Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on January 14, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Below is my advice of what we should do in Iraq:

1. Shift 50,000 troops to Afghanistan and keep the balance in Iraq.

2. Reassign remaining U.S. military in Iraq to perform the following missions:

A.Secure the border of Iraq and help protect the infrastructure.
B.Destroy all foreign terrorist forces in western Iraq and prevent their operation in the future.
C.Provide logistical and air support for Iraqi military forces.

3.Turn over ALL combat operations against Sunni/Shiite areas to Iraqi Forces.

4.Increase the training of Iraqi military and police forces.

If the Iraqi Government and military ends the sectarian violence and provides the political compromises to end the violence, we would continue the four missions above. If the Iraqi’s fail to establish security and come to the political compromises within the next 12 months, we REMOVE ALL U.S. Forces from Iraq!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 15, 2007
Glad to see you all agree with my suggestions.
on Jan 15, 2007
The New York Times

January 15, 2007
U.S. and Iraqis Are Wrangling Over War Plans

This article was reported by John F. Burns, Sabrina Tavernise and Marc Santora, and written by Mr. Burns.

BAGHDAD, Jan. 14 — Just days after President Bush unveiled a new war plan calling for more than 20,000 additional American troops in Iraq, the heart of the effort — a major push to secure the capital — faces some of its fiercest resistance from the very people it depends on for success: Iraqi government officials.

American military officials have spent days huddled in meetings with Iraqi officers in a race to turn blueprints drawn up in Washington into a plan that will work on the ground in Baghdad. With the first American and Iraqi units dedicated to the plan due to be in place within weeks, time is short for setting details of what American officers view as the decisive battle of the war.

But the signs so far have unnerved some Americans working on the plan, who have described a web of problems — ranging from a contested chain of command to how to protect American troops deployed in some of Baghdad’s most dangerous districts — that some fear could hobble the effort before it begins.

First among the American concerns is a Shiite-led government that has been so dogmatic in its attitude that the Americans worry that they will be frustrated in their aim of cracking down equally on Shiite and Sunni extremists, a strategy President Bush has declared central to the plan.

“We are implementing a strategy to embolden a government that is actually part of the problem,” said an American military official in Baghdad involved in talks over the plan. “We are being played like a pawn.”
on Jan 15, 2007
Glad to see you all agree with my suggestions.

Not feeding the troll does not indicate agreeing with said troll.

'nuff said.
on Jan 15, 2007
Silence is consent.
on Jan 15, 2007

Silence is consent.

WRONG! We just choose not to respond to your idiocy!
on Jan 15, 2007

Silence is consent.

Like when someone posts how good the economy is doing, and it draws no comments?

on Jan 15, 2007

I have documented that the economy is only GOOD for the upper income Americans. The retires and working Americans have scene a drop in their RERAL after inflation wages and the new jobs that are being created pay far less then the jobs that were lost. The U.S. Metro Economies Report done for the U.S. Conference of Mayors Documents this fact. The average salary for the jobs lost from 2001-2003 was $43,629. The Average salary for the jobs created during the past three years is $34,378. That is 20% drop and after inflation is over 30% less. That same study documented that in 18 states the employment has NOT returned to the 2000 level and that we need 1 million MORE jobs to be just even with 2000. That is the real story about Jobs not just that we have added 5 million jobs. In addition the same study said that health and retirement benefits have also dropped for the newly created jobs compared with the jobs that were lost.
on Jan 15, 2007

I have documented that the economy is only GOOD for the upper income Americans.

And we have documented otherwise.

The U.S. Metro Economies Report done for the U.S. Conference of Mayors Documents this fact.

In which newer data shows incomes are rising even after inflation.  Try again.

Why do you ignore anything that shows good?  The economy is not as half as bad you make it out to be. 

on Jan 15, 2007
You have not shown that the drop in salaries for the new jobs has been overcome. You have not shown that the 1 million jobs that we are short have been created. You have not shown that the new jobs are restoring health and retirement benefits. The economy is GOOD only for the upper income Americans. The Low and middle income workers have NOT benefited from the Bush Economy! The majority of the retired see their after inflation income buy less every year!
on Jan 16, 2007
You have not shown that the drop in salaries for the new jobs has been overcome. You have not shown that the 1 million jobs that we are short have been created. You have not shown that the new jobs are restoring health and retirement benefits. The economy is GOOD only for the upper income Americans. The Low and middle income workers have NOT benefited from the Bush Economy! The majority of the retired see their after inflation income buy less every year!

I see how it is now...ID knocked the leg out from under your tripod. So rather than possibly admitting defeat, you skip over it and repeat the same tired talking points.

The U.S. Metro Economies Report done for the U.S. Conference of Mayors Documents this fact.

In which newer data shows incomes are rising even after inflation. Try again.
Why do you ignore anything that shows good? The economy is not as half as bad you make it out to be.
on Jan 16, 2007

Wages have increase to some degree but middle income workers are not better off after inflation.

You have not addressed the fact that the NEW jobs being created do not pay as much as the jobs that have been lost. You have not shown where companies are restoring health and retirement benefits. You have not shown where we have added enough new jobs to make up for the 1 million jobs we are SHORT compared with 2000.
on Jan 16, 2007
Now lets get back to the subject of this Blog - A New Iraq Policy.
on Jan 16, 2007


Wages have increase to some degree but middle income workers are not better off after inflation.

Wages are still up after inflation, this directly disputes the rhetoric you talk about.  The economy is good col, no matter what DNC talking points you bring up. 

Now lets get back to the subject of this Blog - A New Iraq Policy.


on Jan 16, 2007

You like Bush are not interested in alternatives for Iraq just more Stay The Course which is what the NEW Bush plan amounts to.

The data from the census bureau says after inflation Average Weekly wage is NOT UP. It is also true that the New jobs from this great Bush economy pay over 20% LESS then the jobs that were lost and have less health and retirement benefits. SOME GREAT ECONOMY. In addition show me how the 46 Million Retired are better off under the Bush economy?
on Jan 16, 2007
You like Bush are not interested in alternatives for Iraq just more Stay The Course which is what the NEW Bush plan amounts to.

I don't want "stay the course", I want take the restrictions off our troops and let them do what they need to do!  But of course if that happens people will complain, so we can't do that. 

It is also true that the New jobs from this great Bush economy pay over 20% LESS then the jobs that were lost and have less health and retirement benefits. SOME GREAT ECONOMY. In addition show me how the 46 Million Retired are better off under the Bush economy?

First of all, your wages opinion is just false.  I have shown you how it was democratic rhetoric that Kerry started during his campaign, and was proven FALSE.

Secondly, none of it is Bush's fault anyways!  Bush does not control what you make col!  Do you understand that basic fact?

People don't have health insurance....IT'S NOT THE FAULT OF BUSH!
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