Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The latest poll about what Americans think of the way Bush is handling the economy continue to show 60% do not approve of the way Bush is handling the economy.

This morning on MSNBC was a discussion of why the record high stock market, higher corporate profits, higher tax collections and lower gas has prices have not been reflected in the way Americans think Bush is handling the economy.

Here is WHY. As to the stock market, 80% of the stocks are owned by 10% of Americans. Even though about ½ of Americans own stock, most of the middle income Americans own stock only in their retirement accounts. Thus increases in the market may show in higher retirement account balance but that does NOTHING to help them pay their bills. Only the top 10% derive any significant amount of income that they can spend from their Stock market Profits.

As to higher corporate profits and larger tax collections they too do not enable the vast majority to pay their monthly bills. When the poor and most of the middle income Americans hear the President and his other officials telling them how great the economy is and they have either no more or less money to meet their ever increasing bills they do not see how this “Great Economic News” Bush tells them about is possible. The truth is that for all but the top 10% the goods news means NOTHING.

Even the lower gas prices have not offset other increases and in comparison to gas prices two or even one year ago they are high.

I decided to look at my situation. I am a very typical retired American and had no changes in my spending patterns. I first took a look at my income. My Social Security and Military pensions went up but so did my Medicare premium which impacted my Social Security Increase. Bottom line I saw a $600 increase in my retired income.

I looked at my expenses that showed a significant increase. My Homeowners and Flood Insurance premiums went up OVER $600. Thus before I looked at anything else I was at break even. When I looked at the increase in gas prices on the 12,000 I drove last year I saw another $400 in gas cost. My energy cost jumped about 35% or about $400 and food prices were up about 4% which was another $300. The bottom line—I had a LOSS in REAL income of $1,100 without looking at all the smaller things that went up in price.

I do not point this out for any sympathy but to show WHY all the so called “GOOD ECONOMIC” news is not being received well in America. What Bush does not get is that you can not talk someone into having more money to spend. At the end of EACH month the Americans KNOW if they are better off or not. Although the data Bush uses is accurate, it does not translate into a better life for ANY of the POOR and not for the majority of Middle Income America. Do not be surprised in the future when the polls do not give Bush credit for the economy. If you were to poll only the top 20% the results would be positive but when you ask everyone the answer is just the opposite!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 07, 2006
ooh, you're popular Gene, hope they elect you sophomore class president!
on Oct 07, 2006

How childish you are. This is a serious issue and contains the rational as to why Americans do not feel as though Bush is helping them economically.
on Oct 07, 2006
Guess again clown:

The results presented here are based on 1,100 completed telephone interviews conducted among a nationwide random sample of adults 18 years and older. The interviews were completed September 18 through 21, 2006. The theoretical margin of error for the total sample is plus or minus 2.6 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where opinion is evenly split.

Overall, 38% of Americans say that they approve of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president, 57% disapprove, and 5% are undecided.

57 ain't 60! And I would suggest to all that feel that GW is messing up the economy to go read this: Link

Also FYI, fuel prices are DOWN, not up! $2.19 a gallon is a FAR cry from $3.10 a gallon.
on Oct 07, 2006
You such an idiot.

The rational explains why the news is not impacting the majority of Americans and has NOTHING to do with the polls. Those facts are the reality that you and some of the others on this Blog site refuse to understand. As I said:

What Bush does not get is that you can not talk someone into having more money to spend. At the end of EACH month the Americans KNOW if they are better off or not.
on Oct 07, 2006
The rational explains why the news is not impacting the majority of Americans and has NOTHING to do with the polls. Those facts are the reality that you and some of the others on this Blog site refuse to understand. As I said:

"You're" the idiot! EVERTHING you post is based on polls! And if it's not impacting the majority of Americans, then "why" is such a quanity of them disapproving of the way GW is running the economy?
on Oct 07, 2006
"And if it's not impacting the majority of Americans, then "why" is such a quanity of them disapproving of the way GW is running the economy?"

If the "news" is that the economy is "good", the majority of Americans disapproved both before the [Theoretically] Good [Economic] News, and that same majority don't agree with the TGEN, then we would expect the results to remain consistent.

