Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The most ridiculous argument is the objection of Bush and the Conservatives to federally supported research using stem cells. The sanctity of life is the chant. The truth is that there are over 400,000 frozen stem cells that are the result of In Vitro Fertilization. The vast majority of these stem cells will be destroyed as medical waste. The issue is WHY not allow Federally Funded research using these Stem cells that will be destroyed eventually.

Congress needs to pass such a law that allows unneeded stem cells that result from In Vitro Fertilization with the consent of the donors to be used in research. In that way new Stem Cells that were created outside the In Vitro process could NOT be used for federally Funded Research and rather then just destroying existing embryos, without benefiting anyone, donors would have the option to allow their use to help relieve human suffering.

The other argument of Bush and the conservatives is that this research can be conducted with private funding. This is true but that limits the amount of research that will be done. The final argument to pass this legislation is that the VAST MAJORITY of Americans support this research. Thus in a Democracy it is time that the majority override the minority and Congress should pass the legislation allowing Federally Funded Stem Cell research using embryos from In Vitro Fertilization over a Bush veto if continues to oppose this policy.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 01, 2007

You must be wild about the refusal of Bush to enforce our immigration laws and the result is millions of illegal’s that suck the tax dollars for schools, health and law enforcement.

This is just hillarious.  Do even know what the democrats plan for immigration is col?


on Jan 01, 2007
"Better reread my Blogs. I am the one that has pointed out how how Bush and the people he has appointed have FAILED to properly use our tax dollars."

Heh, yeah, and after how many years you still fail to even acknowledge who holds the purse strings of our government, and whose freezers all the money gets stuffed in...
on Jan 01, 2007
In the case of Stem Cell research we are talking about helping human suffering.

Ok, how will this research help human suffering? At best there is speculation that the research will help people walk, see, hear, and breathe. So far all research in those areas has proven nothing but failure. Causing more suffering in my opinion, as people’s hopes that are raised with all the hype and are dashed on the rocks of reality. Research with other cells has been more promising and in some cases proves that the stem cells you plead for will not be as useful as hyped.

If you are concerned about taking money from State government you must be wild about Bush cutting the Medicaid funding and pushing that on the states.

Do you ever answer a persons question without dodging around the facts?
on Jan 01, 2007

I do not care if it is Democrats or Republicans. I want our laws enforced. Bush has been the responsible elected official for the past 6 years and he has FAILED to enforce our laws and stop illegal immigration that is costing communities BILLIONS. Until the Democrats control the White House, we must look to Bush to enforce the laws.

Paladin 77

Many doctors and researchers believe the use of embryonic Stem Cells hold great promise to find cures for many diseases. I am not a doctor but I know if we never try we will not find cures. I will side with the researchers over you or Bush.
on Jan 01, 2007
Many doctors and researchers believe the use of embryonic Stem Cells hold great promise to find cures for many diseases. I am not a doctor but I know if we never try we will not find cures. I will side with the researchers over you or Bush.

AGAIN argued to a stand still on this. The biggest promise is from ADULT STEM CELLS "not" the embryonic ones!


Whoever Would Cure, Must Use Adult Stem Cells
It has been known for about 30 years that stem cells are present in the tissue of the adult, but it was assumed that they could only form cells of a particular tissue. That is, reprogramming them was considered impossible. In recent years, however, pluripotent stem cells were discovered in various human tissues–in the spinal cord, in the brain, in the mesenchyme (connective tissue) of various organs, and in the blood of the umbilical cord. These pluripotent stem cells are capable of forming several cell types–principally blood, muscle, and nerve cells. It has been possible to recognize, select, and develop them to the point that they form mature cell types with the help of growth factors and regulating proteins.
This shows that in tissues of the body, adult stem cells possess a much greater potential for differentiation than previously assumed. This knowledge must be brought into the public consciousness with all possible emphasis. If stem cell research were really only meant for therapeutic uses, which it most obviously should be, adult stem cells would promise a very productive research field–and beyond that, a possibility, without moral objection, to discover fundamentals of the dynamics of tissue differentiation.

It has become clear from transplantation experiments with animals, that stem cells of a particular tissue can develop into cells of a completely different kind. Thus, bone marrow stem cells have been induced to become brain cells, but also liver cells.

Adult stem cells obviously have a universal program for division that is common to all the kinds of tissue stem cells, and makes them mutually interchangeable. This was discovered by Alexei Terskikh at Stanford University School of Medicine in California. He was able to prove that adult stem cells of blood-forming tissues, and of the brain, activate the same genes, in order to preserve their status as stem cells.

In May 2001, a further, spectacular experiment was reported, which was carried out on mice by scientists at Yale University. The researchers obtained stem cells from the bone marrow of male mice, and injected it into females whose own marrow had been destroyed by radioactive irradiation. Eleven months later, the male stem cells (identifiable through the male Y-chromosome) were found not only in the females’ bone marrow, but also in their blood, and in their gut, lung, and skin tissues.

If these observations are correct and are confirmed by other teams of scientists, science should concentrate on research with adult stem cells and renounce further experiments with the embryonic.

