Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The most ridiculous argument is the objection of Bush and the Conservatives to federally supported research using stem cells. The sanctity of life is the chant. The truth is that there are over 400,000 frozen stem cells that are the result of In Vitro Fertilization. The vast majority of these stem cells will be destroyed as medical waste. The issue is WHY not allow Federally Funded research using these Stem cells that will be destroyed eventually.

Congress needs to pass such a law that allows unneeded stem cells that result from In Vitro Fertilization with the consent of the donors to be used in research. In that way new Stem Cells that were created outside the In Vitro process could NOT be used for federally Funded Research and rather then just destroying existing embryos, without benefiting anyone, donors would have the option to allow their use to help relieve human suffering.

The other argument of Bush and the conservatives is that this research can be conducted with private funding. This is true but that limits the amount of research that will be done. The final argument to pass this legislation is that the VAST MAJORITY of Americans support this research. Thus in a Democracy it is time that the majority override the minority and Congress should pass the legislation allowing Federally Funded Stem Cell research using embryos from In Vitro Fertilization over a Bush veto if continues to oppose this policy.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 03, 2007

david a prentice? the family research council? are you serious?

how bout something from an independent body instead of a wingnut-larouchite and a right wing political lobbying group.

Hey col gene wannabe, you don't like it? Tough! My guess is that you didn't like the white house link that was in the middle.
on Jan 03, 2007
the white house link from 2001? again, are you serious?

try again "dr"

you can yell at me all ya want,,,it doesn't make your sources any less unreliable and loaded with obvious political agendas. flame away "dr"...
on Jan 03, 2007
the white house link from 2001? again, are you serious?

try again "dr"

you can yell at me all ya want,,,it doesn't make your sources any less unreliable and loaded with obvious political agendas. flame away "dr"...

Like I said before....you don't like it? Tough. I do notice however that "you" are the only one questioning my links. And I didn't yell. THIS IS YELLING!
on Jan 03, 2007
None of this really matters. We have private industry. We have state education systems. We have private charitable organizations. Will the result be as socialist as this charity-at-gunpoint?

Will I be treated for free once my tax dollars contribute to finding cures through stem cell research? Hell no. So, some big pharma company with a nose of congressional brown will snatch up a tidy little patent. Then I'll pay them, again, for the privilege of getting the cure that I already funded research for.

How much of our federal taxes have gone into HIV, cancer, and other research that makes BILLIONS for the companies that make the treatments? This is a con, and the Col is the pitch man. Come pay for research we can ransom your life for later...
on Jan 03, 2007


The same guy who complains about budget deficits and demands tax increases on "the wealthy" now demands that the federal government fund stem cell research.



on Jan 04, 2007
The same guy who complains about budget deficits and demands tax increases on "the wealthy" now demands that the federal government fund stem cell research.

Thats because the money is being wasted on the military and not social programs.
on Jan 05, 2007

“I do not care if it is Democrats or Republicans.”

“Then why don't you hold democrats accountable?”

I will be glad to WHEN they make the decisions. Since Jan 2001, Bush and the GOP have made ALL the choices. How can we hold democrats responsible for decisions they did not make? Please do not tell me many democrats voted to give Bush the AUTHORITY to Invade Iraq. First, all the Intel was not shared with Congress and second the choice to go to war was made by Bush. Even though many Democrats voted to give Bush the ability to invade Iraq the Democrats DID NOT make the decision to invade Iraq. THAT WAS 100% Bush!
on Jan 05, 2007
Paladin 77

Yes, I want a Balanced Budget and like the majority of Americans I do not want the Federal Government to stop Federal funding research using Stem cells. If we STOP spending $100 Billion in Iraq, Cut the Pork and end tax cuts to people that do not need the added money, we can do a lot of things that we need more then the Iraq war, Tax cuts to the wealthy and pet projects to get people reelected like the bridge to no ware in Alaska. These are some of the changes we need to make and I hope the democrats begin making these changes. If Bush veto’s any of there bills, the democrats need to attempt an override and if the GOP prevent the changes that the election of 2006 indicated were wanted, the sweep of GOP members that continue their old agenda should be replaced in 2008.

Bush said the election showed the people wanted cooperation. CHANGE is what the election showed is wanted and unless the GOP changes its stance on MOST issues, the change demanded by the voters may not be accomplished until 2008.
on Jan 05, 2007
"I will be glad to WHEN they make the decisions."

Nope, that's a lie. You didn't condemn them when they defied the 9/11 commission's recommendations about the intelligence committee. You didn't condemn their hypocrisy when Mollahan and Jefferson returned to their jobs.

Right now on TV I hear Pelosi whining about corruption, and the Dems are set to put someone being investigated by the FBI in the position of control over its funding. You have plenty to already be mad about if you were honestly unbiased, but you aren't. This will just be the era where you condemn the Republicans for stonewalling Democrat corruption.
on Jan 05, 2007
Please do not tell me many democrats voted to give Bush the AUTHORITY to Invade Iraq. First, all the Intel was not shared with Congress and second the choice to go to war was made by Bush. Even though many Democrats voted to give Bush the ability to invade Iraq the Democrats DID NOT make the decision to invade Iraq. THAT WAS 100% Bush!

I'm telling you exactly that.  They had the same intelligence and had access to other intelligence as well.  We have already proven this to you but you choose to ignore it.   It was not 100% Bush when democrats authorized it.  They were NOT lied to or deceived.  Get over it.

on Jan 05, 2007
Right now on TV I hear Pelosi whining about corruption, and the Dems are set to put someone being investigated by the FBI in the position of control over its funding. You have plenty to already be mad about if you were honestly unbiased, but you aren't. This will just be the era where you condemn the Republicans for stonewalling Democrat corruption.

i'm at least gonna give them their "100 hours" which i guess starts tuesday or whatever (ugh)...but i have spoken out about jefferson in the past for the record. corruption sucks no matter who is doin it.

as far as pelosi, thought she gave a damn good speech. not to mention, i thought it was a great day for women and all. historic, regardless of your politics, ya gotta give her some due...1st woman speaker of the house, an unequaled achievement.

It was not 100% Bush when democrats authorized it. They were NOT lied to or deceived. Get over it.

and it wasn't approved by 100% of the democrats either. almost 1/2 in the senate voted against. many in the house did as well. the republicans on the other hand voted almost unanimously for the war. at best, the democrats were and are a divided party on the war. but at least they have been actually debating the issue instead of backing the president's "stay the course" rhetoric the last 4 years. at least some republicans now are backing the generals who are speaking out against this administration.

being against the war and / or it's handling is neither liberal, conservative or otherwise. most of the people speaking out are good americans from across the political spectrum.
on Jan 05, 2007
This will just be the era where you condemn the Republicans for stonewalling Democrat corruption.

funny thing...remember pelosi waving the "minority bill of rights" on the floor years back? this week the republicans, complaining already about thieir treatment as the minority, were touting pelosi's minority bill as well...funny...
on Jan 05, 2007
Kind of like how Dems cried foul when Republicans even MENTIONED the 'nuclear option' or changing filibuster rules, yet now Dems have a concerted plan to shove as much down the Republicans' throats in the first few days as they can without opposition?

The give and take is hard to pin on one side...

on Jan 05, 2007
Please tell me where it is said anywhere, that it is the responsibility of the fedreal government to fund scientific research.
on Jan 05, 2007
If we STOP spending $100 Billion in Iraq, Cut the Pork and end tax cuts to people that do not need the added money, we can do a lot of things that we need more then the Iraq war,

Good point, in fact it is the same point that was made in the 90's when the Soviet Union fell. We slashed the number of troops from 1.5 million people, cut funding of the military and no one in Congress wanted to hear about military increases. Because of this Secretary Rumsfled had to reorganize the military to fight with what we have. To be honest he had a breakfast meeting with Congressmen to talk them into either increasing troop strength or changeing the miliatry structure on September 11 2001, he warned that we were at war in slow motion and that we were due for an attack. This was seen as grandstanding because he could not tell them when the attack would happen, and that they had to keep money aside for the social security lock box. Again this meeting took place at 7 in the morning of Sept 11 2001 in the pentagon. A few hours later we wanted more troops because social security money is worthless if the nation is dead. So your point of view is the same as the political people in charge ten years ago. Still short sighted.

are some of the changes we need to make and I hope the democrats begin making these changes.

Good luck with that, your wish for change is the same one the GOP had when the Dems were swept from office. As a conservative I don't much care who is in office as long as they reduce spending, so as hard as it is for you to believe, I hope you are correct. I do understand that the war is something we have to fund because the last time the Democratic Congress cut funding to a war we lost Vietnam, another war we were winning but was unpopular. Lets win then leave this time. we can cut spending on research to save money, why waste money on the arts and other wasteful projects?

BTW Welcome back!

Right now on TV I hear Pelosi whining about corruption, and the Dems are set to put someone being investigated by the FBI in the position of control over its funding

You don't understand. The Republicans have rules that force a person out of a postion of leadership if under investigation, the Democrats don't. So it is ok to put convicted fellons in leadership positions while at the same time scream how corrupt the republicans are.

Even though many Democrats voted to give Bush the ability to invade Iraq the Democrats DID NOT make the decision to invade Iraq. THAT WAS 100% Bush!

I understand your dance around this one. Three Democrats voted against the attack on Iraq. Yes, the President made the decision but he could not have made this decision without the authorization of Congress. Wait that is not true, according to the war powers act the president can send the military into combat for 90 to 180 days without congress so congress had no real say in the matter but demanded to be polled on the subject by putting it to a vote, which authorized the president to use whatever force he wants to attack Iraq. Maybe they should have worded better.

remember pelosi waving the "minority bill of rights" on the floor years back? this week the republicans, complaining already about thieir treatment as the minority, were touting pelosi's minority bill as well...funny...

When was the last time a Democrat in power shared that power? Never but they will demand that the republicans share power which crippled them for two years. Then they blocked everything they could the next two years and now they have the power and don't want to share anything. I would say the 12 years they were out of power proved only one thing. The Republicans in power were spineless.
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