Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on November 29, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Yesterday GWB told the world that the principal cause for the growing violence in Iraq is because of al Qaeda. Nothing is further from the truth. His own Pentagon and intelligence agencies have clearly documented the VAST majority of the source of the violence is Sunni vs. Shiite. That is a civil conflict where by each of these factions is fighting for control of Iraq and attempting to punish the other side for past and current attacks. For Bush to stand before the world and claim the principal cause of the violence the world see’s is because of al Qaeda shows he is so far out of touch with reality that he can not govern. It is true that outside forces like al Qaeda, Iran and Syria are contributing to the unrest. However the major cause is the internal conflict of Iraqi against Iraqi!

Bush continues to express confidence in the Iraqi Prime minister despite the fact that he is loosing control of the situation every day. Now his National Security Advisor, Stephen Hadley has told Bush that he believes that al Maliki does NOT have the ability to control the increasing violence in Iraq. The violence in Iraq is like an avalanche and Bush continues to place 140,000 brave American Military in the path of this freefall. The stubbornness of Bush is dangerous to both the United States and that entire region of the world. Our policy could result is a regional war that could disrupt the peace of the entire world and interrupt the flow of energy from the Middle East. Look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, and Palestine. Every one of these countries is in conflict and the situation has become worse during the past six years. Much of the deteriorating situation is a direct result of the inept Bush foreign policy.

When the world’s most powerful leader can not accept the reality of what is taking place, the world is in real danger.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 30, 2006

Yes “most likely did not have” does not mean that Saddam had nuclear weapons as Bush and Cheney claimed. It does not produce mushroom clouds above American Cities as Bush and Cheney claimed.

Hey klink...."most likely" also does NOT mean he didn't, either now does it? It is a assumption at best. And you know what they say about assumption? It's the mother of ALL f*ck-ups"!
on Dec 01, 2006

No GWB was handed more opportunity then I was handed. The things I accomplished I earned by my efforts. My Father or his contacts did not hand me Jobs, Investors, Positions the way GHWB did for his son. The result of GWB being handed everything is that on his own merit he accomplished VERY little. If you posted the resume of GWB with another name up to becoming Governor of Texas he would not have been hired for ANY responsible position. He was handed EVERY job he ever had by contacts of his father. You would do well to research the background of GWB.


“Most likely” means that the likely hood of Saddam Having the nuclear weapons Bush and Cheney claimed was remote. You do not go to war on that basis. Hell there are a lot of unfriendly countries that we KNOW have nuclear weapons that we have not attacked! You also ignore the Pentagon assessment of Saddam's military capability. How could a country that could not even conduct military operations in all sections of their OWN country be a threat to the world's most powerful country? There was NO justification to Invade Iraq biased on them being a danger to the United States!!!!!
on Dec 01, 2006
Welcome to the real world, Gene. Deal with it. Not that you will, mind you.
on Dec 01, 2006

The world of GWB is NOT the real world. MOST people become successful due to their own merits. It is the privileged few that were treated like George and he has proven that he does not have what it takes to be a success at ANYTHING! He and his administration will set a NEW LOW in our history. Print this and keep it as TIME proves me correct!!!!!

I saw a recent poll that placed GWB far below his father as a president. GHWB has been ranked near the bottom which places George just were he belongs – AT THE BOTTOM. The harm GWB has done to America will be with us for many years after he is no longer in office!
on Dec 01, 2006
Current popularity polls are meaningless to history and don't even tell the current story adequately - they just enable people like you to devine any meaning you desire, whatever serves your hatred of George. We'll see who time proves "correct".
on Dec 01, 2006

The election was FAR more then a poll. It was the voters expressing their dissatisfaction with Bush and the GOP policies. Despite the attempt in recent years to protect house seats from change, there was a large shift even in districts the GOP believed were SAFE.

I agree time will clarify how the administration of GWB is evaluated. I am confident that my view of this arrogant man of a privileged life will be very negative and GWB will be considered the worst President in our history!
on Dec 01, 2006

The world of GWB is NOT the real world. MOST people become successful due to their own merits.

And most people are poor due to their own choices. 


on Dec 01, 2006

The election was FAR more then a poll. It was the voters expressing their dissatisfaction with Bush and the GOP policies. Despite the attempt in recent years to protect house seats from change, there was a large shift even in districts the GOP believed were SAFE

The democrats didn't win because they offered anything, they won because conservatives punished the GOP. 

Why are you so obsessed with Bush?  He does not control your life, move on and enjoy the rest of your life.

on Dec 01, 2006

You are NUTS! No one chooses to be POOR.

The Democrats won because, as the polls showed, the majority was not happy with the policies of Bush and the GOP! Beginning in January 2007 it will be up to the Democrats to pass laws that address the NEEDS of the low and middle income Americans. If the do and Bush Veto's these laws, the Democrats will complete the take over in November 2008! Clearly the path Bush and the GOP want to peruse is NOT the path MOST Americans want for this country!
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