Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on November 29, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Yesterday GWB told the world that the principal cause for the growing violence in Iraq is because of al Qaeda. Nothing is further from the truth. His own Pentagon and intelligence agencies have clearly documented the VAST majority of the source of the violence is Sunni vs. Shiite. That is a civil conflict where by each of these factions is fighting for control of Iraq and attempting to punish the other side for past and current attacks. For Bush to stand before the world and claim the principal cause of the violence the world see’s is because of al Qaeda shows he is so far out of touch with reality that he can not govern. It is true that outside forces like al Qaeda, Iran and Syria are contributing to the unrest. However the major cause is the internal conflict of Iraqi against Iraqi!

Bush continues to express confidence in the Iraqi Prime minister despite the fact that he is loosing control of the situation every day. Now his National Security Advisor, Stephen Hadley has told Bush that he believes that al Maliki does NOT have the ability to control the increasing violence in Iraq. The violence in Iraq is like an avalanche and Bush continues to place 140,000 brave American Military in the path of this freefall. The stubbornness of Bush is dangerous to both the United States and that entire region of the world. Our policy could result is a regional war that could disrupt the peace of the entire world and interrupt the flow of energy from the Middle East. Look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, and Palestine. Every one of these countries is in conflict and the situation has become worse during the past six years. Much of the deteriorating situation is a direct result of the inept Bush foreign policy.

When the world’s most powerful leader can not accept the reality of what is taking place, the world is in real danger.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 29, 2006
To ignore story after story about the growing violence and to ignore the pictures of the violence is being the FOOL.

Reporters have flawed motives. Many of them care less about the truth and more about a quick buck. How many stories have you bothered to read about faked photos. The reporters justify them by saying well... uh... that't the way it really happened. My question is if their morals are so flimsy that they could produce a fake then what makes you the the MSM is telling you the truth.

I know you haven't been to Iraq yet you claim your sources know it all. I got a news flash for you Gene ... people lie.
on Nov 29, 2006
Just john

I guess our military leaders, as well as Bush and almost all the world leaders are also just making up the violence that is getting worse by the day in Iraq. Is Bush in Jordan because all goes well in Iraq?

The facts are that what Bush has been doing has taken difficult situations and made them worse.

In the Palestine/ Israeli issue he ignored the area and allowed it to boil over. He condones the overreactions of Israel which have NOT resolved the conflicts. He ignores the fact that Israel overreacts whenever they are attacked and create MORE new enemies with their actions.

Bush stood by as Israel destroyed Lebanon over the capture of two Israeli soldiers.

He invaded a Moslem country and enraged the Moslem world. He has created a situation in Iraq that has allowed sectarian violence to explode and provided the entry of foreign terrorists into Iraq.

He has not resolved the issues in Afghanistan which is getting worse by the day. He diverted the troops needed to resolve the Afghanistan conflict to Iraq.

He has been unable to deal with either Iran or Syria.

He helped a government in Iraq to come into being that is like the government in Iran.

Tell me what of the above has produced reduced danger or resolution to ANY of these conflicts. All the above are the result of the policies Bush has been following tin the Moslem World!
on Nov 29, 2006
Are you John Kerry Col?

Are you al Queda?

Everything that goes wrong in this country you HAVE to blame on Bush. Jesus, find another scapegoat. Sure he has faults and is by far not our best president. But he is OUR PRESIDENT.

Show some fucking loyalty. It's people like you that promote the bad feelings others harbour toward us. You and your kind are America's worst enemy.
on Nov 29, 2006
You and your kind are America's worst enemy.

Please, tell me...who are "your kind."

Show some fucking loyalty.

To whom?
on Nov 29, 2006

In the Palestine/ Israeli issue he ignored the area and allowed it to boil over. He condones the overreactions of Israel which have NOT resolved the conflicts. He ignores the fact that Israel overreacts whenever they are attacked and create MORE new enemies with their actions.

Col, many people support what Israel does and think they do not do enough.  You are operating on the same anti-israeli rhetoric that many use.  Every arguement you always tells us everybody is creating new enemies.....why col?

Because we fight them!  Would you rather lay arms down and give in to islamists?  Seriously col, that wouldn't make them mad anymore, so how about it?


Bush stood by as Israel destroyed Lebanon over the capture of two Israeli soldiers.

First of all, Israel did not destroy Lebanon although they could have easily done it.  Where are your articles condeming the kidnapping of the soldiers?  Nice to know you would leave soldiers behind just so you don't anger the terrorists.

He has been unable to deal with either Iran or Syria.

Neither has the U.N., or anybody for that matter.  The problem is there's really not a way to deal with them.  They have been, and still will be a threat regardless of what party is in power.  What is the democrats stand on Iran anyways col?



on Nov 29, 2006
Show some fucking loyalty.

