Democrats want to allow lower drug prices
The Medicare prescription drug bill that Bush and the GOP controlled Congress passed prohibits Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices for the American taxpayers. Think of that—a law that prevents the free market from operating and it was passed by the GOP controlled Congress and signed by a Republican President.
At the same time the Veterans Administration does use their buying power to negotiate LOWER drug prices then Medicare even though the amount of drugs purchased by the veterans Administration is FAR LOWER then Medicare.
Now the Democrats are in the process of correcting this flaw in the MEDICARE Prescription Drug Act to lower the prices of drugs for 46 Million retired Americans. Now word from the White House is that Bush is considering a VETO of the new proposal to require Medicare to use their purchasing power to LOWER the cost of prescription drugs for both Retired Americans and the tax payers who pay Medicare taxes. WHY?
If Bush vetoes this new law, it is time to override his veto and put this president in his place. If any member of Congress, Republican, Democrat or independent fails to vote to override a Bush Veto of this measure they need to be removed from office the next time they come up for reelection. A Bush Veto of as bill that would lower drug prices is simple unjustifiable and can not be allowed to stand! It is time to act in the best interest of Americans not the Drug Companies.