Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 26, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Today Bush said how important it was to enforce the laws of the United States at his signing of the law authorizing some 700 miles of border fence between the U.S. and Mexico. This from a man that has ignored the laws that require employers to not to hire illegal workers. A president that had not enforced our immigration laws. A president the refused to request the authorization of the 10,000 added border agents that Bush said were needed to guard the border. A president that does not enforce the laws concerning Illegal’s that live thought our country.

Funding for this great fence Bush approved has not been fully funded and only 1,500 of the 10,000 added guards were included. In 2 days spending in Iraq would provide as much as the salary of 10,000 new border guards at $50,000 per guard. In two weeks we spend as much in Iraq as it would cost to complete a fence along the entire border.

Bush is a joke when he stands in front of the American People and tell us how important enforcement of the laws of this country is given his refusal to do just that.

on Oct 26, 2006
Hey ColG,

I have a mission for you. If you choose to accept it, the parameters are as followed:

You must find five things, that Bush has done right. Document them, and explain why they were good, how they helped, and praise Bush for doing such a thing.

Like, for example. Cutting spending, or disciplining a corrupt official in his administration.

Will you do it, or just back out and bash Bush?

(This message will self destruct in 10 seconds. Hehe, gotta have that MI stuff.)

Peace, ~Lucas
on Oct 26, 2006
I would love to do that and will post something when bush does something good.

Take your example of cost cutting:

Bush 2007 Budget is Unbelievable
Our President has lost his mind!

By COL Gene
Posted Sunday, February 05, 2006 on Bush Truth
Discussion: Politics

Bush is getting ready to send his 2007 budget proposal to Congress. While Bush is pushing to make his tax cuts for his wealthy supporter's permanent, look at some of the proposed CUTS he has included in his 2007 Budget:

Cuts from Education
Cuts from the Dept of Energy
Cuts from the National Institute of Health
Cuts from Centers for Disease Control
Cuts for Medicare Reimbursement
Cuts for food aid to CHILDREN under 6 and the ELDERLY

Given his statements about the need for education, the potential problems with health and a possible pandemic, the plight of the poor he identified in his New Orleans Speech and the situation with our military being under sized, these budget cuts are as wrong as they could be. Rather then increase the Federal revenues to help balance the budget, Bush is proposing cuts in ESSENTIAL elements of the government. The cuts in the National Guard and Reserve have raised a firestorm with the nations Governors as well as the Congress. 75 Senators sent a letter to Bush Thursday saying HELL NO. I doubt that most of these ridicules cuts will be approved, especially in an election year. The real question is HOW COULD WE HAVE ELECTED A PRESIDENT THAT IS SO OUT OF TOUCH WITH WHAT IS NEEDED IN AMERICA?

As for disciplining corrupt officials-- How about Rove outing Mrs. Wilson. Bush ignored that little problem.
on Oct 26, 2006
Quit molesting animals Gene
on Oct 26, 2006
Hell has frozen over - Gene finally said something with which I agree. He's been crying wolf so long that some may not notice that there is a real point here, obvious though it be. Many have been making the same point for years.

On this issue, Bush has flat-out failed to provide any sort of meaningful leadership or leverage. It may be one out of a few thousand for Gene, but it is one nonetheless, so give him his due.
on Oct 27, 2006
Reply By: Daiwa Posted: Thursday, October 26, 2006
Hell has frozen over - Gene finally said something with which I agree.

Good luck with that. The last time I agreed with something the colonel said, I became the target of this type of attack...

Reply By: ParaTed2k Posted: Thursday, October 26, 2006
Quit molesting animals Gene

...by the same culprit, not coincidentally.

Reply By: ParaTed2k

If you're what Rush Limbaugh has to defend him, he'd be better off if you didn't say anything. It's kind of like all those Republicans who have the good sense to say "thanks but no thanks" to Bush's offers of support. I suppose I should give you points for leading by example, though.

This sort of juvenility should have no place in the marketplace of free ideas. The last time I agreed with the colonel you accused us both of being something like "two people who poop their own pants but want someone else to clean it up for them." Perhaps, but at least we have the good sense not to piss in our own drinking well. You sully the political marketplace every time you open your mouth.

I think we all, as a community, should apologize to the colonel, whether we have participated in the bashing or not. I don't know what course others may take, but I intend to step up and be a man. I hope some of you will do likewise.

Colonel, I apologize to you for what has gone on here. I apologize for what you've had to put up with at this site. And I apologize for being a coward and trying to save my own hide from the flack by keeping silent when I knew a wrong was being committed.

You know, when Rush Limbaugh can mock a person's disability and think nothing of it and be defended for it, when a Republican candidate for governor (in Nevada) can think the way to make political hay is by repeatedly mocking the name of his opponent, there is something seriously wrong. I wish some of you would grow up and start coming together to make this country a better place instead of sitting back and getting off on your immature name calling. It's time to do what's right. It's time to step up and be men of reason and discourse, to try to come to understanding and do what's best for the country as a whole instead of devolving into monkeys that divide into factions and fling feces at each other. Enough is enough.
on Oct 27, 2006

Thank you.

I hope after the election on November 7th, we see a Congress that is willing to address the issues that MOST Americans consider important and address then is a way that is more centrist- Not to the far Right or to the far left. Only in that way will Americans begin to believe that their Federal Government is representing what the majority would like for our beloved country.
on Oct 27, 2006
You're welcome, too, COL Gene.