To whom?

Finish reading his reply! TO AMERICA!

Show some fucking loyalty. It's people like you that promote the bad feelings others harbour toward us. You and your kind are America's worst enemy.
on Nov 29, 2006
The issue of this Blog deals with the results of what Bush and his policy have done in the Moslem world. Every time I document where what "Our President" is doing that does not work, I am some how disloyal. That is BS. The issue is the results of what Bush is doing. We would not be in Iraq if it were not for Bush. We were much closer to a settlement of the Israeli Palestinian conflict under Clinton. Loyalty must be justified. The problem with many who support Bush is that they profess their loyalty even when the man fails to meet the needs of our country.

The fatal Flaw of GWB is that he NEVER looks at what is has done and when it is not working admit he needs to change. It is as if trying a different policy is an admission that his earlier policy many have been wrong or at best ineffective at dealing with the issue at hand. I can NEVER remember a time when the policies of a President were so ineffective or down right destructive. What we have scene during the past six years are exactly like what Bush accomplished prior to becoming president. He had VERY few successes. In almost EVERY case his father or his father's contacts pulled George's Bacon out of the Fire when he failed. GWB is an example of a child of privilege that never faced adversity or was forced to succeed on his own merits. Anyone that takes the time to look at the RESULTS of what he has done before and after becoming President can not help to see how much of a FAILURE he has been! The things Bush has done will haunt us for decades to come. His Foreign Policy. His fiscal policy. His energy policy. His refusal to enforce our laws. His non solutions to the funding issues of Medicare and Social Security. His environmental policies.

We elect a president to EFFECTIVELY deal with the BIG issues. Looking at the results of the past six years we see one failure after another!
on Nov 29, 2006


We would not be in Iraq if it were not for Bush.

....and the democrats who voted for the war and said Saddam was a threat. 


We elect a president to EFFECTIVELY deal with the BIG issues. Looking at the results of the past six years we see one failure after another!

You define failure by what CNN and the NYT tells you it is.  Someone like you is obsessed with Bush, and does not take into account anything else.  You ignore how good the economy is, you ignore the parts of Iraq that are stable, and the list goes on and on. 

Are you going to hold the democrats do the same standard now that they have power col?  Will we see weekly blogs of the things they do?

on Nov 29, 2006
There would not have been a vote in Congress if Bush had not insisted Saddam was such a danger that we had to invade Iraq. Bush had Intel that disputed Saddam having a nuclear program or Bio weapons. He choose to ignore that and any other Intel that did not support his position. He ignored the Military assessment that Saddam could only conduct military operations in the central section of Iraq. This was the dictator that threatened the world's most powerful nation. WHAT BS!

I define failure as:

Turning a balanced budget into a 1/2 Trillion dollar annual deficit
Adding 3 Trillion dollars to the National debt.
Failing to stop illegal immigration and protect our borders.
Failing to protect our ports 5 years after 9/11.
The Iraq war
Our greater dependence on foreign oil then in 2001
Failure to move toward a solution to fund Social Security and Medicare for the Boomers.

on Nov 29, 2006

I did not blame Bush for everything.

Filthy liar!  in every word you have vomited into JU you do nothing but blame Bush for everything.  You are as incapable of honesty and integrity as you are original thought.

on Nov 29, 2006
....and the democrats who voted for the war and said Saddam was a threat.

based on false information given by the GWB administration...

on Nov 29, 2006
Tell me which of these are not Bush Failures?

Turning a balanced budget into a 1/2 Trillion dollar annual deficit
Adding 3 Trillion dollars to the National debt.
Failing to stop illegal immigration and protect our borders.
Failing to protect our ports 5 years after 9/11.
The Iraq war
Our greater dependence on foreign oil then in 2001
Failure to move toward a solution to fund Social Security and Medicare for the Boomers.

Document the major issues that faced Bush when he took office that he has resolved or improved?
on Nov 29, 2006
Finish reading his reply! TO AMERICA!

Which america?

The gov't?

The people?

on Nov 29, 2006
based on false information given by the GWB administration...

...not to mention the Clinton administration. Let's not be totally silly about this. And it's quite easy for the critics to call this "false" after the fact, when everyone believed it was true at the time, including those who provided it. "Wrong" would be a better, and perfectly acceptable, description.
on Nov 29, 2006

There was a lot of Intel that said Iraq was not the danger Bush claimed. Bush ignored any Intel that did not support his desire to attack Iraq. We need an investigation to learn just what information was available to Bush when he asked Congress to invade Iraq. Several CIA officials have said Bush cherry picked only that Intel he wanted.
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