Yesterday Bush went into the lions den and addressed the Democratic Issues Conference in Williamsburg, VA. One of the subjects Bush discussed was his suggestion to deal with the 47 Million of Americans that have No health insurance. He admitted that many thought his tax deduction proposal was, as he put it, “a lousy idea”.
Why is the Bush plan a “lousy idea”? Because by the president’s own estimate his plan would help 3 million people obtain health insurance. I am sure his supporters will say that is a start and will help 3 million Americans. Although that is true, what kind of a solution is one that resolves 6% of the problem and does NOTHING for the other 94%? I can understand a plan that would address 94% of the problem and allow the other 6% to some other solution but not a suggestion by the president that does not hold a solution for the vast majority of the problem.
The majority of the people that can not afford health insurance have incomes so low that no tax cut will give them the money to purchase private heath insurance. Like the Bush solution for the funding problems of Social Security, the Bush health insurance solution DOES NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM!