Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on January 5, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Changes Democrats have made:

Congress will switch from a 3 day operation to a 5 day operation.

They have tightened the rules for lobbyists.

They have revised the Budget Process to:

Disclose who supports pet projects- GOP members are objecting

Set a Pay As You Go requirement that any New Spending or Tax Cuts
require either offsetting spending cuts or added tax revenue.

We will see if they abide by these new rules. However these badly needed changes took two days under Democratic Control. The GOP did not make these changes for the past 12 years while they were in control of Congress.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 08, 2007

we will see many differences. nothing could be worse then the last 6 years.

Of course it could.  You seem to have too much faith in your party col.


on Jan 08, 2007
I suggest that those we elect to represent our country make choices that meet the needs of the MAJORITY who elected them not the needs of special interests.

Some do that by building a bridge to make the lives of 50 people easier in a harsh land. Is that not what their representative supposed to do? Funding stem cell research will cost hundreds of billions of hard earned tax dollars that may only help a few hundred people. If it was so important why did not one person in congress put in an earmark for stem cell research? The new speaker of the house last year had earmarks that totaled 30 billion dollars. Do you really think that they will cut off the mothers milk of re-election?
on Jan 09, 2007
Island Dog

Time will show us ALL who is more correct. I am very confident that the Democrats will act to help the Majority of Americans not just the wealthy.

Paladin 77

If that choice had been made by the local government and paid for from local taxes I would agree. The problem it was made at the federal level and did not represent anything that benefited the MAJORITY of the 300 million Americans the Congress is elected to represent!

Stall Cell research holds the possibility to cure diseases that impact millions all over our country not just 50 people on one island!
on Jan 09, 2007

Time will show us ALL who is more correct. I am very confident that the Democrats will act to help the Majority of Americans not just the wealthy.

Like I said, you have way too much confidence in your party. 

Stall Cell research holds the possibility to cure diseases that impact millions all over our country not just 50 people on one island!

And it's still not the responsibility of the government to pay for it. 

on Jan 09, 2007

It has NOTHING to do with if is the responsibility to fund this research. The majority of Americans and their representatives in Congress WANT the Fed to fund this research! In a Democracy that means it should be funded by the Fed.
on Jan 09, 2007

It has NOTHING to do with if is the responsibility to fund this research. The majority of Americans and their representatives in Congress WANT the Fed to fund this research! In a Democracy that means it should be funded by the Fed.

No it does not!

We do not run the government based on a biased media poll is what you base your "facts" on.  Just because a poll tells you something DOES NOT MEAN IT HAS TO BE DONE!


on Jan 10, 2007

Congress followed the will of the MAJORITY and passed a bill that had both GOP and Democrat support to provide for federal Funding of Stem Cell Research. That has NOTHING to do with "Media Polls".
on Jan 10, 2007

Congress followed the will of the MAJORITY and passed a bill that had both GOP and Democrat support to provide for federal Funding of Stem Cell Research. That has NOTHING to do with "Media Polls".

You have never shown where the majority of the public want to fund this except for media polls!

on Jan 10, 2007

I am talking about Congress not media polls. Congress voted to FUND STEM CELL RESEAECH!
on Jan 10, 2007
If that choice had been made by the local government and paid for from local taxes I would agree. The problem it was made at the federal level and did not represent anything that benefited the MAJORITY of the 300 million Americans the Congress is elected to represent!

The research is being done and is federally funded right now. In fact the first president to authorize federal funding was President Bush. So you hate the President and say he is not doing what he is doing. That is called telling lies.
on Jan 13, 2007

Research using Stem cells is recent. The limit Bush has placed on the research is preventing work using new stem cell lines that could help millions. The issue however is the argument that by using stem cells for research that will be destroyed as medical waste is taking human life is NOT TRUE. Those stem cells remaining from In vitro fertilization will be destroyed any way. The left over cells will NEVER become life they will be destroyed with NO benefit to anyone! Bush is employing an argument that is not true and makes no sense. It is another example of how his stubborn nature is harming this country!
on Jan 13, 2007
Research using Stem cells is recent. The limit Bush has placed on the research is preventing work using new stem cell lines that could help millions.

Since the lines that are authorized have not been exhausted how can you make that claim? The only restriction is for federal research dollars. Private companies can use what they want.
You are correct the research is recent since before President Bush there was no federal funding for any stem cell research. How is authorizing federal research dollars restricting research? Use what is authorized then come back and say this is what we found that works can we use more. Right now all you have is a hint that it may help not a fact that it will do anything more than make scientist rich with research money. Prove it can do something first.

It is another example of how his stubborn nature is harming this country!

How about we go back to the Clinton era where there was no federal funding for stem cell research. Was Mr. Clinton harming this country?
on Jan 24, 2007
The political hack can't say anything more because it will prove he is a politicl hack!
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