In other words, the approximately 3/5 of Americans who feel the economy is bad were not swayed negatively by Bush's recent economic statement(s). They already felt that way, for the most part, and were merely pessimistic about the President's news.
on Oct 07, 2006

Nothing is biased on polls. It is biased on reality. It is biased on my own experience and my situation is the same that millions of retired Americans experience. You and others on this Blog site are too blinded to see what is taking place in this country.

The poor make up about 1/4 of all Americans and the middle income make up 65%. ALL of the Poor and most of the middle Income workers are no better off from the so called Bush Economic prosperity.

on Oct 08, 2006
Oh Lord, I can’t believe I’m going against what I said about never posting in any of your articles again. But after this article, I just have to point out your ignorance as to how this country really works. There is no need to look for poll, studies or past history to figure this out. You simply have to look and listen to the average American and realize what the truth really is.

The latest poll about what Americans think of the way Bush is handling the economy continue to show 60% do not approve of the way Bush is handling the economy.

Again you resort to polls that only ask a small amount of people, God knows how they are picked, questions in order to get an idea of what millions in this country believe. This, to me, is beyond stupid, to believe in a poll where the amount of people polled are, for starters, most likely from the same place, more than likely most belong to the same party and most likely are picked ahead of time. But it’s your choice to believe in people who are usually motivated by fame and fortune.

This morning on MSNBC was a discussion of why the record high stock market, higher corporate profits, higher tax collections and lower gas has prices have not been reflected in the way Americans think Bush is handling the economy.

I’m sure discussed by people who could benefit from the fall of Republicans and who are most likely motivated by fame and fortune as well. But we shall see.

Here is WHY. As to the stock market, 80% of the stocks are owned by 10% of Americans. Even though about ½ of Americans own stock, most of the middle income Americans own stock only in their retirement accounts. Thus increases in the market may show in higher retirement account balance but that does NOTHING to help them pay their bills. Only the top 10% derive any significant amount of income that they can spend from their Stock market Profits.

So what you are saying is that only in the past 6 years have the 10% owned most of the stock market but before this all Americans had their hands in the stock market? Do you realize that these same 10% are the same ones that were there before Bush came along? Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe those who have stocks are the ones who will benefit from this? If you find yourself using stocks to pay bills then maybe you have more of a problem than you think, and you have no one but yourself to blame. Of course retired people do not necessarily fall under this. You are pointing out something that has been this way for many years, way before Bush was around, so I don’t understand why it all of a sudden doesn’t make a difference to those who it never made a difference to before Bush.

As to higher corporate profits and larger tax collections they too do not enable the vast majority to pay their monthly bills. When the poor and most of the middle income Americans hear the President and his other officials telling them how great the economy is and they have either no more or less money to meet their ever increasing bills they do not see how this “Great Economic News” Bush tells them about is possible. The truth is that for all but the top 10% the goods news means NOTHING.

Are you sure? Ever wonder how places like Compusa, Best Buys, Macy’s, etc. (I’m sure you’re smart enough to see my point here) are not out of business? You don’t really think they depend on that 10% to reach their weekly or month sales goals? Who do you think are the ones buying big screen TVs, Surround sound stereos, Puff Daddy’s clothe line, etc? Bill, bill, bill. It’s all people in this country know how to create in large quantities and here you are blaming Bush for peoples inability to not buy what they don’t need or what they can’t afford. Those who are in the 10%, and those who are under them that still make a lot of money, can because they do what the vast majority of Americans can’t do, make more money.

Even the lower gas prices have not offset other increases and in comparison to gas prices two or even one year ago they are high.

I don’t know about you but the fact that it only takes $40 to fill the tank on my ’92 Ford explorer when it use to take $60 and I do this 3 to 4 times a month, I think $60 to $80 a month back is great to me. But at the same times, even $100 back would have not really made much of a difference 2 years ago. I would have spent about $30 a week either way. A difference to me would be $15 a week and that is just not gonna happen. But as oppose to paying $60 a week, I’ll take those $20 back without any complaint. BTW, it’s only getting better.

I decided to look at my situation. I am a very typical retired American and had no changes in my spending patterns. I first took a look at my income. My Social Security and Military pensions went up but so did my Medicare premium which impacted my Social Security Increase. Bottom line I saw a $600 increase in my retired income.

