Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on January 5, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Changes Democrats have made:

Congress will switch from a 3 day operation to a 5 day operation.

They have tightened the rules for lobbyists.

They have revised the Budget Process to:

Disclose who supports pet projects- GOP members are objecting

Set a Pay As You Go requirement that any New Spending or Tax Cuts
require either offsetting spending cuts or added tax revenue.

We will see if they abide by these new rules. However these badly needed changes took two days under Democratic Control. The GOP did not make these changes for the past 12 years while they were in control of Congress.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 05, 2007
Get ready for higher taxes and a new recession....the democrats are in power!
on Jan 05, 2007
We will see if they abide by these new rules. However these badly needed changes took two days under Democratic Control. The GOP did not make these changes for the past 12 years while they were in control of Congress.

Right, because they were the same rules the Democrats had when they were in power for 40 years.

COl, did you read my post on how there is no real change? So far the changes the Democrats are proposing are those embrased by the GOP but could not pass because of opposition from the Democrats. The Democrats have already said that they will not put more troops in Iraq. Looks like Vietnam all over again. Now I can see what you mean by we are losing the war. You knew that they would get power and destroy American service men in the process. Good reading of the tea leaves.
on Jan 05, 2007
Time will tell if there will be REAL change in the way Congress operates. However, these changes DID not come to light under the GOP for the past 12 years!
on Jan 05, 2007
However, these changes DID not come to light under the GOP for the past 12 years!

Because the GOP wasn't trying to hurt America and hurt American business.
on Jan 05, 2007
Because the GOP wasn't trying to hurt America and hurt American business.

Yeah I forgot about that. I guess I better fold up my business and fire my people while I take this new civil service job.
on Jan 05, 2007

How is making the names of members of congress who sponsor Pork or Earmarks harming Business?

How is limiting lobbyists from trying to buy Congressmen harming business?

How is a "Pay as you go" Budget policy harming Business?
on Jan 05, 2007
How is embracing Mollohan, who made a fortune off of earmarks, anything but business as usual? Pelosi is poised to allow him to be in charge of the committee who funds the people who are investigating him. You're not so blind that you'd miss that, you're just whitewashing as always.
on Jan 05, 2007
How is making the names of members of congress who sponsor Pork or Earmarks harming Business?

It does not.

How is limiting lobbyists from trying to buy Congressmen harming business?

It is called freedom of speech lobbyists are paid advocates of the people. We the people have a right to discuss issues with our elected leaders. What is the difference between me and a few hundred like minded people talking to a congress man or hiring a person to do it for me? That is what a lobbyist is.
on Jan 05, 2007

How does that address the issues I raised? Earmarks went from 1,400 per year under the democrats to 14,000 last year by the GOP. You sight one example. Face it-- The GOP abuse of power is coming to an end.
on Jan 05, 2007
How is a "Pay as you go" Budget policy harming Business?

The budget policy is meant for one thing...to increase taxes.  But then again you think raising taxes doesn't hurt businesses.

You sight one example. Face it-- The GOP abuse of power is coming to an end.

LOL.  Do you seriously thinkt he democrats aren't going to take advangtage of their power col.  Are you that much of a democratic supporter that you will turn a blind eye to their corruption.  I notice you still haven't addressed Bakers question to you.
on Jan 05, 2007
"How does that address the issues I raised?"

Uh, your point is that the Dems are changing things. Obviously, they are just delegating the job of guarding the bank to the thieves. It would take a bias as strong as yours to see that as "change".

They've already broken their promises. They've already financially backed and favored members of their party known to be corrupt. Nothing in the future will be any different, you've just opened the gates to a different family of huns.
on Jan 05, 2007
How does that address the issues I raised? Earmarks went from 1,400 per year under the democrats to 14,000 last year by the GOP. You sight one example. Face it-- The GOP abuse of power is coming to an end.

Quarter truth on your part.

you cite the differences between when the Democrats were in charge and when the Republicans were in charge. This i meaningless since we don't have a breakdown of who did what. How many of the 14k earmarks were from Democrats? You don't know because of the Democratic rule that keeps that information hidden.
on Jan 05, 2007
paladin 77

The difference is BUYING access and favors not freedom of speech. The BIG BUCKS that change hands has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech. It has everything to do with trying to influence legislation to benefit who you lobby for.

The requirement to disclose who proposed the earmark and requirement to justify the reason for sending tax dollars is a step in the right direction that the GOP failed to take for the past 12 years.
on Jan 05, 2007
paladin 77

The difference is BUYING access and favors not freedom of speech. The BIG BUCKS that change hands has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech. It has everything to do with trying to influence legislation to benefit who you lobby for.

The requirement to disclose who proposed the earmark and requirement to justify the reason for sending tax dollars is a step in the right direction that the GOP failed to take for the past 12 years.

Sort of like that "democrat" that had $90,000 stuffed in his freezer?
on Jan 06, 2007

No, more like the $230 Million for a Bridge to an island where 50 people lived in Alaska. The $90,000 is not justified and if guilty the democrat should be punished. However, the $230 Million is of a size that will show up on the overall budget screen.
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