Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on February 4, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Yesterday Bush went into the lions den and addressed the Democratic Issues Conference in Williamsburg, VA. One of the subjects Bush discussed was his suggestion to deal with the 47 Million of Americans that have No health insurance. He admitted that many thought his tax deduction proposal was, as he put it, “a lousy idea”.

Why is the Bush plan a “lousy idea”? Because by the president’s own estimate his plan would help 3 million people obtain health insurance. I am sure his supporters will say that is a start and will help 3 million Americans. Although that is true, what kind of a solution is one that resolves 6% of the problem and does NOTHING for the other 94%? I can understand a plan that would address 94% of the problem and allow the other 6% to some other solution but not a suggestion by the president that does not hold a solution for the vast majority of the problem.

The majority of the people that can not afford health insurance have incomes so low that no tax cut will give them the money to purchase private heath insurance. Like the Bush solution for the funding problems of Social Security, the Bush health insurance solution DOES NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM!

on Feb 04, 2007
It's not the governments responsibility to provide health care or health insurance. You should also understand that the 47 million number is not accurate either. The census bureau has acknowledged the numbers are not right, and it does not take into account people who do not want health insurance. However, that doesn't matter, let's find a way to blame Bush for it!
on Feb 04, 2007

If the federal government has no responsibility for helping our citizens secure health insurance, WHY is Bush addressing the issue?

What the federal Government does is in response to the will of the majority of our people. So it may be YOUR opinion that the government has no responsibility to help provide health care but that does not appear to be the feeling of the majority. If you were correct, we would not have Medicare and Medicaid!

I doubt that very many people do not want health insurance. They can not afford the coveage. Any one that is sick would want medical care to make them feel better!
on Feb 04, 2007

Because Bush is sucking up to democrats, thats why.

Once again col, where do you get that the majority of people want a socialist healthcare system?

People can get medical care, health insurance is not medical care! 
on Feb 04, 2007

The majority want health care. I did not say socialized health care. Many people can not afford medical care and unless they are below the poverty level they do not qualify for Medicaid. Again you do not know what you are taking about!
on Feb 04, 2007
Health care and health insurance are two different things. Everyone has access to health care col. Who should provide the health care/health insurance col?
on Feb 04, 2007

You must be able to pay for health care unless you qualify for Medicaid. Millions can not afford health care and have no insurance. As usual you are in denial. Even Bush acknowledges the problem but his solution is a non solution! Just like his Social Security Solution which makes it harder to pay the promised Boomer benefits!
on Feb 04, 2007
Millions can not afford health care and have no insurance. As usual you are in denial. Even Bush acknowledges the problem but his solution is a non solution! Just like his Social Security Solution which makes it harder to pay the promised Boomer benefits!

And that is NOT the problem of the federal government.  I am not in denial of anything, anybody can get medical attention if needed, you are trying to tell us it's the responsibility of the federal government to pay for it.

on Feb 04, 2007

If everyone could afford health insurance with no help, 47 Million would not be without coverage. Again you may think this is not a responsibility of the Fed to help but that may not be what the majority of Americans want!
on Feb 05, 2007

If everyone could afford health insurance with no help, 47 Million would not be without coverage. Again you may think this is not a responsibility of the Fed to help but that may not be what the majority of Americans want!

More democrap talking points!
on Feb 05, 2007
If everyone could afford health insurance with no help, 47 Million would not be without coverage. Again you may think this is not a responsibility of the Fed to help but that may not be what the majority of Americans want!

What are you talking about?  Where is there proof Americans want government supplied health care? 

Once again you assume the "47 million" can't afford coverage.  You don't know anything about the lifestyles of people or what they choose to spend, or not to spend their money on. 

You still have offered no real solution, except it's the fault of Bush.

Do you want government supplied health care?
on Feb 06, 2007

Not the government's job to be mommy.