I looked at my expenses that showed a significant increase. My Homeowners and Flood Insurance premiums went up OVER $600. Thus before I looked at anything else I was at break even. When I looked at the increase in gas prices on the 12,000 I drove last year I saw another $400 in gas cost. My energy cost jumped about 35% or about $400 and food prices were up about 4% which was another $300. The bottom line—I had a LOSS in REAL income of $1,100 without looking at all the smaller things that went up in price.

Is that a month or a year? If it’s a month than I would like to know what the hell you be buying that you end up spending so much in food and where the hell you be going that you waste so much gas. Then you cry about how bad the environment is? What a hypocrite you really are. You’re retired, what the hell do you do that requires so much driving? The real bottom line here is that things have always gone up every year. While there is no denying that they have gone up more than usual, that does not mean you would still be breaking even or just fine. People are in the business to make money and regardless if there is a war or not, gas prices will always go up, food prices will always go up, everything will continue to go up because Americans do not know when enough is enough. Ever wonder why fast foods don’t go out of business? Have you not noticed that while some companies have closed and left people with out jobs, Walmart, Burger King, McDonalds, Macy’s, Best Buys, etc, are still alive and kicking? It seems that things are not as bad as you might think, or is it that Americans are more ignorant that one wants to believe.

This is what I believe. The average American is either completely or mostly ignorant to politics. All they need to hear is someone who will tell them they will do what would be best for them and that’s who they vote for. Ironically, most Americans do not vote (those who are of age of course). Why? Cause they are, for starters, too lazy. They do not believe that their vote can make a difference, they do not want to stand in line for many hours, they don’t really know who to vote for, they are afraid they might be called for jury duty (I saw this on a TV commercial asking people to vote in these elections and explained that Jury Duty is not picked from voters registration, but from their licenses). The average American either does not know, does not care, is too lazy or is afraid. I don’t need a poll, a study, research or aliens to tell me this, all I have to do is listen to those around me, watch what people do, look at the amount of people who voted in the last to elections. Though many might and will take this as an insult, I have no problem expressing my true feelings. I am one of those many average Americans who is too lazy to vote, is very ignorant to politics, does not care much about politics, does not believe I can make a difference. Obviously I am not in the 10%, or even the ones under them who are still above the average person, cause if I was I would be voting all the time, cause that would be how I get what I want, and keep what I have. Cause money talks and BS walks, always has, always will be. Money is what makes the world go round.

On this planet there is but one real rule of life, the Golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules. Those who don’t have the gold either should try to get it or live under these rules. And that is the reality of life. One that Bush sees very clearly, as do so many others.

I do not point this out for any sympathy but to show WHY all the so called “GOOD ECONOMIC” news is not being received well in America. What Bush does not get is that you can not talk someone into having more money to spend. At the end of EACH month the Americans KNOW if they are better off or not. Although the data Bush uses is accurate, it does not translate into a better life for ANY of the POOR and not for the majority of Middle Income America. Do not be surprised in the future when the polls do not give Bush credit for the economy. If you were to poll only the top 20% the results would be positive but when you ask everyone the answer is just the opposite!

What you do not seem to get is that during every Presidency in this country, poor people have always existed and a good economy has never done them any good either way. People don’t know if they are better off or not, that is the reason a Gov’t exist. This country does not know the meaning of the word independent. People need signs that say stop for them to know when to stop at a corner, people need food stamps and welfare cause they don’t know how to keep jobs or better themselves, people need laws cause they can’t tell the difference between right and wrong.
Everything the Gov’t offers people need it cause they are either too lazy, too ignorant or too child-like to do anything for themselves.