Human Treatments


Many doctors and researchers believe the use of embryonic Stem Cells hold great promise to find cures for many diseases

So then this statement is a lie!
on Jan 02, 2007
I do not care if it is Democrats or Republicans. I want our laws enforced. Bush has been the responsible elected official for the past 6 years and he has FAILED to enforce our laws and stop illegal immigration that is costing communities BILLIONS. Until the Democrats control the White House, we must look to Bush to enforce the laws.

Sorry but unlike he Clinton Administration laws are being enforced.

Many doctors and researchers believe the use of embryonic Stem Cells hold great promise to find cures for many diseases. I am not a doctor but I know if we never try we will not find cures. I will side with the researchers over you or Bush.

And what you don't seem to understand is that the research is being done. It is not being financed by the Government except for certain conditions as authorized by the President. So to once again prove you wrong there is federal funding for stem cell research. There is no federal restriction on stem cell research. If anyone wants to do the research they are free to do it. If they want federal funding they have some sets of stem cells that are authorized for federal funding. The rest private industry can pay for.

It seems you are at odds with the researchers, but in line with the people that want to do the research on the federal dime. What I mean is they can't get work anywhere else and they get paid by government grants.
on Jan 02, 2007

There are many researchers that believe that the embryonic stem cells that remain undifferentiated hold greater promise then adult stem cells. You and I can not settle this. ONLY research will show the truth and that is what Bush is slowing with his Veto of the Bill that would allow Federal Funding of this research. As I said, Congress needs to pass another bill and if Bush is dumb enough to Veto it a second time, attempt to override his second Veto and keep track of ANY member of Congress that votes to support Bush and they can be removed from office the next time they want to be reelected. The issue I raised in this Blog is that the argument Bush used to Veto this research is not valid. The cells frozen from the In Vitro process will be destroyed anyway and thus using them for research does not destroy life that will not be destroyed anyway!

Read This:

As long as the embryonic stem cells in culture are grown under certain conditions, they can remain undifferentiated (unspecialized). But if cells are allowed to clump together to form embryonic bodies, they begin to differentiate spontaneously. They can form muscle cells, nerve cells, and many other cell types. Although spontaneous differentiation is a good indication that a culture of embryonic stem cells is healthy, it is not an efficient way to produce cultures of specific cell types.

So, to generate cultures of specific types of differentiated cells—heart muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells, for example—scientists try to control the differentiation of embryonic stem cells. They change the chemical composition of the culture medium, alter the surface of the culture dish, or modify the cells by inserting specific genes. Through years of experimentation scientists have established some basic protocols or "recipes" for the directed differentiation of embryonic stem cells into some specific cell types (Figure 1). (For more examples of directed differentiation of embryonic stem cells, see Chapters 5–9 and Appendices B and C of the NIH report Stem Cells: Scientific Progress and Future Research Directions.)

If scientists can reliably direct the differentiation of embryonic stem cells into specific cell types, they may be able to use the resulting, differentiated cells to treat certain diseases at some point in the future. Diseases that might be treated by transplanting cells generated from human embryonic stem cells include Parkinson's disease, diabetes, traumatic spinal cord injury, Purkinje cell degeneration, Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, heart disease, and vision and hearing loss.
on Jan 02, 2007
If scientists can reliably direct the differentiation of embryonic stem cells into specific cell types, they may be able to use the resulting, differentiated cells to treat certain diseases at some point in the future. Diseases that might be treated by transplanting cells generated from human embryonic stem cells include Parkinson's disease, diabetes, traumatic spinal cord injury, Purkinje cell degeneration, Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, heart disease, and vision and hearing loss.

Nuff said!

In May 2001, a further, spectacular experiment was reported, which was carried out on mice by scientists at Yale University. The researchers obtained stem cells from the bone marrow of male mice, and injected it into females whose own marrow had been destroyed by radioactive irradiation. Eleven months later, the male stem cells (identifiable through the male Y-chromosome) were found not only in the females’ bone marrow, but also in their blood, and in their gut, lung, and skin tissues.
on Jan 02, 2007
Why is it the responsibility of the federal government to fund this, or any other, line of research?  If it is suitably important, private funding or even state funding should be able to pick up the slack.

I personally support stem cell research, but I don't think that the federal govt should be responsibile for funding every bit of research that crops up.  Our government is in the business of security our general safety and to ensure a smoothly functioning society.  Nowhere in any founding document does it state as a requirement that the government has to FUND research of any variety.
on Jan 02, 2007

I do not care if it is Democrats or Republicans.

Then why don't you hold democrats accountable? 

Until the Democrats control the White House, we must look to Bush to enforce the laws.

Bush does not control everything col.  If don't realize that by now then it's pointless.  If this was a democratic President you would praising them for not wasting the money on this research.


on Jan 02, 2007
The current administration is not meeting what the MAJORITY want and is not funding what they do choose to spend!

