Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Bush threatens a VETO
Published on January 13, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics
Democrats want to allow lower drug prices

The Medicare prescription drug bill that Bush and the GOP controlled Congress passed prohibits Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices for the American taxpayers. Think of that—a law that prevents the free market from operating and it was passed by the GOP controlled Congress and signed by a Republican President.

At the same time the Veterans Administration does use their buying power to negotiate LOWER drug prices then Medicare even though the amount of drugs purchased by the veterans Administration is FAR LOWER then Medicare.

Now the Democrats are in the process of correcting this flaw in the MEDICARE Prescription Drug Act to lower the prices of drugs for 46 Million retired Americans. Now word from the White House is that Bush is considering a VETO of the new proposal to require Medicare to use their purchasing power to LOWER the cost of prescription drugs for both Retired Americans and the tax payers who pay Medicare taxes. WHY?

If Bush vetoes this new law, it is time to override his veto and put this president in his place. If any member of Congress, Republican, Democrat or independent fails to vote to override a Bush Veto of this measure they need to be removed from office the next time they come up for reelection. A Bush Veto of as bill that would lower drug prices is simple unjustifiable and can not be allowed to stand! It is time to act in the best interest of Americans not the Drug Companies.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 15, 2007

You do not pay taxes? The interest on the growing debt is being paid by anyone that pays taxes.

I'm getting ready to pay more taxes now that your party is in control. 

Higher Energy impacts every person and every Business. In addition because we are depended of areas that produce the oil it creates Foreign Policy Issues. Even Bush admits
Our dependence is a major problem

Round and round we go.  The economy has absored the higher energy costs, and the affects on Americans have been minimal. We have shown this.

It is Bush who has failed to ENFORCE our Immigration Laws not the Democrats. The last I looked Bush is a Republican. He wants to give illegal’s resident status.

This is what happens when you don't read any article that isn't labeled anti-Bush.  Democrats want more immigrants, and they want their college and medical bills paid for!

and the jobs that are being created pay much less with fewer benefits then the jobs that were lost. Tell the people that have

Something else we have proven to be wrong!

You are full of BS. More then 2 Million MORE people lost their health care since Bush Took Office. Many employers have eliminated coverage and the low income workers can not afford coverage. Over half of Wal Mart employees are paid so little they qualify for Medicaid

How is that the fault of Bush?  You act like Bush personally removed the coverage from someone.  If someone can't afford medical insurance then there is other alternatives like getting a second job or using community resources that are available.  The governments job is not health care.  Why someone who complains about government spending would want a universal health care system, I have no idea.

You are too dumb to recognize just how much Bush and the GOP Policies have harmed this country!

You can insult me all you want, but it doesn't make you right.  I'm not the one who is obsessed with Bush and blames him for every single thing that goes on in this country.  You might think I"m "dumb", but I"m smart enough to manage my own finances and not blame the government and Bush for somehting that goes wrong in my life. 

The Census Bureau has reported the Average Weekly Wage AFTER INFLATION is not up but down!

And other reports have shown the opposite.  You believe anything that goes against Bush, but totally ignore anything else. 

Here's one for ya!

"The gap between rich and poor -- a rallying cry for some congressional Democrats wanting to increase mandates on business -- isn't really growing that much, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau"

on Jan 15, 2007
Every answer above is pure BS!
on Jan 16, 2007
t is Bush who has failed to ENFORCE our Immigration Laws not the Democrats. The last I looked Bush is a Republican. He wants to give illegal’s resident status.

CLINTON ALSO FAILED to properly address it! As a matter of fact it's been quite a while since ANY president jumped on this. So what's your point?

Every answer above is pure BS!

The "only" BS around here is you!
on Jan 16, 2007

Every answer above is pure BS!

LOL.  You can't answer the fact that Bush doesn't control the everyday lives of Americans. 

"The gap between rich and poor -- a rallying cry for some congressional Democrats wanting to increase mandates on business -- isn't really growing that much, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau"


on Jan 16, 2007

"CLINTON ALSO FAILED to properly address it! As a matter of fact it's been quite a while since ANY president jumped on this. So what's your point?"

Clinton is has not been president for over 6 years. That is my point!


". You can't answer the fact that Bush doesn't control the everyday lives of Americans” I question the fact that Bush has not done his JOB. The security of this country is JOB ONE for ALL presidents. How can this be accomplished when the President does not protect our borders, ports and refuses to enforce the laws of our country?

on Jan 16, 2007

The security of this country is JOB ONE for ALL presidents. How can this be accomplished when the President does not protect our borders, ports and refuses to enforce the laws of our country?

Col, there is more work to be done on national security, but Bush has done more than any other President.

It's hard to fight immigration when democrats are pushing for immigrants and want entitlements for them.  There is more to protecting our borders than Bush giving some magical order that stops everything.  Politics, ACLU, pro-immigrant groups, and much more have a dramatic effect on the security of this nation. 

For once if you would stop blaming Bush for everything and realize this, maybe you will come to understand something.

on Jan 16, 2007

9/11 took place on the watch of GWB. If there was any question about the danger to our country BEFORE 9/11 there is NO question since 9/11.

More then five years AFTER 9/11 Bush has not even requested the manpower HE SAID was required to secure the Border WHY?

We are still not inspecting 90% of the containers that enter our ports. WHY.

We are not enforcing our immigration laws WHY.

Bush has had more then enough time to deal with these issues above. For you to make excuses for his inaction to protect this country 5 years after we were attacked is ludicrous. We can attack a country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and have spent 1/2 Trillion dollars on that war. However we can not find the resources to protect our ports, border and enforce our immigration laws. That is pure BS!
on Jan 16, 2007
9/11 took place on the watch of GWB. If there was any question about the danger to our country BEFORE 9/11 there is NO question since 9/11.

And Sept. 11 was planned on Clintons watch.  The first WTC attack was on Clintons watch.  USS Cole was on Clintons watch....I can go on and on......

More then five years AFTER 9/11 Bush has not even requested the manpower HE SAID was required to secure the Border WHY?

We are still not inspecting 90% of the containers that enter our ports. WHY.

We are not enforcing our immigration laws WHY.

It's called politics col!

For you to make excuses for his inaction to protect this country 5 years after we were attacked is ludicrous. We can attack a country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and have spent 1/2 Trillion dollars on that war. However we can not find the resources to protect our ports, border and enforce our immigration laws. That is pure BS!

There hasn't been an attack on American soil since Sept. 11 col.  Even though people like you keep telling us how we are making terrorists "mad". 
on Jan 16, 2007
9/11 took place on the watch of GWB. If there was any question about the danger to our country BEFORE 9/11 there is NO question since 9/11.

More then five years AFTER 9/11 Bush has not even requested the manpower HE SAID was required to secure the Border WHY?

We are still not inspecting 90% of the containers that enter our ports. WHY.

We are not enforcing our immigration laws WHY.

because you're an idiot, that's "why".
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