Look at their 2006 net profits
The three largest integrated U.S. oil companies posted their 2006 Profits. These are the companies that Bush and the GOP gave $12 Billion of your money for more tax brakes. This is what they reported as their 2006 net earnings:
Exxon Mobile $39.5 Billion - up $3.4 Billion over 2005
Chevron $17.1 Billion – up $3.0 Billion over 2005
Conoco Phillips $15.5 Billion – up $2.0 Billion over 2005
These increases are outlandish and mean that every American paid too much for the gasoline and oil they needed to live. These oil companies did not just pass on the higher crude oil prices to consumers but used the instability in the oil producing areas to inflate their profits. It is time to pass an excess profits tax on oil companies that practice such irresponsible pricing policies to inflate their profits. That excess profits tax should be used to produce alternate energy sources to move our country closer to energy independence from foreign crude oil purchases.