Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Look at their 2006 net profits
Published on February 2, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

The three largest integrated U.S. oil companies posted their 2006 Profits. These are the companies that Bush and the GOP gave $12 Billion of your money for more tax brakes. This is what they reported as their 2006 net earnings:

Exxon Mobile $39.5 Billion - up $3.4 Billion over 2005

Chevron $17.1 Billion – up $3.0 Billion over 2005

Conoco Phillips $15.5 Billion – up $2.0 Billion over 2005

These increases are outlandish and mean that every American paid too much for the gasoline and oil they needed to live. These oil companies did not just pass on the higher crude oil prices to consumers but used the instability in the oil producing areas to inflate their profits. It is time to pass an excess profits tax on oil companies that practice such irresponsible pricing policies to inflate their profits. That excess profits tax should be used to produce alternate energy sources to move our country closer to energy independence from foreign crude oil purchases.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 03, 2007
Just john

It is not just me but EVERY American that is paying higher prices for gasoline and heating oil to satisfy the GREED of people like you. You are giving the finger to all Americans and All American Businesses. What an ASS you and others are that support the unjust policies of President George W. Bush!

Again I call bullsh*t! Gas here in Pittsburgh is running from $2.05 at Sheetz to $2.15 at SUNOCO! Now explain how that's a "higher" price? BTW, if you like, I can provide pictures of their signs for you. So now who's giving the finger to who? You are our resident ASS!

And just for the "record"....YOUR point has everything to do with socialism!
on Feb 03, 2007
What I am suggesting is offsetting the power of Big Oil to redirect the outrageous profits they have extracted from all of us with the monopoly like power they possess. Let's put it to a vote. I bet my position will win hands down! After all this is a democracy!
on Feb 03, 2007
" What I am suggesting is offsetting the power of Big Oil to redirect the outrageous profits they have extracted from all of us with the monopoly like power they possess. "

Redirect them to the government.
on Feb 03, 2007
What I am suggesting is offsetting the power of Big Oil to redirect the outrageous profits they have extracted from all of us with the monopoly like power they possess. Let's put it to a vote. I bet my position will win hands down! After all this is a democracy!


So we should have a vote and decide how what should be done with the profit a business makes? 
on Feb 03, 2007
Bakerstreet “Redirect them to the government”

No redirecting them back to the people that they were taken from - you and me. My suggestion would have the government use those unjustified profits to benefit all of us by creating alternate energy sources. While the work was being accomplished with the money redirected from Big Oil, People doing the work and making the equipment would be working. The companies hired by the Fed would be making profits. In the end we end up with added energy that is under OUR control. That is what I am suggesting and it is a lot better than allowing a few fat cats to stuff their bank accounts with the blood money they took from all of us!


That vote was taken in November 2006 and YOU LOOSE!
on Feb 03, 2007
Socialism plain and simple. The government forcibly takes the profits from a company for the "greater good". There is nothing about it that is not socialism.

Brad beat me to the remedial math lesson, so I won't repeat it. How can you possibly claim excessive profits on such a small profit margin? Do you have even a rudimentary understanding of economics?

Sell your car and go buy a bicycle if you want to make a statement against the oil companies.
on Feb 03, 2007
"No redirecting them back to the people that they were taken from - you and me. My suggestion would have the government use those unjustified profits to benefit all of us by creating alternate energy sources."

So I guess I was... wrong?

"You can put as many exclaimation points as you like, but it doesn't cover the fact that you are trying to shift money from private industry to the government on the pretense that it is "good" for us."

If you wanted to put the money in our pockets you'd suggest something like government price caps on gasoline and petroleum products. You'd at least offer something that keeps the money in our pockets. Instead we pay just as much, only more of the money goes to the government.

Oh, but then we'll be paying MORE won't we, because inevitably when you raise taxes on the oil companies they'll just raise their prices. Why not just come out of the closet and admit you are way more a fan of Chavez than of capitalism.
on Feb 03, 2007

That vote was taken in November 2006 and YOU LOOSE!

That "vote" had nothing to do with "big oil" col.
on Feb 03, 2007
Indeed and unfortunately, Communism wasn't on the balot.
on Feb 04, 2007
The Vote in November 2006 had to do with ALL the Bush/GOP policies which the majority DOES NOT WANT! If you think the public is happy when they see the obscene profits by Big Oil and know it is because they are paying too much for the gas they need, think again.
My suggestions are not Communism. The reality you ignore is that Big Oil is not free enterprise and competition. It is an example how an industry that produces an essential product has consolidated power to control the market not be controlled by it. They create supply problems and then exploit the public with increased prices. They use the increase in Crude Oil prices to not only recover their ADDED cost but than add another Layer to increase their own profits. They receive tax cuts that increase the national debt and for WHAT? Helping an industry that is in trouble like Chrysler in the 1980's is one thing. Going into debt to give industry money that is increasing their profits at the expense of EVERY American is another issue. Bush and the GOP have put our country further into debt so he can reward companies that overcharge the same tax payers that will pay the added interest and repay the debt added from the tax cuts to big oil. The term I have for the is "WRONG!!!!!"
on Feb 04, 2007
The Vote in November 2006 had to do with ALL the Bush/GOP policies which the majority DOES NOT WANT! If you think the public is happy when they see the obscene profits by Big Oil and know it is because they are paying too much for the gas they need, think again.

Sorry, but you're an idiot! The vote in Nov had NOTHING to do with President Bush's policies. What it had EVERYTHING to do with they didn't like the way CONGRESS was being run! Grow at least 1/2 a brain will ya?

And BTW...they said SOCIALISM NOT COMMUNISISM! Don't you know the difference?

They create supply problems

Big oil does NOT create supply problems! What creates supply problems is the DEMOCRAPS and GREENIES not allowing them to build any more refineries! If you would "bother" to do a "little" research once in a while....you'd already know that ALL present refineries are running at 100% capacity! So if they're all running at 100%, just "how" are they creating a supply problem?
on Feb 04, 2007
This is a perfect example of someone arguing a point based on emotional hatred and talking points.  I notice col doesn't advocate this for any other industry, but since "big oil" is hated so much by the far left it's todays target.

on Feb 04, 2007

Since Congress was a rubber stamp of the Bush policies, I guess the people voted against both Bush and the GOP in Congress!


I hate what Big Oil is doing to the people of this country. So far as I am concerned the welfare of the people is MORE important that what a few greedy oil companies want. That however is not the feeling of Bush, the GOP and YOU!
on Feb 04, 2007
I hate what Big Oil is doing to the people of this country. So far as I am concerned the welfare of the people is MORE important that what a few greedy oil companies want. That however is not the feeling of Bush, the GOP and YOU!


Big oil doesn't affect your life col, get over that.  Once again you are over-dramatizing this, and arguing with emotion.  You have lost this argument AGAIN and shown that you are a true socialist at heart.
on Feb 04, 2007
Not to put too fine a point on it, but you're deranged, Gene. There's no talking sense with you.
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