There is this FICTION that says government spending is evil and we are better to allow individuals rather then the government from deciding how to spend their money.
The truth is that many of the essential services that make our country free and provide the opportunities would not exist without that government spending. Roads, intestate commerce, national security, banking, health care and retirement for seniors, disaster assistance to list just a few. Individuals would not provide those essential services if we stopped taxing the public and stopped providing these essential functions.
If we cut taxes by $500 million and gave it to the top 10% of wage earners how they would use that money? Some would be invested in new business, some might be spent (on what?) and some would end up in a higher net worth of those receiving the tax cuts. If we took that same $500 million and hired 10,000 border guards 100% of that money would end up supporting 10,000 families. That would create sales and demand and expand the overall economy. In addition to the economic impact, we would provide the border security that would benefit ALL Americans not just the 10% that would benefit from a tax cut to the wealthy. If we spent that $500 Billion on new military equipment companies who make this equipment would hire added workers and make increases profits from the manufacture of this equipment. In addition, we end up with the needed equipment to defend our country. Even most of the pork projects end up providing work and profits from spending that money. The reason we must control Pork and Earmarks is to make sure we consider all our needs to better allocate the tax money to provide those things that will benefit us the most. We also need to fully fund our spending and stop the sale of our debt to foreign investors because the interest paid to foreign investors leaves our country and is not reinvested in our economy!
Anyone that believes that we help our country more from providing this $500 million in tax cuts to the wealthy rather then the examples I have sighted is in a TOTAL STATE OF DENIAL! Remember, 70 % of the Bush Tax Cuts go to the wealthiest 20%. 51 % of the Bush tax Cuts go to the wealthiest 1%.