Funny you should say this. I just noticed on the news today that the Democrats are going to expand stem cell research. Then I remembered your post, and then I remembered the lies you have told on the subject. Did you know that President Bush is the first president to authorize funding for any stem cell research? Yet you blame him for not funding the research. How do you justify the facts with your lies and quarter truths?
on Jan 02, 2007
1st off,,,the "doctor" dr miler used for his arguement is a "larouchite" politician over in germany. he was featured on larouche's internet radio broadcast last august...WWW Link">Link

August 19, 2006:
Wolfgang Lillge, M.D., candidate for Member of the Parliament of Berlin, Germany, on the Solidarity Civil Rights Movement (BüSo) slate in the Sept. 17 elections, on “Why Economic Decay Makes People Sick—The Medicine of the Future Requires a Scientific Renaissance.” Also Hector Rivas, LaRouche Youth Movement activist in Washington, D.C. Hosted by Marcia Merry Baker.

he is also involved with a business interest that is promoting adult stem cells and is hoping to profit from more widespread use of them.
[link="http://www.myimpactengine.com/members/03122004161503983773/938157.05525271.swf"]WWW Link

in my research, i couldn't find any other articles supporting his case. every other pundit that is against stem cell research (like falwell, schuler and the right wing blogosphere)pretty much used this article as their "proof." "googling" the doctor himself revealed about 257 results. almost every one referenced this article from 2001. a few others referenced articles in german (that no one bothered to translate) that referred to his work on larouche's biosphere project primarily and a few other outlandish theories.

gonna stick with that as a "source?"
on Jan 02, 2007
1st off,,,the "doctor" dr miler used for his arguement is a "larouchite" politician over in germany. he was featured on larouche's internet radio broadcast last august...WWW Link">Link

August 19, 2006:
Wolfgang Lillge, M.D., candidate for Member of the Parliament of Berlin, Germany, on the Solidarity Civil Rights Movement (BüSo) slate in the Sept. 17 elections, on “Why Economic Decay Makes People Sick—The Medicine of the Future Requires a Scientific Renaissance.” Also Hector Rivas, LaRouche Youth Movement activist in Washington, D.C. Hosted by Marcia Merry Baker.

he is also involved with a business interest that is promoting adult stem cells and is hoping to profit from more widespread use of them.
[linksrc="//www.myimpactengine.com/members/03122004161503983773/938157.05525271.swf"]WWW Link

in my research, i couldn't find any other articles supporting his case. every other pundit that is against stem cell research (like falwell, schuler and the right wing blogosphere)pretty much used this article as their "proof." "googling" the doctor himself revealed about 257 results. almost every one referenced this article from 2001. a few others referenced articles in german (that no one bothered to translate) that referred to his work on larouche's biosphere project primarily and a few other outlandish theories.

gonna stick with that as a "source?"

How about we start with this.... Is he or isn't he a doctor?

And "if" you don't like him how about this? Link

Therapies from adult and embryonic stem cell research. To date, adult stem cell research, which is federally-funded, has resulted in the development of a variety of therapeutic treatments for diseases. Although embryonic stem cell research has not yet produced similar results, many scientists believe embryonic stem cell research holds promise over time because of the capacity of embryonic stem cells to develop into any tissue in the human body.

They stated earlier in their article that adult stem cells can do the same!

Or a religious standpoint:

And the list goes on and on.
on Jan 02, 2007
btw,,,for those of you not familiar withthe wacky political stylings of lyndon larouche...go here...[link="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaRouche_Movement"]WWW Link">Link

here's a little from the article...

The LaRouche Movement is an international political and cultural movement which promotes Lyndon LaRouche and his ideas, including a number of conspiracy theories. The organization includes interlocking think tanks, magazines and newspapers, national political organizations, a political action committee, and youth cadre. The LaRouche Youth Movement is active worldwide.

but wait, there's more!...

LaRouche himself has been a candidate for U.S. president eight times, and has stood in every election since 1976. The first was with his own party, the U.S. Labor Party. In the next seven campaigns he campaigned for the Democratic Party nomination.

amongst his conspiracy theories...

LaRouche has also argued that Adolf Hitler was brought to power by the British; Menachem Begin's "policies are indistinguishable... from Nazi policies"; The Beatles were "a product shaped according to British Psychological Warfare Division specifications; and that rogue elements within the American military took part in, or planned, the September 11, 2001 attacks as part of a coup d'état.

and his initiatives...

Colonize Mars. Recommends colonization of the planet Mars (on similar basis as many others in the field, that human survivability depends on territorial diversification).

War on AIDS carriers. Demands identification and isolation of HIV carriers (in light of the virus's swift adaptibility, which he argues could mutate into a lethal, possibly airborn pandemic), and proposes use of directed energy beams for cure.[19]

SDI. Supported directed beam weapons for use against ICBMs, and claims credit as the first to propose this to Ronald Reagan. (Does not support rocket-based defense such as anti-ballistic missiles).

yeah,,,that's a great source.

he's a doctor like dr nick is a doctor on the simpsons.
on Jan 02, 2007
david a prentice? the family research council? are you serious?

how bout something from an independent body instead of a wingnut-larouchite and a right wing political lobbying group.

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