Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on November 23, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Today as we all give thanks for our great country we see the results of what George W. Bush has done by invading Iraq. I hope Bush, as he sits down for his Thanksgiving dinner, looks at what he has done. His insistence of invading Iraq has set the stage for what is the worst single attack in Iraq. In a single attack today there are150 Dead and 250 injured. In October over 3,700 Iraqi people dead and over 100 American Military were killed.

Anyone that agrees with Bush that we are winning in Iraq is on another planet. We can not stop the civil war in Iraq and it is time to leave and allow the people of Iraq to deal with this violence. The only thing our continued presence will do is cost more American lives and injuries with no impact on the killing that will take place in this civil war we have enabled to develop.

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on Nov 26, 2006
Yesterday . . .

All my troubles seemed so far away . . .

Now it seems as though they're here to stay . . .

(I can't remember the last line, someone throw me a bone here)
on Nov 26, 2006
one trick pony

I'm a one-trick pony, too . . . hijacking threads.

Watch me, momma, and-a my skills!
on Nov 26, 2006
You show your ignorance with every word you write on this Blog site.

While I support your right to free speech/blog...I do have to say

"Pot paging mr kettle, come in mr. kettle."

on Nov 26, 2006
Yes we will see what comes out of investigations that Congress will begin after the Democrats take over. If as many believe they document things that Bush did that were wrong all will know just how far this administration strayed from responsible government. Last night I began watching the PBS 2 hour special on Abramoff and De Lay. What these two did is disgusting. I believe there is much more that has been ignored because the GOP refused to question what was going on or were part of the problem. Watch Rep. Henry Waxman for example. 2007 is most likely to become a year when many things that were buried will come to light. If those things show that Bush and Cheney as well as others did things that were not proper it will not be Bush Bashing but bringing the TRUTH out of the shadows. You should view that Moyer Special-- Both Abramoff and De Lay deserve what they got!!!

Every time I or someone else points out facts that do not reflect well on Bush, Cheney or the GOP leadership in Congress it is Bush bashing. What it is in bringing the reality to light. The reason it is negative toward Bush is because of what Bush did or the RESULTS of his policies!
on Nov 26, 2006

The new material is150 Dead and 250 injured on a single day in Iraq. This would not have happened if Bush had not invaded Iraq!

And I ask again....what do you care?  If it were up to you we would leave right now and thousands of Iraqis would be slaughtered.  You should stop pretending that you care so much about the Iraqi people.

Yes we will see what comes out of investigations that Congress will begin after the Democrats take over.

Since democrats have power now are you going to hold them to the same "standards" as you have with republicans?  Will the democrats explain to us why they thought Saddam was a threat and had WMD's.  I think we should call for an investigation of that.



on Nov 26, 2006

I care because our troops are in the middle of a civil war they can not control and they are in great danger. In addition the prolonged deployments are destroying our military. The Commandant of the Marine Corps has told Congress that the Corps CAN NOT continue with the level of deployments. They have Marines going to their FOURTH deployment. It is destroying the Army, National Guard and Reserve. The Chief of Staff of the Army refused to sign off on the budget because it does not provide the needed funding. Most of the military equipment for the ground components must be replaced because of Iraq and there is nothing close being provided to fund the repair or replacement of this equipment. Just wait until the taxpayers see the bill for that equipment.

Yes I want to know who knew what when Congress voted to give Bush the authority to take action in Iraq. If there was intelligence that was not shared with Congress PRIOR to that vote or the Intel was cherry picked as many former CIA Agents claim, we need to know that. It may turn out that had ALL the information about Saddam and Iraq been known in the fall of 2002, there would not have been a vote in Congress that enabled Bush to invade Iraq.

WE also need to know more about all the NO BID contracts that have allowed companies to OVER BILL the American taxpayers. We need to know what happened to the $9 Billion to rebuild Iraq that the Bush Administration can not account for to date. We need to see who knew what and when they knew it about Foley. Where did 500,000 small arms go that the military can not account for in Iraq? We need to know why the advice from our military leaders was ignored about the troop levels that were required to secure Iraq and PREVENT the Civil War that is taking place today.

