Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The most ridiculous argument is the objection of Bush and the Conservatives to federally supported research using stem cells. The sanctity of life is the chant. The truth is that there are over 400,000 frozen stem cells that are the result of In Vitro Fertilization. The vast majority of these stem cells will be destroyed as medical waste. The issue is WHY not allow Federally Funded research using these Stem cells that will be destroyed eventually.

Congress needs to pass such a law that allows unneeded stem cells that result from In Vitro Fertilization with the consent of the donors to be used in research. In that way new Stem Cells that were created outside the In Vitro process could NOT be used for federally Funded Research and rather then just destroying existing embryos, without benefiting anyone, donors would have the option to allow their use to help relieve human suffering.

The other argument of Bush and the conservatives is that this research can be conducted with private funding. This is true but that limits the amount of research that will be done. The final argument to pass this legislation is that the VAST MAJORITY of Americans support this research. Thus in a Democracy it is time that the majority override the minority and Congress should pass the legislation allowing Federally Funded Stem Cell research using embryos from In Vitro Fertilization over a Bush veto if continues to oppose this policy.

Comments (Page 13)
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on Jan 19, 2007
You have done NOTHING of the sort.

Yes we have.
on Jan 19, 2007
I've seen this man's credentials repeatedly questioned over time. if ya'll were paying attention, you'd know he is who he says he is.

hell, dufus, you even accused me and him of being the same person with absolutely NOTHING substantial to back it up with...just a typical knee-jerk reaction when you thought ya "smelled blood" and could "get em" ...so you went shooting off your mouth, again like dick Cheney on a quail hunt...

and the only reason i even know of his existence is from your (and your cronies) blabbering about him all over this site. but like other things you seem clueless on, you probably never realized that only "no publicity is bad publicity."

keep diggin miler...china's just a few more feet down...

You're about the "biggest" joke going! If you had bothered to read, you would know that I retracted that statement about you and the col.

And this man's credentials are being called into question for 2 reasons:

1. His use of left wing sites exclusively for his info.
2. His inability to even view informational proof that usually refutes his "opinion".

The one that needs the clue is you, not me.
on Jan 19, 2007
The one that needs the clue is you, not me.

how are things in oz?

You're about the "biggest" joke going! If you had bothered to read, you would know that I retracted that statement about you and the col.

too little, too late...after i TOLD you we aren't the same person,,,you kept on going until one of YOUR cronies clued you in days later. you retracted it? SO WHAT? YOU SHOOT 1ST AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER, IF YOU BOTHER TO ASK QUESTIONS AT ALL (besides the amateur lawyering attempts). you don't get it son,,,it's time to keep your mouth shut. stop tryin to "get me" on somethin...even if ya do, at this point, 99 to 1 isn't much different than 100-0.

it's abundantly clear that your big lofty "goal" is to try and "get" me and all those who question this administration's policies. the days of "gotcha" political rhetoric are gone. didn't you get the memo last year? you still think it's just some pack of loony liberals that oppose this policy, it's not...hardly. right now, i think chuck hagel might be the most corageous man in the senate. is that a new thing for me? did i jump on the "hagel" bandwagon when he skewered sec. rice last week? no...if you "bothered to read" ...you would know that i praise people on the right as well as on the left, including him. WWW Link i don't approach politics like you do, with all the conservative and liberal barriers (et al) people place on themselves AS IF that ensures some "principled stand" on their part. to me, locking in these narrowminded philosophies is just blind obedience, takes no actual thought and ensures division rather than unity. but you don't bother to read my stuff honestly, and think that just because i am critical of this admin. that i hate all republicans and am some "left wing loon," which is false. despite the repeated refforts of you and the crony gang trying to somehow "prove" that i am and do.

while i have many very constructive conversations with those on the GOP right, you still linger out there like a bad odor playing the same stupid games. go do something else for a bit, maybe you will come back with a better perspective.

or you can scour this reply, and continue to look for something to "get me" on. if 99-1 is your goal, go for it, lol.
on Jan 19, 2007

"1. His use of left wing sites exclusively for his info"

I would like you to explain how the following sources I have used to document the results of Bush policies in my book and blogs are "Left Wing":

