Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The Popular host Norman Mark will interview me about my book, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich at 1:00 PM PST December 27, 2006. The Norman Mark show has been running for five years from the Palm Springs, CA area and has just gone into syndication.

The show is on KNWZ-AM (970 & 1140)

on Dec 26, 2006
Hows about you post a copy on the Internet for those of us who do not live in CA to hear. I wouldn't mind listening to it.
on Dec 27, 2006
will it be podcast as well?
on Dec 27, 2006
If you are interested please contact the producer (760) 568-6358 OR (817) 326-5483
on Dec 27, 2006
There will be a follow up interview Jan 16 at 1:00 PM PST.
on Dec 27, 2006
Why do I bother asking. You can't even do this.
on Dec 27, 2006
I have requested a copy from the producer.
on Dec 28, 2006
Why do I bother asking. You can't even do this.

why do you not bother contacting the segment's owner (as colgene suggested) before acting out?
on Dec 29, 2006
Another review of my book:

George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich
Reviewer's Bookwatch, Oct, 2006 by John Burrough

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George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich

Gene P. Abel


1663 Liberty Drive Suite 200, Bloomington, IN 47403

1425929427 $13.99 www.authorhouse.com 1-800-839-8640

George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich by Gene P. Abel, Colonel, USAR Ret. (over 30 years of service as a commissioned officer, and two-time recipient of the Meritorious Service Medal) severely questions the immediate and long-term effects to America that the Bush administration is responsible for. Sharply critical, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich decries the administration's narrow-minded attempts to partially privatize Social Security without providing any transition fund for the interim monies that would be lost; the administration's alienation of its foreign allies in the years after the September 11 attacks due its blind press for war in Iraq; and the administration's utter failure to balance the budget or prevent an explosion of the national deficit. At the same time, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich is not universally negative; it notes the wise actions that President Bush has taken, but laments that the harmful actions may well outweigh the good in the president's legacy for the 21st century. Drawing information from more than 40 renowned sources, and including humorous blogs to convey points with a twist, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich not only identifies potential current and future problems stemming from the Bush administration but also offers recommendations for alternatives to cope with their personal impact on individual lives. Highly recommended.