The problem will be WHAT to look at first!

on Nov 26, 2006
Marine Corps ‘can’t maintain [a] surge’ in troop levels.At a press breakfast yesterday, Marine commandant Gen. James Conway said that any decision to increase the number of Marines in Iraq - currently around 23,000 - would have “long-term repercussions.” “The payback is you can’t maintain that surge,” Conway said. “‘And it’s probably going to have an adverse impact’ on the ability to provide ready troops in the future.”
on Nov 26, 2006

You avoided what I said.  What do you care about the Iraqi people that you constantly post the Iraqi casualities. 

If we pullout now, like you wish, the Iraqi casualities will multiply by an enormous amount.  So please don't sit there and act like you care about the Iraqi people.  You don't.

As I said, are you going to hold the democrats that now have power accountable for their actions like you constantly did with the republicans?  Will you write weekly blogs about the failures of the democrats, or will you continue to support them?



on Nov 26, 2006
As I have said my concern is for the American Military that die every day. It is clear we can not stop this Civil War and the majority of the Iraqi People have said they support the attacks on our troops. What I am showing by the Iraqi deaths is that this is a NO WIN situation and our continued presence will only mean more Americans will die or be injured. My concern is NOT for the Iraqis but for our troops. What do you care about?
on Nov 26, 2006

It's only a no-win situation if you leave, which you advocate.  I don't believe for one second you care about our troops, because any true soldier would not leave in the middle of a war.  Cutting and running is an option for failure, something democrats seem to have no problem with.


on Nov 26, 2006
This is a situation where every day the war gets worse. We have been in Iraq LONGER then WWII. Why continue to sustain death and injuries when the outcome gets worse EVERY day. To take casualties IF we are making progress is one thing. To just put our troops in the middle of a civil war that they can not control is not showing regard for the lives of our military. Sending troops for three and four tours in that HELL Hole does now show regard for our brave military. What we are asking them to do is pulling the trigger on the revolver in a game of Russian Roulette by sending them back time after time to a war they can not win because we do not have anything like the force levels needed to control what we allowed to get out of control when we removed Saddam and did not supply the troops levels needed to PREVENT this Civil War!

Bush made two major errors—

Sending our military into Iraq – he was warned by Powell and others this could become a no win situation!!!.

Sending them with too few troops to control Iraq after Saddam Fell – He was told by the senior military what was needed to CONTROL Iraq and ignored that advice (500,000). It was all spelled out in the attack plan for Iraq, OP Plan 1003. I guess he must have used all that knowledge he gained from when he did not attend Drills in the National Guard.
on Nov 26, 2006

it is you that is the fool-- This is what my computer shows from this link:

Pefect example of what I said earlier. You don't know how to do something correctly, but "I'm" the fool. How typically ignorant of you.

Of course "you" can see it fool. Ever heard of a "cache" file? Just because you can see it does not mean the rest of us can. Nor does it mean someone is "stupid" or foolish because they can't see it. Here is a "direct" quote from the page!

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Instead of calling other people foolish for "your" mistakes, you should look in a mirror first!

I just love how you ignore this entirely! Should I take your non-reply as me hitting the truth sqarely on the head?
on Nov 26, 2006
Bush made two major errors—

You're wrong. Bush made a lot more than just two major errors.
on Nov 26, 2006

I was talking about Iraq. I agree he has made a LOT MORE ERRORS!!!


YES I saw what you said and that is why I copied the article for you to read. All you do is attack me and turn a deaf ear to the substance of what I have said. Bush deserves followers like you!
on Nov 27, 2006
Looks like the English understand the Iraq War is no place to be:

By JENNIFER QUINN (Associated Press Writer)
From Associated Press
November 27, 2006 8:30 AM EST
LONDON - Britain said Monday it expects to withdraw thousands of its 7,000 military personnel from Iraq by the end of next year, while Poland and Italy announced the impending withdrawal of their remaining troops.

Looks like George will be all alone in Iraq.
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