Against All Enemies by Richard A. Clarke

Alan Greenspan, Chairmen Federal Reserve

Bill Gates

Brookings Institute

Center For Economic And Policy Research

Congressional Budget Office - CBO

David M. Walker Comptroller General of the United States

Dept. of Labor, Division of Labor Force Statistics

Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Public Debt

Face The Nation Interview with VP Cheney 2001

Federal Reserve

General Accounting Office –GAO

General Barry McCaffrey

General Eric Shinseki, Former Army CoS

Hoover Institute

Imperial Hubris by Anonymous (Michael Scheuer)

Journal of Foreign Affairs

Lt. General John Riggs

Lt. George W. Bush’s National Guard records

Office of Management and Budget – OMB

Paul O’Neil, Former Secretary of the Treasury 2001-2003

Paul R. Pillar retired CIA Top Counterterrorism Coordinator

Plan of Attack by Bob Woodward

Popular Science -- Airborne Laser

Presidential Commission on Social Security

Professor Jeffrey Record -- United States Army War College visiting professor

Social Security and Medicare Trustees

The Price of Loyalty by Ron Suskind

United States Army War College

U S Conference of Mayors

Warren Buffet
on Jan 19, 2007
1193 (Field Artillery), Nuclear weapons (M1 Prefix) and later Finance Officer. I completed the Artillery Officers Basic, Combat Intelligence, Nuclear Weapons, Command and General Staff College and Army War College. I also completed Finance Officers Basic and Advanced.


I was curious since your writing did not seem to have much military knowledge, or even basic understanding of the way the military works. I don't know you only your words here on JU. Taking account that you were in the Army and I was not explained some of the disparity but not all of it. As you are an officer and I am not I can understand some of your comments but not the ignorance in them. You use terms that someone in the 2 shop don’t use in favor of terms the military does not use.
I looked at your list of sources and find some credible some not. Based on your list I would say that your points are not so much truth and facts but religion. Religion in the purist form the belief in things unseen. Meaning you that don’t need proof or facts or even logic, what you believe is your religion and it sees you through silly things like facts. I believe in God, I have never seen him, I talk to him daily and we communicate all the time. Can I prove God does this? Nope. Is this belief irrational? Only to nonbelievers. You believe that Mr. Bush is the evil one that is the cause of all our problems. When shown proof that most of your sources are either mistaken or out right lying, you refused to believe or even give what you are told the benefit of the doubt. When you make a statement you see a bunch of people dispute the statement with facts. I need to stop here and be fair and honest. Some of your disputers are also religious zealots that see Mr. Bush in a different light of never doing anything wrong.
Just so you know, I was a Marine liaison to DIA for 7 years, I was also a charter member of FAST company and I am still PRP certified. Are you? If you are who and what you say you are then you might have an idea of what that means. No I am not super man or super spy I am an old guy trying to get into heaven. I don’t have a problem with your religion I have a problem with you spouting lies, half truths, and myths and trying to pass them off as truth. Semper Fi Colonel.
on Jan 19, 2007

I thank you for you service. I have the highest respect for the Corps.

I am sorry you think the facts I have presented are not true. I have researched the issues covered in my book carefully and I can assure you they are correct. I see what Bush is doing to our military and I am truly disappointed. He is an arrogant man with little success at anything during his life. I have looked at his service and know he tried to escape Vietnam by getting his father to hide him in the National Guard. You and I know that the Guard during Vietnam was the best way to make it appear as if you served while insuring you were not sent to fight. When the requirements of the Guard interfered with what Lt Bush wanted to de he failed to fulfill his obligations and then got his Daddy to get him an Honorable discharge he DID NOT EARN! I had three Commands during my 30 years and I can assure you if one of my troops had failed to obey regulations the way Bush did, he would have been disciplined not given an Honorable Discharge. Bush would not have been elected DOG Catcher had Daddy not got him that Honorable Discharge which he does not deserve. He is a failure in many respects but what he has done to our military is one of his worst failures. Most of the dead and injured in Iraq are because Bush did not allow the military handle the war. He refused to send the troop levels needed to establish and maintain order in Iraq and that is responsible for 95% of the dead and injured. He also hyped the danger Saddam presented this country in 2003 and took us into a war that was not justified and which has not made us safer!
on Jan 20, 2007
it's abundantly clear that your big lofty "goal" is to try and "get" me and all those who question this administration's policies. the days of "gotcha" political rhetoric are gone. didn't you get the memo last year? you still think it's just some pack of loony liberals that oppose this policy, it's not...hardly. right now, i think chuck hagel might be the most corageous man in the senate. is that a new thing for me? did i jump on the "hagel" bandwagon when he skewered sec. rice last week? no...if you "bothered to read" ...you would know that i praise people on the right as well as on the left, including him. WWW Link i don't approach politics like you do, with all the conservative and liberal barriers (et al) people place on themselves AS IF that ensures some "principled stand" on their part. to me, locking in these narrowminded philosophies is just blind obedience, takes no actual thought and ensures division rather than unity. but you don't bother to read my stuff honestly, and think that just because i am critical of this admin. that i hate all republicans and am some "left wing loon," which is false. despite the repeated refforts of you and the crony gang trying to somehow "prove" that i am and do.

No I only go after the ignorant. Which is a catagory "both" of you fit into. If what you're saying was even "remotely" true...there are far more to go after than you sorry pair.
on Jan 20, 2007
The one that needs the clue is you, not me.

how are things in oz?

You're about the "biggest" joke going! If you had bothered to read, you would know that I retracted that statement about you and the col.

See the difference between us is that I can and have admitted when I was wrong. You two never will.
on Jan 20, 2007

Which of the sources I posted above are as you said, " use of left wing sites exclusively for his info?"

on Jan 20, 2007
You two never will.

i have been corrected on here and conceded many things pal...meanwhile all you throw around is right wing garbage and try to hold people to impossible standards and false standards.

for an exmaple, just look above...his sources were hardly "all left wing." i see no aplogy from you. just more bullsh*t.

or one can go over to the article he did about the protests of SMU against Bush's library, where you jumped right out, googled something and grabbed the 1st 2 (very old) articles from the list that supported your view. you couldn't even be bothered to page down to the times article and other recent articles from the AP wire reporting the current story. you just saw red and lashed out.

you are obvious, simple and easy to play...go get some fresh air please, it might do ya some good.
on Jan 20, 2007
or an exmaple, just look above...his sources were hardly "all left wing." i see no aplogy from you. just more bullsh*t.

You know something? You can kiss me where the good Lord split me! And please try reading "before" running off at the mouth. Go "back and read my reply where I tore his arguement to shreds using his VERY OWN link. In his SMU article he made the claim that it was President Bush's policies that were causing the trouble at SMU over the library. After the bs with you, I asked him to show me "where" in his linked article it said "anything" about GW's policies. You know what? He couldn't do it because it does NOT mention that anywhere.

You're about the "biggest" joke going! If you had bothered to read, you would know that I retracted that statement about you and the col.

too little, too late...after i TOLD you we aren't the same person,,,you kept on going until one of YOUR cronies clued you in days later. you retracted it? SO WHAT? YOU SHOOT 1ST AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER, IF YOU BOTHER TO ASK QUESTIONS AT ALL (besides the amateur lawyering attempts). you don't get it son,,,it's time to keep your mouth shut. stop tryin to "get me" on somethin...even if ya do, at this point, 99 to 1 isn't much different than 100-0.

And "for the record"....NONE of my so-called cronies clued me to anything! See you attack me everywhere, "except" on my own blog. Why is that I wonder?

As for the col...I apoligize for the previous comment about all left wing sites being used.
on Jan 20, 2007
Against All Enemies by Richard A. Clarke

The man is a political hack, you might say he is biased.

Lt. George W. Bush’s National Guard records

Taken out of context. This issue came up when he ran for Governor and was shot down. It came up when he ran for president the first time and it had no traction either. The problem was that it has been disputed by all the members who are living that served with him. It is disputed by the official records.

60 minutes

60 Minutes was so embarrassed by the shoddy story that it got rid of all the people involved. It got so bad for CBS that my local radio station dropped CBS for the remander of the contract because they were losing listeners and credability. They are now a FOX radio station. There may be a CBS radio affiliate in my town but I have yet to find it. My point is that listing them as your sourse is not going to gain you credability. I did not mind them doing a hatchet job on the President but the fact that they ran with an old discredited story as if it were news then stood by the story and to a small extent still have supporters.

Sierra Club

An extreme left wing organization that does noting more than work on bringing fear to the world.

