Below is my advice of what we should do in Iraq:
1. Shift 50,000 troops to Afghanistan and keep the balance in Iraq.
2. Reassign remaining U.S. military in Iraq to perform the following missions:
A.Secure the border of Iraq and help protect the infrastructure.
B.Destroy all foreign terrorist forces in western Iraq and prevent their operation in the future.
C.Provide logistical and air support for Iraqi military forces.
3.Turn over ALL combat operations against Sunni/Shiite areas to Iraqi Forces.
4.Increase the training of Iraqi military and police forces.
If the Iraqi Government and military ends the sectarian violence and provides the political compromises to end the violence, we would continue the four missions above. If the Iraqi’s fail to establish security and come to the political compromises within the next 12 months, we REMOVE ALL U.S. Forces from Iraq!