 16, 2006
Thus both the retired as well as the WORKING families are not experiencing the GOOD ECONOMY that Bush tells us is the result of his policies

on Oct 16, 2006

No the AverageWeekly Wage after inflation and taxes released by the Census dept confirms it is NOT BS. It is the truth. Most people can not pay their bills with higher Stock market prices. They can not pay their bills with increased productivity, increased corporate profits or increases in the GDP. They pay their bills with the money they receive each week and that has increased LESS then the cost of the things the average family needs to live!

I notice you have not commented of the Factual data I posted on the national debt and the increased interest. Here that data is again for your review and understanding:

Fiscal Year Amount Interest Paid in Billions

09/30/2006 $8,549,647,928,127.47 $ 405.9
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50 352.4
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32 321.6
09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62 318.1
09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16 332.5
09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06 358.5
09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86 Bus43 became president 362.0
09/30/1999 5,656,270,901,615.43 353.5
09/30/1998 5,526,193,008,897.62 363.8
09/30/1997 5,413,146,011,397.34 355.8
09/30/1996 5,224,810,939,135.73 344.0
09/29/1995 4,973,982,900,709.39 332.4
09/30/1994 4,692,749,910,013.32 296.3
09/30/1993 4,411,488,883,139.38 292.5
09/30/1992 4,064,620,655,521.66 Clinton became president 292.4
09/30/1991 3,665,303,351,697.03 286.0
09/28/1990 3,233,313,451,777.25 264.6
09/29/1989 2,857,430,960,187.32 240.9
09/30/1988 2,602,337,712,041.16 Bush 41 became president 214.1
09/30/1987 2,350,276,890,953.00 195.0
09/30/1986 2,125,302,616,658.42 190.0
12/31/1985 1,945,941,616,459.88 180.0
12/31/1984 1,662,966,000,000.00 155.0
12/31/1983 1,410,702,000,000.00 130.0
12/31/1982 1,197,073,000,000.00 115.0
12/31/1981 1,028,729,000,000.00 95.0
12/31/1980 930,210,000,000.00 Reagan became president 80.0

Since September 30, 2005 the national debt has increased at a rate of $1.63 BILLION Dollars PER DAY!

Increase in the Annual interest paid by the United States

Reagan Up 134 Billion
Bush 41 Up 78 Billion
Clinton Up 70 Billion
Bush Up 138 Billion

We took the interest paid EACH and EVERY year by American taxpayers from $80 Billion in 1980 to $500 Billion by 2010. That will be an increase of more then 6 times in 30 years!

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