I can see why some would question your sources. I pointed out several times your government sources that were not accurate. So just because you quote the government does not mean that the facts and figures you use are correct. In doing this people might suspect your due dilligence in your reoprting of them. For me it has little to do with your like or dislike of our current President I just hated it when I see obvious facts contorted and misrepresented.

I thank you Sir for not resorting to name calling. Just because we disagree on some minor points does not mean we have to act like children. I do like doing so from time to time but not on a regular basis.
on Jan 20, 2007
I don't give a rat's ass about what excuse was used for this war. I don't care if Dubya got up one morning and said "I just HATE that Hussein guy". The problem with this war isn't why it was fought, it was how it was fought, and even more so how the reconstruction was handled. Period.

The Col has far, far more ammunition in the green zone instead of the White House. The decisions made after "mission accomplished" border on the criminal. If I had to give any advice to the anti-Bush crowd, it would be to stop trying to justify leaving an evil man to harass the world, and start looking at what was done after he was in his spider hole.
on Jan 21, 2007
Paladin 77

Richard Clark is a very knowledgeable individual and to ignore the information he has presented would be stupid. Many of the things he has stated have been confirmed by at least three other Former CIA Section Chiefs and Generals Zinni and Trainer.

“Lt. George W. Bush’s National Guard records

Taken out of context. This issue came up when he ran for Governor and was shot down. It came up when he ran for president the first time and it had no traction either. The problem was that it has been disputed by all the members who are living that served with him. It is disputed by the official records.”

This is what has been established about the service of GWB in the Air Guard:

He got into the Guard to avoid service in Vietnam. His application to the Guard said he DID NOT want to be sent overseas and we all know that during the Vietnam War National Guard Service was the best way not to be sent into war. The old saying, "Women and Children first, then the National Guard"

He got into the Guard with the help of his father's contacts (Ben Barns and BG George Rose). Bush had one of the LOWEST Flight Test Scores but despite this and given the fact he had NO prior military training, was given a direct commission ahead of 150 others for a Guard Slot.

He failed to take a REQUIRED Flight Physical and as a result was grounded ( I have a copy of his Grounding Order ).He did not attend drills at any location for a period of 5 months in 1972. As you know, following orders and regulations are the ESSENTIAL component of military discipline. Bush failed to follow Air Force Regulations to take the required physical and attend drills. Flight officers that are grounded are subject to a mandatory Board of review. There is NO record of this board of Review. When members of the Guard and reserve failed to attend drills, they were to be reported to their component (The Air Force in this case) for activation. That did not happen when Bush did not attend drills.

Despite his refusal to obey these two requirements, GWB was granted an EARLY HONORABLE Discharge. I have communicated with the economics Professor for GWB at Harvard and he confirmed to me that GWB told him that his father's contacts got him into the guard and arranged for his early honorable discharge. Bush by his refusal to take that physical and maintain his flight status, for which he was trained, and his failure to attend drills for 5 months did NOT EARN him an Honorable Discharge! Bush should have been disciplined.

Yes the Sierra Club is a left wing organization but their contention that Global Warming is taking place has been documented by NOAA. When you look at the majority of my sources any claim they are mostly left wing, as some on this Blog site have said is simply untrue.
on Jan 21, 2007

You refuse to accept that Bush is the reason for the situation we see in Iraq Today

First, he made a strategic error when he hyped the danger from Saddam and invaded Iraq. He did not listen to the warning that for us to invade a Moslem country would not be accepted by Iraq or the Moslem world even though Saddam deserved to be removed from power. His removal should have been at the hands of the Iraqi's or at the very least other Moslems not the U.S. Bush also failed to understand the long stranding sectarian hate that would be released when Saddam was deposed. That has both destabilized Iraq and allowed foreign terrorists to set up operations in Iraq.

Then Bush compounded the strategic error he made by invading Iraq by not sending the troop levels needed to establish and maintain control over the various factions. He was unable to hold the areas of sectarian unrest because we did not have the number of troops required. He allowed the Iraqi army to be dispended which meant we did not have them to help control the violence and provided the man power to establish the groups that are conducting the daily violence. We could not control the borders or stop the warring factions from helping themselves from the use of Ammo and explosives locate in over 200 sites thought Iraq.

Those choices were not made in the Green Zone but in the White House by a President that did not have a CLUE as to how and fight the war in Iraq!
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