BTW, for a person who likes to point out what he thinks is the reality of this country, you need to actually start thinking realistically. There is no way to poll every single American in this country cause for starters too many illegals with false IDs do not count, not everyone is at home at the same time to ask them poll questions and there is no force in this country big enough that could accomplish this goal. Hell, we can’t even get more than half of the eligible voters to come out and vote. Be more realistic when you make a post. You come across as ignorant, unrealistic and over all a nut case. It’s because of people like you that the average person doesn’t care, because you exaggerate, confuse, make things up, twist and flat out take others peoples words for it, not for the sake of every American, but only for personal gain. Book sales comes to mind, money motivation? Not unless you sell every copy for the price it cost you to make each book with no profit to make. If you really cared about anyone besides yourself, you would give your books away for free. Firefighters don’t save lives for the money, soldiers don’t give their loves for the money, volunteers for all kinds of charities do not help the helpless for the money, how’s about you prove you actually care buy showing the American people how bad things are, for free. And I don’t mean this blogg. After all, if it’s all true and people open their eyes and things change for the better, even you and all those grandchildren you care about so much will benefit from this, don’t you think? And please don’t give me this mumbo jumbo about it cost money to make the books. Money should not be a concern, since you said you didn’t make the previous book for the money, right?

There, I said what I had to say. Now don’t expect me to respond to anything you say to me about this post cause I stand by every word and nothing you say will change me. Nothing you have to say after this will be worth an effort to open your eyes and wake you up for your Bush hating nightmares.
on Oct 08, 2006
Well I guess I owe Emp of Icecream an appology. I could not resist writting really long, though I did not use big words or sounded very intelligent. I doubt he would care though, still it's only fair to take back my words.
on Oct 08, 2006
This is a serious issue and contains the rational

The word is rationale you illiterate buffoon!

The latest poll...

Once again you are basing your absurdly framed article upon yet another poll. You are truly laughable. Frankly, I enjoy humor as much as the next person but you really need to add some variety to your act as it is growing quite stale.

While I do enjoy laughing at you, you could spice it up with a little variety. Perhaps you could work up a nice song and dance to go along with your comedy? Youtube is pretty easy.
on Oct 08, 2006

Read this again:

What Bush does not get is that you can not talk someone into having more money to spend. At the end of EACH month the Americans KNOW if they are better off or not.

You are correct in that the average American does not have an in-depth understanding of economics. But they know if they are having trouble paying their bills or if they have more money to spend. That is where the rubber meets the road-- Not is the Stock market up. Not are corporate profits up and are dividends up. For the majority the simple truth is that the costs of things like I pointed out have gone up MORE then their income has increased. Insurance premiums, utility bills, gas, health care and food. There things impact almost ALL people and have eaten up the salary increases. For many where their income has remained unchanged, the retired and the low income Americans, all they have scene is cost increases with NO or very small changes to their income.

The data from my situation was for a year and it is real. I bet there are millions of retired that have a very similar situation.

The ONLY group that has really benefited from the Bush policies is the top 10%. The reason is simple. They got the BIG Tax cuts and they are the people that benefit from growing corporate profits and the increase in the stock market.

On the horizon are the real possibility of BIG drops in Real Estate Values and the specter of even more defaults on mortgages. Credit Card debt is at an ALL TIME HIGH. For the vast majority the Bush economic Boom simply does not exist!

Mason M

Yes I used the wrong word. However, that does not change the truth of my Blog.

You and others that support Bush are the real BUFFONS!
on Oct 08, 2006
Col I never read or respond on your blogs because they are always about Bush. Do you have any other interests in life besides this man?
on Oct 08, 2006

Yes. I have many interests. The focus of my blog on Joeuser is "Bush Truth"

I have looked at about 10 different national issues that are front and center in our country. I have looked at how we are trying to address these issues. Because Bush is our President and because, for the most part, his policies are the ones that Congress has enacted into law it is logical that my examination of HOW ARE WE RESOLVING the issues facing our country center on Bush and the GOP controlled Congress.
on Oct 08, 2006
Nothing is biased on polls. It is biased on reality. It is biased on my own experience and my situation is the same that millions of retired Americans experience. You and others on this Blog site are too blinded to see what is taking place in this country.

Can't you even "read"? Or are you that stupid? I said "BASED" not Biased! Now try again!
on Oct 08, 2006
Not are corporate profits up and are dividends up. For the majority the simple truth is that the costs of things like I pointed out have gone up MORE then their income has increased.

This just shows your ignorance! For the 2 to be up means there is money being SPENT! Which means the economy is UP not down! Where do you think the money is coming from? Thin air?
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